Page 7 of When She's Fearless
Does Chelsea just want a good time for a little while and nothing more? I’ve never had a relationship that has just been about sex and nothing else. Kef, I’ve never had a relationship with a human ever. My last relationship was with another praxiian female back at Haal Ui but when her company left for a distant mining job, we mutually ended things. Neither of us had been particularly committed. It was just casual.
Perhaps I am overthinking this. Perhaps a human female wants just something fun and carefree, too. “You’re right,” I tell my brother. “Your idea makes more sense than mine.”
“I suggest you go along with whatever she wants,” Jrrru says. “Get your back scratched up and enjoy yourself. Don’t think too hard about it.”
The comm chimes. “And tell the custodians that you’re seeing a human,” our boss chips in. “That’s how Bruddox got kicked off planet, remember? He was lurking around a female’s home and she didn’t like it. Next thing you know, he’s back at Haal Ui and in the unemployment line.”
Bruddox was sniffing around where he wasn’t wanted, though. I’m pretty sure Chelsea wants me around…but her neighbors might not understand if a praxiian shows up. “You’re right. I’ll stop by the custodial office and let them know I have an invitation.”
And maybe I’ll stop by the general store and see if they have plas-film. Just in case. If Chelsea just wants dinner and conversation, I’m happy to oblige. I don’t want to go into this with expectations.
At the same time, if she wants bed company, I want to be ready.
I touchthe crust on the meat pie I have in the oven, testing for flakiness. It’s soft, and I make a face at the pastry and shut the door to the oven again, pulling my mitts off and pacing back over to the bathroom again.
After I got a call from the Port Custodians—very sweet boys, all of them—wanting to confirm if I was dating a praxiian, I was informed that Hrrrusek would be by my house after sundown. The sun is flirting with the horizon as we speak, and I’m anxious for my date to arrive.
No, not anxious.Excited.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had dinner with someone. Longer still since I’ve had enjoyable sex. If things go well tonight, I’m hoping for both. I think of Hrrrusek’s big body and his charming orange-and-cream stripes and wonder what it’d feel like under my hands. I definitely need to get laid. More than that, though, I’m just looking forward to conversation.
My farm is lovely, and my neighbors are sweet women, but they’re not the most social people. They’re perfectly content to be left alone and have made it very clear that they’re not looking for friends, and so I’ve basically learned to do my own thing, too. When something breaks down, I don’t go asking for help. I tinker with it until I fix it or decide I can do without it. I don’t celebrate the wins—even the small ones—with anyone, and maybe my neighbors’ loneliness has rubbed off on me, because I haven’t been going into Port much as of late.
Didn’t realize how much I needed the company until the big sexy cat-man showed up in my stream. Poor man doesn’t know that he’s going to get jumped tonight. I guess I don’t need to worry if he likes humans or not. The fact that I caught him on my doorstep in the act tells me everything, and the thought makes me grin to myself.
I’ve heard there’s a flower that acts as an aphrodisiac for praxiians, too, and that they grow wonderfully here on Risda—
My perimeter security sends out an alert, letting me know that my date has arrived. Distracted, I fluff my hair, fluff my tits, and then run to the bathroom mirror one more time to check how I look. I’m wearing the Risda version of cosmetics—just enough berry juice to add a bit of color to my lips and cheeks, and a bit of soot to darken my lashes. My hair looks great, long and carefree, and my tits look fantastic in the tunic I’m wearing. It’s gathered under my impressive girls (if I do say so myself) and I’ve added a decorative wooden clip right in the center to make sure that the neck forms a deep vee and gives him a look at my acres and acres of cleavage. I might not have a tiny waist or a beautiful face, but damn it, I’ve got a magnificent rack.
Satisfied with my appearance, I run to the door and fling it open, this time catching Hrrrusek before he can knock. He pauses at the sight of me, and then breaks into a grin. It’s fang-filled and alien given his catlike mouth, but I also find it so sexy that my pussy practically clenches at the sight. “Trying to catch me in the act again?” he purrs at me, and his gaze dips to my tits. “You look…fantastic.”
Oh man, he’s totally getting laid tonight. I grin at him, full of excitement for our date. “Nope, just happy to see you. Wanna come in?”
He steps inside and offers me a bottle. “I didn’t know what to bring for a date, but one of the custodians told me humans like this stuff. It’s made from berries, I think. I told them you were a monster that drinks your tea cold and coated with sweetener, so who knew what kind of freakish things you liked to drink.”
Oh god, he’s teasing me. It’s the cutest. His tail flicks back and forth when he does, though, as if to punctuate his speech, and I’m in danger of just staring up at him with sheer adoration and a hussy-like dose of need written all over my face. “You brought me wine?”
“If that’s what this is, yes.” His voice drops to a low sexy note as he holds the bottle out to me, and when he does, it adds a thrumming note that makes me clench in all the best places. “Did I do good?”
“Amazing,” I tell him. “I’d reward you with a kiss but then we’d probably burn dinner because I’d have you on the floor right after that.”
He blinks, absorbing my words. “And…this is a problem?”
For me it’s not. But I did go to all the trouble of making a fresh dinner for a change. Normally I just make one particular thing for myself on the weekend and then eat it all week long, since there’s only me to feed. It was rather nice to cook for someone, though. “Do you like meat pie? The meat is a bird, though, not meat-stock.”
Hrrrusek’s eyes brighten and his nostrils twitch. “Is that the delicious thing I smell? I haven’t had real meat in keffing months.”
“Lucky for you I got a full bird, then.” I’ve had it sitting in the freezer waiting for a special occasion, and this feels pretty special to me.
He pats his solid wall of stomach. “I could eat.”
I could eathimalive, he’s so stinking cute.
* * *