Page 51 of Cruz: Skin Deep
“Eden. Is that his old lady?” Jimmy asked.
“Yeah, it is.”
“What does she look like?”
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll send you a pic when I get back to them.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Brian was looking at Jimmy wondering what was next. “Well, fuck off. They’re expecting you, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, sure, Jimmy.”
“Just remember this time, Brian. I know where you are, so don’t fuck me over. You’ll answer when I call…”
“Text me, Jimmy…so they won’t know you’re calling.”
“When I text, youwillreply. When I tell you to do something youwilldo it. This is it, Brian. Your last chance.”
Brian shuddered as he imagined what Jimmy would do to him if he didn’t follow through.
“Don’t fuck it up,” Jimmy said. “We’ll kidnap his bitch and he’ll come running.”
Kidnap? Fuck.Brian swallowed and said, “Sure,” then got on his bike and drove towards Parklands RV Resort trying to process all of it. He knew that his fate, and the lives of Cruz and Eden, were hanging in the balance of what he did next.
He had no option but to convince them to work with him.How will they trust me now?He shook off that thought and rode slowly on to the resort.
* * *
“And you knew this all along?”Cruz said.
“I just wanted to find out what happened to my wife,” Brian said. “I had no intention of doing anything about it, but when I found out that Jimmy had plans for you, I tried to set up diversions until I got a chance to tell you what he was up to. That’s why I took off for Abilene ahead of you…I wanted to see what I could do to stop him.”
“Why should we trust anything you say?” Razor asked.
“Listen, guys, he's killed people in the past.” Brian expected the reaction he got. They’d wonder how he knew, but he had to say something that would lead them to believe that Cruz was in danger.”
“Fuck. And how do you know that?” Cruz asked.
“He’s smart, but he drinks, and he uses. When he does, he talks.”
Brian was surrounded by all of them…Ryder, Jigsaw, Chance, Grayson, Razor, Finn, Boots and Collin. He’d never felt so vulnerable as he did right now. If he’d thought Jimmy was scary, this was on a whole other level. He reached up with a shaky hand and wiped the sweat off his brow. “I’m sorry, guys. I started this trip thinking I was doing a good thing. Finding out what really happened to Wendy so I could put it all to rest.”
“Cut the crap, Brian, if you expect us to believe you.” Brian was opening his mouth to speak when Cruz held up his finger and said, “You wanted to kill me, didn’t you?”
Brian’s expression changed as he looked at Cruz in stunned silence. He spoke softly now. “Yes.”
“Have you ever killed anyone, Brian?” Razor asked.
“No…never,” he told them.
“Why shouldn't I put a bullet in your head now?” Cruz asked him.
Brian looked around. There were people everywhere.
“Not right here, Brian.”
“Yeah, I know. Guys…I don’t know what to do. He wants to kill you. He wants to kill me. He’s crazy enough to do it. Fuck…I know you don’t like me, and you’ve every reason to be like that…but fuck…what can I do? What can I do?” He was almost crying.
Cruz was pleased the women had decided to take a walk through the trails that led off from where they were camped. Eden might think differently about him if she saw how he was acting now.