Page 69 of Smokeshow
I looked down at his hand as he held mine. He had seemed tense all morning. Even when he had taken me into the shower and given me not one, but two orgasms, he’d seemed to need it. As if he were marking me and making sure I was there. I didn’t know any other way to describe it.
Moses Mile was up ahead, and I smiled over at him. He didn’t want to leave me, and I liked knowing that he wanted me close. My insecurities had all but faded away completely. Angel had come downstairs with Gina twice this week while I was there, and she’d done well around me. Granted, these were times that Blaise was not there. Gina had said it was better if she got used to me being there first. If anything, Angel was my only insecurity now. I feared she might always be.
When Blaise parked his truck, he squeezed my hand. “I’m not going to get out,” he said. “I’ve got some things to do before I head to the airport.”
Talking about him leaving me here for a few days and actually doing it were completely different. I felt a slight panic that once he left, things would never be as they had been. Something would change. I’d lose him.
Blaise reached up and grabbed my chin with this thumb and forefinger. “Whatever the fuck is going on in that head of yours, don’t,” he ordered.
If only it were that easy.
“Thirty minutes ago, I was telling you how obsessed I was with you while I had you riding my dick. How did that switch inside your head flip so quickly?”
I smiled. “I just already miss you,” I replied.
He leaned forward and kissed me. “Three days, baby.”
I had to stop being so clingy. Mentally scolding myself for it, I nodded. “I know.” I couldn’t say more though. I reached for my bag and opened the door.
When I stepped out, it felt like much longer than a week since I’d been here last.
“Bye,” I said, turning back to look at him.
He winked at me. “Keep your phone on you at all times,” he reminded me for the thousandth time.
“Yes, sir,” I replied teasingly.
An arrogant grin crossed his handsome face. “I like that. Next time we fuck, I want you to call me sir.”
I laughed then and shook my head before closing the door. I wanted to stand there and watch him drive away, but seeing him go would only make me sadder. Taking my bag, I headed for the front door. Wondering if I should ring the bell or walk inside. My things were still here. It wasn’t like I’d officially moved out yet. When I reached the top step, I paused and glanced back, unable to stop myself.
He’d backed up to turn around, but he hadn’t left. His window was rolled down, and he was watching me.
“I’ll leave when you’re inside,” he called out.
My chest felt warm, and that feeling of safety was there. I blew him a kiss, then turned and walked inside the house. It didn’t feel like home, but then again, it never had. This was simply a house I had lived in.
I heard Melanie’s heels before I saw her.
She beamed brightly at me as she entered the foyer. “Oh! You’re here. Wonderful. I’m going to the club, and I thought you might want to go with me. We can have lunch and maybe do some shopping.”
I wanted to say no because neither of those things appealed to me. However, the look of excitement on Melanie’s face made me feel guilty. Saxon had said she had always wanted a daughter and I’d fill that void. In reality, I had barely gotten to know her, and now, I wouldn’t be staying here. She had been the one to come and get me. If it wasn’t for her, I’d never have come to Moses Mile. I’d never have met Blaise.
“That sounds nice,” I lied. “Do I need to change?” I asked her, hoping I’d get a brief reprieve before having to rush out the door.
She took in my outfit that she’d bought for me. “Hmm, go change into the baby-blue linen skirt with the sleeveless white blouse that has the scalloped hem around the waist. Maybe pull your hair up into a twist.” She lifted her eyes back to mine and smiled, pleased with her decision.
I nodded. “Okay,” I agreed.
“Take your time. I need to make a few calls,” she told me as I turned and headed for the staircase.
When I reached my bedroom, I opened the door, and the crisp, clean smell wafted over me. It reminded me of Melanie. Somehow, everything in this house had that same smell. I wondered if it was the laundry detergent. Dropping my bag by the door, I moved to close it when I saw Saxon standing in the hallway, watching me.
“Hey,” I said, surprised to see him inside at this time of day.
“Hey,” he replied. His hands were in his front jeans pockets, and he looked as if he wanted to say more, but didn’t.
I hated the awkward silence between us. “How’ve you been? Trev have any wild pool parties lately?” I asked, wanting to lighten the mood.