Page 26 of Primal Claim
“Every time you’re punished, you’ll finish it out with my cock deep inside your cunt. Or mouth. Or ass. You don’t get a reprieve from serving me just because you have a sore ass. You need the reminder of your place, Omega.” He grasped her hips and sheathed his cock inside her in one thrust, groaning loudly as Chastity clenched down on him. She whimpered as he settled just a little deeper inside her, the painful stretch exquisite to her desperate body.
“Fuck…” she gasped. Her back muscles trembled, and she forced herself to stay up, fighting the urge to collapse and let him fuck her like a rag doll, helpless in his iron grip.
“I haveneverfucked a woman with a cunt as tight as yours.” His grip on her hips tightened and he pulled out, slamming his hips home and forcing a cry from her as the head of his cock jammed up against her cervix. It hurt, yes, but her pussy clenched down on his cock and Chastity couldn’t deny how much she craved the rough treatment. He had been hard on her at the office, but she had been forced to stay quiet and part of her had almost felt that he was holding back somehow.
She didn’t think that now. He set a brutal pace, his hips snapping against her sore ass harshly, every now and then landing a spank on her scorched skin. She cried out in pain, pleasure, desperation as he fucked her hard, somehow giving her exactly what she had never known she needed.
“Fuck, Adam…” She moaned loudly as she felt herself getting closer to orgasm. Just a little more…
Adam grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, her neck cranking at an uncomfortable angle even as he continued pounding into her. “Address me properly, slut,” he growled, slapping her burning ass again.
She swallowed hard, the humiliation of the demand paling in the face of how much she wanted to come. “Fuck… Sir, please! I’m so close, I need to come! Let me come… God, please…!” She clenched down on his cock, milking its thickness with her spasming pussy and making the pain flare just a hair brighter when the head rammed against her cervix. God, she was so close…
He chuckled. “No.” His fingers dug into her hips and he let out a shout before her brain could register what he had said. His hips shuddered to a stop with his cock deep inside her, pulsing as he came. Her pussy twitched around him, the unfulfilled orgasm that had been just a few strokes away fading rapidly, and she let out a soft cry as his softening cock pulled free of her pussy.
“I don’t see any reason for this cunt to come if you’re not in heat.” His voice was matter of fact, if a little winded, and Chastity couldn’t help herself. She straightened up and whirled around, his cum dripping out of her in viscous strands. She opened her mouth, ready to protest and tell him off, but the words died at the deeply satisfied expression on his face.
He cupped her chin and kissed her hard, pinching one of her nipples harshly. Her body thrummed with need as she moaned into his mouth, and he pulled away with a laugh. “I know what your body needs better than you do, slut. Don’t question me. Your Alpha knows best.” He pressed a small kiss to the corner of her slack lips, and she swallowed hard.
He pulled away and glanced down, raising an eyebrow at the puddle of their combined fluids that was forming between her legs. “You’re making a mess, slut. Clean it up.”
Chastity looked down, blushing hard at the evidence of her arousal combined with his. She took a step into the kitchen to fetch a rag to clean the floor with, but a click of his tongue stopped her in her tracks.
“I didn’t say get a rag. Lick it up, slut.”
His expression was deadly serious, and Chastity knew he meant every word. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to obey, staring at the small puddle on the wood floor as if it was a spider that was going to bite her.
“I’m sure you have something around here that I can use as a cane if you decide to be defiant, Chastity.” His voice was quiet, but it spurred her into action. She dropped to her knees, wincing when her shins slammed against the wooden floor, then forced herself to lean down and lap at the puddle. The saltiness of his semen and her juices lingered on her tongue as she quickly cleaned up the mess, and when she sat back, a tear of mortification slid down her cheek.
“Good girl.” He touched her hair tenderly, and Chastity closed her eyes, unable to look at his face.
What are you doing to me?
Adam stayed the night that night, teasing her to the edge countless more times with his fingers and cock. Chastity lost count of the number of times that she begged for him to make her come, only for him to lean in close, his lips brushing against her ear, and say, “Not on your life, Omega.”
More than once, she asked herself why she didn’t push him away and call the cops, tell them that someone was harassing her and have him escorted out of her house. Forcibly if necessary. Then his fingers or his cock would return to her dripping hole and she would become entrenched in her need again, forgetting that she was ever considering kicking him out in the first place.
If she was being honest with herself, she didn’t fall asleep as much as she collapsed on her bed out of exhaustion, Adam’s warmth curling in close behind her as she passed out. Her last thought before she fell asleep was that her heat must have really driven her temperature up a lot; she distinctly remembered his skin being cool to the touch in the few hazy memories she had of her heat.
When she woke up early the next day, Adam woke with her and proceeded to go through every article of clothing in her closet. Every now and then he would tut at a particular item, but other than that he didn’t say anything about her clothes, or to her at all, really. He picked out an outfit for her and laid it on the bed, fixing her with a hard gaze that told her what would happen if she decided to go off book and not do what he was implying for her.
He left the apartment before she could protest or think of anything to say, really, and she got dressed in the clothes that he had selected for her. As she teetered out of her house in the tallest heels she owned, she again wondered why she was doing this. He wasn’t around, it wasn’t like he could force her to wear what he wanted…
Part of her knew that the consequences of disobeying wouldn’t be worth the temporary triumph of independence. Whether she had planned it or not, Adam had inserted himself into her life and she had the feeling he wasn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Her appointment with Dr. Jones was before work, and it more or less confirmed everything that Chastity already knew, and the doctor had already told her. Yes, she was an Omega, and yes, her hormones were starting to adjust to levels typical of an Omega in her thirties.
“It’ll take a few weeks, probably not until after your next heat before you notice any significant changes, but the physical changes will happen gradually and your hormones should stabilize after a little while.” Her eyes were warm with sympathy as she looked at Chastity, sitting in the chair rather than on the exam table. “Do you have any questions?”
Chastity hadn’t been able to think of any, and shook her head firmly. Before she got ready to leave, Dr. Jones offered again to write her a prescription for the medication that would suppress her heat, and for a moment, Chastity genuinely considered it. The side effects might be nasty, but if it meant that she wasn’t going to turn into a mindless sex toy for a week out of every month…
At the end, though, she shook her head and thanked Dr. Jones. She couldn’t say why she didn’t take the doctor up on her offer; it would certainly make her life a little bit easier, and would make sure that her new… status wouldn’t interfere with her work life. A nagging feeling in her stomach told her that it was a bad idea, though, and she left the office empty handed, hiking her purse further up on her shoulder as she caught a taxi to get to work.
When she got to the building, it seemed there was a new attitude. Her coworkers all greeted her the same way they usually did as she made her way up the several floors to her office, but the women stayed a little bit further away from her, and it seemed that her male coworkers went out of their way to approach her, touch her hand or shoulder in greeting. Be more… friendly.
She brushed it off as paranoia until she was on her office floor, and she pulled her phone out of her pocket to check and see if she had any messages from… him.