Page 40 of Primal Claim
As he walked Maddox to the door, his visitor had one last bit of advice to impart. “If you only use her mouth after she’s punished, you might build up a negative association. Omegas crave the cock, almost all the time, especially once they’re bred. It’s best to give it to them. Make it her job, her duty, her sole purpose to take care of it, to service it, to obsess over it and worship it like her god.” Maddox winked. “You’ll be very glad you did.”
As Adam opened the door, Maddox slipped him his card, an almost all black affair with a streak of fading purple diagonally slashed across one corner. Embossed across it, written in an elegant script was:
Enhancer Solutions, Inc.
He clapped Adam on the shoulder. “My number’s there, if you have more questions. Leave a message if I don’t answer.” He tapped a thick finger against the card. “And when you’re ready to take her through it, call me about these. You’ll be glad you did… even if she may think differently.”
“Itoldyou Maddox knows his shit,” Jim said as soon as he picked up the call.
Adam leaned back on the couch, propping a boot on the edge of Chastity’s coffee table. She was in the bedroom, exhausted, deep in slumber.
He’d fucked her senseless approximately five seconds after Maddox had left. Adam had allowed her to come—once—and she’d taken advantage of it, screaming out her denied need as he plowed her cunt mercilessly from behind, leaving her in a quivering heap upon her bed.
When he’d finished with her, she was beyond even speech, mumbling, delirious, inchoate as he finally pulled his cock out of her. With not a single word, he wrapped her in her blankets and left her to sleep, plunging the room into shadow as he killed the light on the way out the door.
He’d decided to call Jim, and update him on how his Omega was doing. Cracking open a beer, he’d made the call.
“So, what was his verdict on your Omega?” Jim’s voice was surprisingly eager. He had been talking with Adam more and more about his need to find an Omega of his own, but it hadn’t been anything much more than gentle ribbing about it.
“I think he liked what he saw—and felt.” Adam still wasn’t quite sure he was completely okay with another male’s hands on Chastity… but it hadn’t caused him to fly into a murderous rage and take Maddox’ head off when he’d watch him fondling her. Quite the opposite, actually.
That wasn’t an unknown thing among Alphas, of course. Yes, most were jealously possessive and territorial once they’d claimed an Omega—and for good reason considering the relative rarity of true Omegas—but there were a significant portion of Alphas who were quite willing to share their women to varying extents. There were a few where the Alphas gave other trusted males more or less open permission to use the Omega unless she’d been reserved by her Alpha. This was a concept that Adam felt was likely too far for his liking, but more and more the prospect of other males at least observing, and in certain circumstances touching her, did hold some appeal. He was surprised by that, but in the spirit of being open to experiences and reminding himself that this was his ‘first time’ (at least with an Omega), he was going to go slowly with things and see how they developed.
“You let him touch her? Wow, I’m impressed.”
“What the fuck does that mean, Jim?”
He laughed. “Relax, pal. That wasn’t some veiled shot at you. What I mean is I had you pegged for the ‘touch her and die’ sort.”
“You aren’t?” Adam wasn’t actually sure if he’d ever asked Jim that, specifically, but at that moment, he found himself curious.
Jim didn’t say anything for a moment. “Let’s just say, I’m more complex than the average knuckle-dragging Alpha stereotype, and leave it at that for now.”
Adam could read between the lines with that answer. Which got him thinking anew. Whatwashe prepared to allow when it came to his own Omega?
“Here’s the important thing—and it’s something I’ve had to remind myself a time or two over the years—what you do with your Omega. How she’s trained, used, punished, all of it—it’s entirely up to you. Nobody else has to approve, assuming you’re staying within at least the general spirit of our regulations. Outside of that? Fuck ‘em. Those considerations don’t mean a thing, unless you want them to. Am I making myself clear here?”
“I think so.” Adam scratched his chin, taking a slug from his beer. “Maddox thinks I need to induce her. But I’m not so sure yet.”
“Induce? Like…milk? Lactation?”
“You got it.”
“Holy shit,” Jim said, laughing. “She must have made an impression on him.”
“She makes an impression on everyone.” Adam smiled to himself. “Which is how I like it. Because everyone gets to see she’smine.”
“Planning on claiming her then?”
“Yes.” Adam gazed out at the winking city lights, the night having descended fully upon them now. “Sooner rather than later, actually.”
“Good… damned glad to hear it, actually.” There was real pleasure in Jim’s voice. “But there are a couple more things I would suggest. To both ease you into controlling her more, and to help prepare her—physically and psychologically—for what’s coming.”
“I’m all ears.” Adam was, in truth, grateful for Jim being so forthcoming. A lotof Alphas, perhaps most, were more like Adam’s dad, aloof to the point of being almost completely non-communicative about what it meant to take, train, and claim an Omega, as if this was knowledge so special, so privileged that you had to be in some secret club or society to get access to it.