Page 3 of Cruz: Skin Deep
She was expecting him to say something…anything…but he didn't even stop as he walked past her to his bike. Her eyes followed him, and she wondered whether he was going to get on and ride away without even asking her again whether he could give her a lift.
He opened his saddlebag and looked inside. “Ah, fuck,” he said.
With the saddlebag still open he looked back at her with a questioning look on his face, so she wandered over and looked inside for herself. “What?” she asked.
“It's empty,” he replied.
She gave him a quizzical look and he turned his eyes to her backpack. When he looked back at her face, he was smiling once again. He had the most beautiful smile… His whole face lit up. It made a change from everyone else she knew. Friends, family, and work colleagues all seemed to look at her these days with a feel-sorry look on their face. She found herself grinning again.That’s a change.He still hadn't said anything else and neither did she. Instead, she slipped the straps of the backpack off her shoulders and handed it to him. “I’ve never been on a bike,” she said.
He slid the backpack into the saddlebag and said, “Where were you headed?”
She looked at his kutte. He was a patched member of both the Skulls and the Jokers now, but today he was wearing his Phoenix Skulls kutte. The two clubs had an unusual arrangement, but it worked in both of their interests.
“Phoenix is a long way from here,” she said.
“That’s my destination,” he said. “There’s a lot of road between here and there for you to find yours.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Hmm…”Where did this guy come from?
“We can head in the general direction,” he said, “and you can get off anywhere you like.”
I would like to get off on you any day of the week, you sexy hunk.“You’re not a murderer or anything are you?” she asked.
“If I am,” he said, “you will only find out the once.” If he hadn’t had that same sexy smile on his face when he told her that, she would have been worried…but for some reason she already felt safe running away from life on the back of a Harley with a hot biker. She raised her eyebrows and tried to suppress the smile. “You can check the other saddlebag if you like. See what I’ve got in there. It’s nothing you should be worried about. Just some weed, a gun, and my camping gear.”
“A gun?” she asked. She was a little worried now as she reached across his bike and opened the other saddlebag. He didn’t say anything as she rifled through the contents of it and pulled out the gun.
“Whoa…you can’t swing that around in public, you know,” he said.
“You weren’t joking,” she said. “Why have you got a gun?”
“In case we meet a murderer on the way,” he told her. She dropped it back into the saddlebag and started pulling her backpack out of the other side.
“You forgot something?” he asked.
“I think so…maybe…yes,” she said. “My sense of self-preservation.”
He wrapped his hand gently around hers as her backpack dangled from her fingers. She felt a jolt of electricity run up through her arm and fry her brain. “Listen, beautiful,” he said.Beautiful?“If you get on the back of this bike, you will be doing a lot more living than dying. It’s your choice. I might be driving this beast, but I’ll let you choose the journey.”
“What if I don’t want to go to Phoenix?” she said.
“Everything is entirely up to you. I’ll take you as far as you like. I’m on holiday and I don’t need to be back here from Phoenix, or wherever I decide to ride, for two weeks. I might be your only offer today.”
She frowned. “Why, because no one would want to pick me up?”
“No offense,” he said, when he could see she looked offended, “but most people will be wondering why someone so pretty doesn’t already have a ride.”
“So pretty?” That slipped out before she realized.
“Unless you’re blind, you know that already, right?”
She didn’t reply. She didn’t feel pretty but she did know that she had nice features.
She hadn’t even realized that the backpack had slipped from her fingers, and he was holding it in his hand, until he lifted it up and said, “Well?” She nodded and he slipped it back into the saddlebag.
She was just opening her mouth to ask him a question, when he unzipped the tail bag that was attached to the sissy bar behind the seat. He pulled out a matte black half-helmet.
“You just happen to have this,” she said pointing to the helmet, “in case someone like me happens along?”