Page 30 of Magic Cursed
I turn around to face him. “I need to go.”
“I’m sorry if I—”
“No,” I say sternly, shaking my head. “You don’t ever have to apologize to me.”
His brows crease in confusion and he lets my arm go.
“What I mean is, you’ve risked enough. I can get myself out just fine. I don’t need your help.”
I open the door and stop short, sucking in a sharp breath. Kellan’s hand is raised like he’s about to knock. He looks at me and then at Daimis, then back at me, and finally drops to my clothes and pack. I notice the man behind him whom I recognize instantly as the Regent, Lord Galen Fareway. The Regent’s eyes follow the same path Kellan’s had.Shit.
The Regent is exactly how I remember him, it’s like he hasn’t aged a day. There is no gray in his blond hair or beard, and no extra wrinkles around his beady brown eyes. He’s no longer wearing the sun-emblazoned uniform of the Steel Guard. He’s now dressed in nobleman’s clothing of the finest quality. His broad shoulders are covered in a cloak with bear fur on the shoulders which is clasped together by a broach with two quail-egg-sized rubies, and a sword sits in a holster at his hip with a matching ruby on the hilt.
A wave of nausea hits me as I stare at the sword: Sorcerer-slayer. It gained its name after it was the first sword to sink into my father the night of the Blood Moon. My gaze trails back up to the man who wields the weapon. I freeze, my heart races and cold sweat runs down my spine. The man who ordered the Steel Guard to capture me. I’ve been running ever since, and now I’m face to face with him. I’ve faced much more dangerous foes, and yet, there’s something about him that makes my skin crawl, and puts a sickly feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. Fear wedges into my chest catching and tearing as it pushes deeper in, like a serrated blade.
The Regent shoves past his son. “What is the meaning of this?”
Daimis and I back away from him, deeper into the room. I barely hear Daimis curse under his breath behind me.
“Father, calm down,” Kellan says, following the Regent into the room.
“The hell I will,” the Regent booms. “I let you talk me out of handling things my way and now look,” he gestures toward me. “The ungrateful little thief is trying to run away. Guards!”
Before I can do anything, ten Steel Guards rush the room. Their chainmail clangs and blades sing like a chorus of death as they’re unsheathed from their holsters. I’m surrounded and there is nowhere to go. I tense and my hands move to the pummels of my swords, my survival instincts kicking in. I’ll fight my way out if I must. I glance at Daimis and give him a little smile. It’s the only way I can convey my appreciation for him trying to get me out, both this time and the night of the Blood Moon. Something I can’t seem to pinpoint crosses Daimis’s eyes, and before I can unsheathe my blades, he puts himself between me and the guards. “Stand down!” he orders.
The guards hesitate, their eyes going back and forth between the Regent and Daimis. For a brief moment, the Regent stares down Daimis, his jaw feathers with restrained fury. Then as quickly as it was there, it’s gone. His voice is almost crooning when he speaks again. “Young Prince, you do not understand these matters. If we simply let criminals go, we would have a kingdom of chaos. Your people wouldn’t stand for that. They expect to be kept safe and secure. You wouldn’t want your people to think that you don’t have their best interests in mind, now would you? Besides, we need her for the quest. Trust that I know what’s best, Your Highness.”
Daimis’s hands are clenched, and if I didn't know better, I’d think he was going to argue, but instead, he nods.Coward.
I need to do something and fast or I’ll be going on this damned quest in chains. Daimis’s momentary distraction is just what I needed to think of a better plan than fighting my way out. I slip the coin pouch and scale into Daimis’s pocket, so skillfully that Daimis doesn’t feel it, nor does anyone see it.
“This is all very unnecessary, boys,” I say, stepping out from behind Daimis with my hands up. “I was just on my way to find Kellan and tell him that I accept your deal. I’ll go on the quest with you, protect you all from the big bad shadow demons. And after, you’ll pay me, and we’ll go our separate ways. Everyone wins.”
The Regent eyes me and his face hardens. “And your belongings? Your weapons, money, the scale?”
I tilt my head to the side and give him a questioning gaze. “Did you expect me to protect you all with my good looks and charm?”
Careful, Kellan lips to me.
I sigh. “I’ll need my weapons to defend you and I don’t have the other things you’re referring to.” I hold up my bag. “Only an extra change of clothes.”
The Regent keeps his glare on me. “Search her,” he orders the guards.
I smile and hold my bag out to the closest guard. Daimis stiffens beside me. As the guard searches the pack, Daimis looks at me sidelong with a questioning gaze. I wink at him in response.
“She’s telling the truth,” the guard says.
“Of course I am.” I take my pack back from the guard and turn to the Regent. “We still have a deal, yes?”
“Yes,” Kellan answers quickly. “It looks like this was all just a misunderstanding. We’re glad you’ve agreed to go with us, Sky. It’ll ensure everything will go smoothly.”
Huh, not likely.
“Let her be on her way,” Daimis says. “I don’t need or want a criminal protecting me.”