Page 16 of Hotshot
Sloane laughed. “Give me your aunt’s number, and I’ll call and tell her you’re anything but a weirdo. I’d say you’re a great listener, and perhaps the first new friend I’ve made since I arrived in the UK, which I appreciate. Plus, you’ve met my family now, too. More than Jess ever did.”
“I’m honoured,” Ella replied. “For what it’s worth, you should sort things out with Jess, one way or the other. Life is always better when you’re living it authentically. Doing what you truly want. You’re already doing that career-wise. You just need to get your love life in order.” She shook her head. “And this morning I did not wake up thinking I’d be giving Sloane Patterson relationship advice.”
She put a hand to her chest. “You should ignore me. I’m the woman who’s never held down a relationship longer than a couple of years, so what do I know? Peak performance in elite sports, that’s my area of expertise. Relationships? They’re a mystery.”
“I think you might be wiser than you give yourself credit for.”
Their apartment block came into view. Beside it, the dipping summer sun shot hot flames into the river water. It looked like a piece of modern art.
“That’s pretty,” Sloane said. “I miss the Californian sunsets over the ocean, but that river view has a charm all of its own.”
Ella slowed the car, then turned right.
Automatically, Sloane flinched, fearing for her life. She still wasn’t used to being on the wrong side of the damn road. “I’m glad you’re driving. I swear, I would have turned straight into oncoming traffic.”
“It’s just practice.”
Ella leaned her elbow on the door. She looked effortlessly cool. Like she was in a road trip movie, about to drop a pearl of life-changing wisdom.
Sloane admonished herself.
She’d never thought that with Jess, either.
“I’ve driven on the right in mainland Europe and you always have your share of heart-stopping moments, but then you get used to it.” Ella steered the car off the road and parked in her allotted spot. Then she killed the engine and gave Sloane a shy smile. “If you want, I could take you out to give you some practice in wide spaces where you’re unlikely to crash into anything. Then we could progress to roads.”
“That would be amazing.” She had to get over her block of driving here. She wanted her independence. “Are you sure you can handle it?”
“I’m a very patient person, it comes with my job. Plus, you can drive, it won’t take long. A couple of sessions to cure your nerves.”
Sloane turned in her seat. When Ella did the same, she caught a waft of her floral perfume. It was the perfect fit for this English rose. She felt a pulsing sensation low in her stomach. Sloane blinked hard at her own thoughts. She wasn’t sure where they were being generated, but it wasn’t from her normal brain.
She cleared her throat. “You’ve got yourself a deal. Thank you.” She paused. “For what it’s worth, I agree with your aunt. You should get out there and meet someone if you want to.”
Interesting declaration.
Ella rolled her eyes. “Don’t you start. My cousin set me up on the Honey Pot dating app, but I’m not all that keen.”
“Not when we’re about to go away on a pre-season tour. But when we get back, you should date. I’m going to follow up on this,” Sloane gave a wag of her finger. “You can, so you should. I’m off women right now for obvious reasons. But imagine if I went on Honey Pot, all the attention I’d get.” Sloane shivered. “It’s why I tend to date people I meet on the field. They’re known quantities. You never know if people are genuine when you’re famous. Even just a little like me.”
“I think you might be more famous than you think. You’re even known at Kilminster United.”
Sloane laughed. “A fluke. Ryan had no idea. Shall we make a pact? I’ll give my relationship some serious thought if you commit to at least looking at Honey Pot.”
“Even the name makes me squirm.” Ella paused. “But my family would be pleased.”
“One date might get them off your back.”
“There is that.”
“Do we have a deal? For the record, you’re getting the easy end of the bargain.”
Ella grabbed her bag from the back seat, then held out her hand.
Sloane took it, then tried to contain the jolt that surged through her body on contact. Her gaze jumped to Ella. Had she felt it, too? The air in the car grew very warm, and her heart began to sprint.
“We have a deal.” Ella’s voice was steady, but her cheeks had turned scarlet.