Page 25 of Wild Irish Moon
“Beatrice, this is all lovely. What is the monthly rent for both?”
Beatrice quoted a number that had Iris beaming. She was used to Boston prices, so this positively felt like a steal. Granted, she’d had a lot more business in Boston. That being said, as John had reminded her over and over since she’d arrived, her nest egg was quite large. She could afford to make these types of decisions if she wanted to.
“I…” Iris hesitated. She’d need to tell this bright-eyed woman what she did for a living. Not only could Iris tell that she was the type of sweet-hearted woman who would likely lend her books and bring her baked goods, but she also didn’t want to deal with someone who would try to oust her if they disagreed with her choice of profession. People had varying reactions to psychics, and Iris found it usually best to be upfront.
“Oh, do you hear Bubbles? She hears us. Do you like cats?” Beatrice trilled, leaving the door open and walking across the landing. There, she unlocked her door, and a fat orange cat scampered out straight to where Iris stood at the front windows.
“Hi, Bubbles,” Iris said, leaning down.
“Don’t…well, then,” Beatrice said, a note of surprise in her words.
“She’s very sweet,” Iris said, running her hand down the cat’s back.
“Usually, she doesn’t take to people that quickly. She’s a bit standoffish, which I don’t mind. I consider her to be a good judge of character,” Beatrice said.
“Is that right? I can be a bit standoffish as well.” Iris chuckled and straightened. “Beatrice, I love both properties, and I’d like to rent them from you. But full disclosure. I’m a psychic medium, so I’ll be doing readings for clients who need guidance. Is that something that you are comfortable with?”
“Will you be working with any bad spirits? Inviting any nasty things into the house?” Beatrice narrowed her eyes at Iris.
“Nope, nothing like that. There are no rituals. No magick. No spells. I just close my eyes and tune into the spirit guides. They answer questions for my clients. I help guide them in whatever’s bothering them at the moment.”
“Hmm, like a counselor, but like…enhanced. With spiritual guidance.”
“Yes, but not like…religious,” Iris hastened to clarify. That could always be a tricky area for some people. Iris didn’t believe in any one religion, nor did she need to. She already understood more about love, oneness, and universal energy than most people ever would in their lifetime.
“Well, sure, and I can be understanding that. I read a lot, you know.” Beatrice tapped a finger to her wrinkled forehead. “I have a deep thirst for knowledge. Your profession doesn’t bother me, Iris, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I just wanted to make sure. You seem very nice, and I would hate for you to get upset about my shop once I open up,” Iris said. A trickle of excitement went through her at the thought of opening her own shop. The last place she’d opened had been with the help of Warren. A lot of her decisions had been overridden by his choices, and now the thought of being able to make a space thoroughly and completely hers lit her up inside.
Perhaps Gracie was right–maybe Iris could have a fresh start here. Granted, she’d need to look into all the paperwork regarding getting a visa and establishing her residency, but Dylan had already assured her that he could help in that department.
Now, she just had to decide if she was ready to make the leap.
Bubbles bumped her head against Iris’s leg, her purr sounding like a little motor, her tail making spiky little movements in the air. It was as though she was nudging Iris to make the right decision.
“I’ll take it. When can I move in?”
“As soon as the money’s transferred and the contract is signed, you can move in whenever,” Beatrice beamed at her. “Welcome home, neighbor.”
Her spirit guides cheered in her head, and Iris realized that she’d made the decision without consulting them. Maybe, just maybe, Iris could find a happy medium between trusting her gut and listening to her guides for support. It seemed like today may have been the first step in the right direction.
And a new life for Iris.
She wanted to tell Kane. Iris wondered what he would think about her opening her own place and if he’d want to help her set the shop up. Then she paused, still petting Bubbles, and realized she’d already defaulted to wanting to tell a man about her own professional choices.
No, not this time.
This time Iris was going to do things on her own.
And in exactly the way that she wanted to. Resolved, she grinned down at Bubbles.
“Looks like I’ll need to start stocking kitty treats.”
“Like she needs any more,” Beatrice said. “Don’t look at me like that, Bubbles. You’re overfed as it is.”
Chapter 14
It had been over a week since Kane had last seen Iris, though they’d spoken almost constantly over text messages. Kane had to admit he’d enjoyed their daily banter, and her unique outlook on life was helping him work through his writing blocks.