Page 42 of Cruz: Skin Deep
“Yeah, man. I was talking to him earlier. Sorry.”
“Why the fuck would you tell him?” Brian asked.
“I work for him, Brian. I need the money. He’d cut me off,” Bo said.
“And you know what he wants to do to me, right?”
Bo knew by the tone of his voice that his friendship with Brian was finished for good. That was okay with him. He still had a job with Jimmy, and he really didn’t expect Brian to come back alive.
“Listen, man…he’s still good with you. It’s Cruz he wants.”
“Fuck you, Bo. Fuck you to fucking hell and back.” He could see Cruz and Eden looking at him from the corner of his eye as he ended the call.They’ll want to know what that was all about. Fuck it. I’ve got to fix this.He flicked his cigarette butt on the ground, started his bike, and headed towards Abilene to find Jimmy. What he was going to do when he found him, he hadn’t decided yet.
* * *
“Who wantsto go to Santa Anna?” Jigsaw asked.
“What for?” Chance said.
“Why not?”
That was all it took for them to decide on the detour.
They turned off at Lometa and headed up Highway 190. They’d still have plenty of time to get to Abilene. It was only another half hour of riding and the roads were more interesting. On the long open and relatively empty roads, the pack opened up their bikes and the sound of rolling thunder shook the countryside as they sped to their next destination.
Eden’s heart was racing, and she was screaming with excitement, as Cruz took her on the ride of her life. She had never felt so free. She could do this forever. She hoped that there was a forever with Cruz. He was everything she could hope for.
They settled into a more sedate pace as they rolled along US-83 heading into Abilene. They skirted the city and headed on to the Roadhouse for steak and beers.
“I wonder where Brian is?” Grayson asked.
“Who cares?” Razor said, as he cut into the prime rib steak that covered his plate. “Didn’t like him anyway.” He popped a huge piece into his mouth and closed his eyes as he chewed it. Kayleigh rolled her eyes and shook her head.
She looked at Eden and said, “It’s why he likes these long rides.”
“For the food?” Eden asked.
Kayleigh nodded. “He wants to eat steak from every Roadhouse restaurant in the country. He knows he’ll never do it, but it means he will always be riding somewhere looking.”
Razor opened his eyes and said, “Gotta have impossible goals and never stop believing you can achieve them.”
Eden liked that. She had a goal…she hoped it wasn’t impossible. Kayleigh had helped her believe that maybe she could achieve it.
* * *
At the sametime the Jokers, Skulls, and their old ladies were enjoying their meal at the restaurant, Brian was pulled up at the side of the road with Jimmy screaming and cussing at him. Brian was worried for a few seconds that Jimmy’s meltdown would lead to him pulling his gun and shooting him right there where he stood beside his bike.
When he didn’t do that, Brian realized that Jimmy needed him alive…it was the only way he would find Cruz.
“You didn’t get one fucking number to call?” Jimmy said.
“I didn’t need to. I was with them all the time,” Brian said.
“You know all their names…that’s got to be worth something.” Brian couldn’t think how that would help them, until Jimmy said, “Call the campground where you were staying and get a number.”
“How would they know?” Brian asked.
“Who booked the fucking place? Ring reception and tell them you lost your phone contacts and need to call your friends urgently. And leave it on speaker.”