Page 13 of Smokeshow
“We have bedrooms, you know.” My younger brother sounded annoyed, and I glanced back at him and smirked.
He was pissed his party had been cut short. I started to say something when I shifted my gaze from him to the blonde he’d been with earlier. The one who had arrived with Sax.
Her eyes met mine, and like earlier, the blue color that stared back at me was fucking insane. Especially under the sunlight. Unable to help myself, I did a quick take of her body in that hot-pink bikini. She hadn’t gone topless, but I wasn’t surprised. I swallowed hard, then took a long drink from my glass. A body like that didn’t belong on a nineteen-year-old.
Holy fuck. Sax and Trev were gonna end up beating the hell out of each other over her. It would be a complete waste of Trev’s time and energy. They didn’t know who she was. Not really.
I did.
A splash and a loud female squeal drew my attention to the other side of the pool. The squeal had come from the youngest Delamore girl. I’d gone to school with her sister, Heidi—or was it Hannah? I couldn’t remember. Didn’t matter. Sax was making a mistake with that one. Those girls had been raised to do nothing but look pretty and marry well. That one would be no different. She might be acting silly and batting her eyelashes at Gage, who had jumped in the pool naked, but her arm was firmly locked around Saxon.
Saxon’s focus, however, was not on her. He was watching Madeline.
“You gonna wait around until the old man gets home?” Gage asked as he got back out of the pool, wrapped a towel around his waist and walked towards the bar.
“He made sure I didn’t have a fucking choice,” I replied. The annoyance clear in my tone.
“At least we cleared the place out for you,” he said. “Well, except for the ones with the biggest tits and the one with Trev. Speaking of which, your brother is my hero. Have you gotten a look at the blonde he’s with?”
I gave a singular nod, then took a drink. They’d know soon enough. I didn’t want to discuss it, especially here. With her so close.
“She’s not like the others. She’s seen shit. It’s in her eyes,” Gage said.
“Her eyes?” I asked him, knowing what it was he saw.
Madeline’s life had been a fucking shit show. Leave it to Gage to notice she was different.
“She’s not some spoiled brat. There is a maturity there,” he said.
I cut my eyes at him. “You’ve been deployed too long,” I drawled, although he was closer to the truth than I was comfortable with.
She was tough. She had never had a choice to be anything else.
Gage grinned. “If you mean I need to get laid, you’re right.” He reached over and squeezed the right tit of the girl that had come over to hang onto his arm. “You ready to suck my dick, sugar?” he asked her.
“Probably want to find someone who can legally drink,” I tell him.
“This mouth looks sweet enough,” he said, rubbing a thumb over her bottom lip. “I bet you can suck real nice.”
I knew he’d have her bent over a chair soon enough, fucking her from behind.
I glanced over as Trev leaned in close to Madeline. He was saying something to her, and then they turned to walk to the pool house. The backside view was as good as the front.
Gage released a low whistle, and I didn’t have to look at him to know he was watching her walk away too.
“Damn,” he said.
Yeah. Damn.
“I swear to God, I am living vicariously through Trev right now, and I never thought that would happen,” he added.
I took another long drink to keep from saying anything more.
“Now, baby, don’t be like that. Your hot little mouth is gonna make me forget every woman but you. I swear it.”
I glanced over at Sax to see he was sitting up now, completely ignoring his girlfriend while watching my brother and Madeline go to the pool house.