Page 21 of Primal Claim
Control yourself, asshole.
Though he wasn’t sure what he expected out of Chastity’s office—it was cleaner, more expansive, almost masculine in its sparseness—it definitely wasn’t what he found there. There wasn’t even any art on the white-painted walls. The only concession she’d seemed to have made to anything remotely feminine were the red, yellow, and blue flowers accenting the credenza behind her computer monitor, their floral note almost totally drowned out by the remnant scent of Chastity’s cunt.
The wall immediately behind her desk was floor-to-ceiling glass. Though the vertical blinds were currently drawn to block out the afternoon light, he was sure the windows would afford an impressive view. She was on the fifteenth floor of a thirty-story building, and he had no doubt an office like hers wasn’t one afforded to some simple menial or low-level manager.
That was something he never would have expected out of Chastity. Was it possible that at work his frightened little Omega was the powerful, cool alpha female? He grinned at the idea. Poor thing had no idea that her days of being the top boss bitch at work were rapidly coming to an end, if he had anything to say about it.
The door to the office cracked open. He tensed, anticipating Chastity’s arrival, but it was Autumn’s smiling face that peeked inside, instead. “Hey, I just wanted to check to see if you needed some coffee or something?”
He nodded at her. “I’d like that. One cream, two sugars. Make it quick.”
Autumn’s pretty lashes fluttered a moment, then her smile brightened. “Oh! Um, that’s no problem. I’ll be right back.”
The door closed behind her before he could say another word.
He suspected now that she knew he was an Alpha, her quick willingness to do whatever he told her the hallmark of a female who understood—if only at a subconscious level—who she was dealing with. That would make things easier, if the plan he’d begun to envision could be put into action.
He rose from her chair, strolling the perimeter of the space, ending up at the window, pulling back a slat of the blinds to peer out at the view. The building actually had a U-shaped footprint, and Chastity’s office looked down upon a vast courtyard below, accented by attractive greenery and lush emerald lawns. The other half of the building towered directly opposite, the base of the ‘U’ the part of the structure immediately facing the street.
At that moment, a quickening of his blood had him on alert, his cock suddenly heavier, erection like steel now.
“Um, hello? Who are y—”
He spun smoothly on his heel toward the sound of Chastity’s pleasingly distressed voice. Her words died on her tongue as she recognized him, taking a tiny, shocked step backward.
You take too much enjoyment in that, Adam.
It was true, of course. It still didn’t mean he cared. Pleasure was his to take. It was ever thus, and it would be so now.
“Hello, Chastity.” He wanted to dash to her already, capture her, have his way with her, but he stayed very still, not wanting her to panic. She could make a scene, cause real trouble if she overreacted.
He could handle anything she tried at her home—or his for that matter. But here, he had to be a little more… circumspect. Though he had no intention of being that way for long.
“What are you… how did you know where I worked?” Her hair was up in a messy bun, her lips kissed with a pale pink gloss. She wore a crisp white blouse, the top button tastefully undone, displaying a pretty silver necklace hinting at just the beginning of cleavage. The slacks she wore, black as midnight, hugged her rounded hips tightly, her heels, open-toed and at least four inches high were probably just past the line of appropriate. It was a surprisingly provocative outfit for an office environment.
Affecting a shrug, he strolled slowly back to her workstation, dragging a fingertip along the desktop’s clean plane. “I have my ways.”
“W-why are you… here?” Her voice was tight, almost squeaking, but he was pleased she hadn’t moved from her spot in the doorway. The muted ring of a phone on the floor somewhere behind her drifted in, then the faintest sound of laughter.
“Come in and close the door.”
She glanced behind her, as if she’d forgotten where she was for a moment, then stepped inside. Just before the door could close, a hand wrapped around the edge, and pushed it open again.
“Oh! Hi, Chastity. Must have missed you.” Autumn slipped past her, a cup of steaming coffee in hand. She gave him a tentative little smile, eyelashes batting as she set it carefully on the desk. “Here… here you go.”
Adam gave her the faintest of nods, eyes sliding immediately back to Chastity, drinking in her shock and dismay.
“Uh, Autumn… hi, I um, I’m going to need a minute.” She tilted her head back toward the door. “Can you, um, grab me a cup, too?”
“Sure thing!” The admin flashed him one last look. “It was… nice to meet you, uh, sir.”
“Thank you, Autumn,” he murmured, blowing upon the hot liquid.
“I’ll come out and get it in a minute,” Chastity said pointedly.
Then Autumn was gone, the door closing with a softsnickbehind her.