Page 36 of Wild Irish Moon
“Did you know that otters often hook paws when they sleep so they don’t drift away from each other?” Kane asked, following the winding road that led them away from the village and toward the cove. Iris eyed him owlishly.
“Why do you even know that?”
“I have no idea. It’s just one of those random facts that I picked up along the way somewhere.” Kane laughed, nudging the volume up on the radio as the Rolling Stones complained about their lack of satisfaction.
“Kane. Why are we going to see otters?” Iris asked.
“Because you need some time away from your shop and to get out of your head. What better way to do that than in nature? Plus, otters are cute. Have you seen any before?”
“I live in Boston. I see rats,” Iris mumbled. Her fingers tapped an uneven rhythm on her leg.
“Then you’re in for a treat. You can’t be stressed out around otters,” Kane said.
“Why? Will they attack?” Iris asked, causing Kane to laugh.
“Yes, these are murderous otters. They sense any stress and feed on your rage. You’d better remain calm around them, or they’ll call their army to attack.”
“I think you’re kidding, but I can’t be sure. I’ll just keep my distance from rage otters,” Iris mumbled.
Kane chuckled and turned the music up more, giving Iris time to collect herself on the drive. He knew that a near-miss with a panic attack would often leave him drained or emotionally raw. If she had some time to breathe and see that she was safe here, hopefully, she’d feel better soon.
Kane drove past Gracie’s cottage, waving at Rosie, who raced across the fields and higher up into the hills. There, they came upon a sign for a nature center and a sign directing them to the otter pond. Kane turned to the otter pond, suspecting that Iris wasn’t in the mood to visit any exhibitions at the moment. He hummed along to the music as they trundled their way up the dirt road until they finally reached a small gravel car park. Kane pulled the car to a stop and shut off the engine before turning to Iris.
“I suppose.” Iris shrugged. Some color had returned to her cheeks, which Kane considered to be a good sign, and he got out of the car. She was already out before he could hold the door for her. She shoved her hands in her coat pockets and looked cautiously around at the empty green fields that sloped gently down to where the cliffs met the water. A light gust of wind tickled his cheeks, bringing with it the scent of saltwater.
“Come on, let’s go find these little beasts,” Kane said. He wrapped an arm around Iris’s shoulder, pulling her close, and was surprised she allowed it. She really must be shaken or scared of the otters. Either way, he would appreciate this time with her cuddling into his side.
It had taken all of his willpower to continue to treat her lightly over this past week since he’d almost devoured her on the table at her shop. The image of her, skin flushed, luscious pink breasts bobbing in the air while she’d collapsed around him, well, it had fueled many a late-night dream for Kane. He thought about her constantly and was dying for another taste of her lips. Yet Kane sensed that if he moved too fast, Iris would just push him away. Today was a perfect example of that. He understood he had his work cut out for him if he wanted to convince Iris to take a chance on him.
And he did.
He really, really did. Not only did Kane want her in his bed, but he wanted her in his life. Watching her move fearlessly forward in the wake of her life falling apart had only fueled his courage to do the same. He admired her pluck and how she took risks and figured out the answers later.
She was slowly rescuing him, even if she didn’t realize it.
“There, see? That’s a nice spot to have a sit, isn’t it then?” Kane pointed at a bench set on the edge of a small pond, and Iris murmured her agreement. Directing her to the bench, he pulled her down next to him and kept his arm around her shoulders to see if she would allow the cuddle. When she did, he looked down and saw her staring morosely at the water.
“I don’t see any otters,” Iris said.
“No, I don’t either. But we’ve only just arrived. Let’s sit a while, shall we?”
“And do what?” Iris poked her lower lip out in a pout.
“Talk?” Kane suggested. “Why don’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up?”
“Mmmm.” Iris made a noncommittal noise and shrugged a shoulder.
“Would you like me to take a stab at this?”
“You’re not going to let it go, are you?” Iris pulled back, nudging his arm off her shoulders, and glared at him. “Do we have to make this a huge thing? I just had some anxiety, okay? It happens.”
Kane watched as she tilted her head and shook it, muttering to herself, and he wondered what her spirit guides were saying to her.
“Normally, yes, I’d let these things go. But I think there’s something deeper there, and since I suspect it involves me, well, no, I’ll not be letting it go, then.”
“You’re annoying,” Iris said, a mutinous look on her face.