Page 40 of Smokeshow
Maddy on champagne, however, was not very bright.
“I wasn’t aware there was an us,” I replied. At least I was still honest.
His right hand cupped the side of my face, and he studied me. His gaze finally rested on my mouth. The look in his eyes made me feel things low in my belly and in the region a little further, which I’d never experienced before. I felt hot. As if my skin were on fire.
I should leave this room. Run from this room. But my legs wouldn’t move.
“There isn’t,” was his hoarsely whispered response.
If the door to the room hadn’t opened and the light from the hallway hadn’t poured into the darkness, I was sure I would have said something I’d regret later.
A man cleared his throat, and Blaise didn’t drop his hand from my cheek and step away. Instead, his eyes snapped up to glare at whoever stood behind me.
“It’s Angel,” the deep voice said.
With those words, Blaise’s hand fell away from my face, and he stepped back.
“Who’s with her?” Blaise demanded.
“Huck,” the man replied.
Blaise didn’t look back at me. There were no words for me. No explanation for what had happened in here. He simply headed for the open door. I turned to watch him go, thinking I had misunderstood. He couldn’t just be leaving me. Without saying anything?
“Have Saxon get her,” he said to the man who had interrupted us.
I recognized him from the pool party. One of the rodeo squad. I’d seen him have sex with the red head.
The man gave him a nod, then stepped back to let Blaise leave. I was frozen with confusion—or was it disappointment? The room had turned cold, and I shivered from the chill. There was no fire warming my skin any longer. That moment was gone.
“Follow me,” the guy said and turned to leave.
I had to move or be left in here alone, unsure of where to go. I didn’t want to walk back into the ballroom. I was sure my face would tell them everything. My legs fell into line, and I walked out of the room and into the brightly lit hallway, following behind the guy. He didn’t look back at me or say anything. He didn’t even check to see if I was indeed following him.
It wasn’t until we reached the double doors leading to the outside that I recognized where we were. When we stepped into the night air, Trev was standing in front of a limousine. The guy who had led me here walked back inside without a word.
“The night is young! Where shall we take it?” he asked with a smile on his face.
Saxon appeared at my side. “Where do you want to go?” There was concern in his voice, unlike Trev’s.
“Anywhere but here,” I told him.
Saxon nodded. “Then, let’s get in the limo,” he replied.
Trev looked at me expectantly as I sat across from him in the limo. I knew he was waiting for me to tell him where I wanted to go, but I honestly didn’t care.
“What do you want to see?” Trev asked me.
I shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“It’s not like she’s familiar with the area,” Saxon told him. “She’s barely seen anything other than your place and Moses Mile.”
Trev nodded slowly, as if he was just realizing that. “You’re right. Want to swim in the springs?”
I shook my head. “I can’t swim, remember?”
He frowned. “We have got to fix that. If you’re gonna live in Ocala, you’ve got to learn to swim and ride. We don’t have much else going on in this area.”
“I’m going to teach her how to ride,” Saxon said, and I turned to look at him. He gave me a reassuring smile. “You’re ready. You’ve got a bond with most of the horses. No point in continuing to put it off.”