Page 20 of Cruz: Skin Deep
He leaned back against his truck and stared at his phone. There was no one else he could call, so he put it in his pocket and walked across the road to get a burger and fries.
He hadn’t heard back from Bo by the time he finished eating his food and washing it down with a Pepsi. He’d been standing on the sidewalk looking across the road at his pickup, when he felt his phone vibrate. He threw his trash on the ground and walked back across the road as he pulled the phone back out of his pocket. “Yeah?”
“Hey, man.” It was Bo.
“You heard from Brian?”
“No, man…” Jimmy cut him off.
“Then why the fuck are you ringing?”
“Hold up a sec, Jimmy and I’ll tell ya.” He could hear Jimmy sigh. He really didn’t want to tell the asshole anything, but then again, he didn’t want to lose the work Jimmy gave him. Jimmy ran a construction company and Bo was a contractor who got most of his work, concrete cutting, from Jimmy.
If he had to choose between Brian and Jimmy…one gave him a living, and the other wasjust a friend.
“It was Blackheart,” Bo said. Blackheart was the president of the Jokers MC and he had just pulled up beside Bo at the parking lot where Bo had been sitting on his bike talking to Jimmy.
“Blackheart? He talked to you?” Jimmy asked.
“Yeah, of course,” Bo said.
“Well, he won’t ever talk to me,” Jimmy said.
Bo shook his head.No doubt.
“I told him I’d seen some of his boys riding out of town with the Skulls and asked where they were headed,” Bo said.
Give me a fucking chance you'll find out.“They’re on their annualEasy Riderrun.”
“Easy Rider run? What the fuck is that?” Jimmy asked.
“From here to LA. Following along the roads that the guys in the movie went on,” Bo told him.
“Haven't seen the fucking movie,” Jimmy said.
“No, neither have I. But I’d say they're probably in Lake Charles by now.”
“Send me the fucking route of this ride that they’re doing and make sure I can get hold of you whenever I call.”
“Sure, Jimmy. I’ll do that.”
“And keep trying to get a hold of Brian. I need to talk to that asshole soon, before I find him first and put a bullet in his fucking head for not answering his phone.”
“Sure, Jimmy,” Bo said. “Are you going to…” Jimmy ended the call.
Jimmy jumped in his truck and turned the key. Nothing happened. It wouldn’t start…it wouldn’t even turn over. “Fuck!” He stepped out and slammed the door and pulled out his phone.
He did a search for roadside assistance in Baton Rouge and called the number. Half an hour later his truck was on the back of a wrecker, and he was inside the cab getting a lift to a workshop where he’d asked if he could stay the night.
The operator had told him he wouldn’t be able to start on Jimmy’s truck until the morning, even after Jimmy had offered him cash, but he was welcome to sleep at the workshop.
Jimmy was resigned to the fact that he wouldn’t be going anywhere until tomorrow, but as soon as he located Brian, he would probably be caught up with Cruz too.
* * *
Lake Charles,Louisiana