Page 84 of House of Clouds
Navigation, navigation, steer me home to you.
The boat’s too small, the waves too tall
And the water is all around me.
The hunger gnaws and the seagulls call
And I can’t see what they see.
And now it’s night, the stars are bright
And I don’t know where they point me
They fade from sight, it’s nearly light
And their meaning is still a mystery
Navigation, navigation, steer me home to you.
It’s your sweet touch I miss so much
And the feeling you always gave me
These thoughts I clutch, they are my crutch
And the dream of all that we might be
A storm comes past, it breaks the mast
I hear you say you believe in me
The boat won’t last, it’s fading fast
And then you say, soon, you’ll be free.
Navigation, Navigation, steer me home to you
Navigation, Navigation, steer me home to you.
Kate was stunned as the last notes rang out into the silence of the room. The music had been in a minor key, a Johnny Cash feel blended with Leonard Cohen and so many other influences that Kate subconsciously knew. The words, well, she could listen to them over and over, she knew, and still feel the gut-wrenching pull of them. She barely heard Tracy’s words, she was too caught up in her own reverie as the song echoed in her head.
“That is sooo different,” said Tracy. “I mean, I can’t believe it’s the same song at all.”
Ethan snorted. “Yeah, well. Things happen. Producers have a vision and all that.”
“That’s a boss song, Ethan,” said Tom. “I wouldn’t have changed a thing. What’s the band’s production sound like?”
Ethan shook his head. “You don’t want to hear it.”
“Oh, no. You should definitely play it!” said Tracy, rising. She pulled out the LP. “Where’s your turntable?”
Ethan frowned at her.
“Come on, man,” said Zig. “Play it. It won’t hurt anything. It’s completely different.”
Reluctantly, Ethan rose and carefully replaced his guitar in its case. He took the LP from Tracy and headed to the bedroom.
Kate looked at the album cover, still in Tracy’s hands. “Can I have a look?”