Page 38 of Wild Irish Moon
“Well, now, I think we should unpack that a little bit more, don’t you? Like…the fact I’ve been dying to kiss you for days now. Do you want another kiss from me, Iris? Have you thought about my touch as well?” Kane found his answer when her cheeks flushed, and she bit her lower lip.
“You didn’t come up.” Iris surprised him just as he leaned down to kiss her.
“I didn’t come…you mean after the pub? Last week?” Kane asked. Score one for strategy on his part, he thought. Pleased that it had bothered her that he’d left her with just a kiss, Kane bit back a smile. He wasn’t playing games with her, not necessarily, but he already knew that a dance with Iris would be one step forward and two steps back. He didn’t want to screw this up.
“Yes. You just…went home.”
“You didn’t invite me up,” Kane reminded her.
“Maybe you didn’t want to.” Iris shrugged a shoulder, glaring out at the surface of the pond.
“Oh, now that impression I’m happy to correct. You see, I very much wanted to.” Kane leaned over, nipped at her earlobe, and then pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin at the nape of her neck. “I wanted to do many delightfully naughty things to you. I still do. But I was following your request if you recall?”
“What…what request was that?” Iris turned, her lips an inch from his, her eyes huge in her face. The moment drew out, energy pulsing between them, and lust pooled low in Kane’s gut.
“You told me…only a little. Remember? When I had you sprawled out before me, aching with need, riding me?”
"Kane!” Iris gasped, but he could tell she was turned on just thinking about their moment together.
“You asked for just a little. And I’ve respected that. I respect you, Iris. I’m always going to let you lead.” Kane closed the gap between them. “Until I’m not.” Then his lips were on hers, and she moaned, surprising him when she bit his lip lightly and then sucked gently, making his entire body alert. He wanted nothing more than to pick her up off this bench and lay her down in the soft grass by the pond, slowly exploring her body until she came undone for him once more.
A splash sounded behind them, and Iris pulled away, her lips slick, her eyes heavy with lust.
“Look!” Iris exclaimed, gripping his arm. Kane pulled her into him, cuddling her close, trying to tamp down his need for her before turning his head.
There, a family of otters had appeared from wherever their den was. There looked to be an older couple and several young pups. The pups zipped around the pond's surface, frolicking in the water, diving beneath the surface and popping up several feet later. They were cute, fluffy, and an absolute buzzkill for his seduction of Iris. But when she laughed for the first time that day, delighted with the otter antics, Kane let it go. There would be another time and place for him to show Iris just how much he cared for her.
For now, it was just enough to see her eyes light and hear her laughter trill across the wind. At the very least, he’d done his job as a friend and as a lover.
Iris was steady on her feet again, and that was all that mattered to him.
Chapter 18
“I should be your first customer.”
Iris looked up as Beatrice strode into her shop, which was not yet open to the public, and slapped some money on the counter.
“Um, sure, I can do that. If you’d like to book an…” Iris trailed off as Bubbles followed Beatrice in, and the old woman returned to the front door to ensure it was closed.
“No, right now,” Beatrice said, plopping down in one of the armchairs Iris had found at a vintage shop. The material was soft velvet, and the print was faded dusty roses on a turquoise backdrop. She’d immediately fallen in love with them, and Mac had graciously moved them for her. She was coming to enjoy the idea of having a cousin, particularly one like Mac. He was cheerful, super strong, and exceedingly helpful. They’d easily bonded over feeling at odds as kids growing up, and Iris looked forward to the next time he’d swing through town.
More and more people were stopping by daily to introduce themselves. In fact, it was a wonder Iris was getting anything done, what with the number of villagers who dropped by to meet her and inquire about her services. Some people did so with barely concealed judgment, which Iris was well used to by now, but most were open and friendly, and Iris was starting to feel like she was actually becoming a part of a lovely little community.
“I don’t usually perform on demand, Beatrice. I’m not at anyone’s beck and call.” Iris infused a gentle note into her tone so Beatrice knew she was educating her and not trying to be rude.
“Oh right. I suppose that was rude of me, wasn’t it? I’ve been trying to bide my time, but I’m just too excited.” Beatrice all but bounced in her shoes. Iris regarded the old woman who wore a sunny-yellow cardigan and neon-pink sneakers. She’d been nothing but kind and helpful to Iris, and they’d developed an affectionate friendship over the past few weeks. It wouldn’t hurt for Iris to give her a reading.
“Fair enough. Why don’t we settle in, and I’ll just see what comes up? We’ll call it an informal reading unless you have any pressing questions you’d like answered at the moment?”
“No, none that I can think of. Unless there’s anything I need to know for Bubbles’s welfare?” Beatrice looked down at where Bubbles had wound herself between Iris’s feet.
“I’m not really an animal communicator, but if anything pops up for me, I’ll let you know.” Iris smiled and held her hands in the air. She began with a short invocation, inviting the spirit guides in and asking for protection of their space while they worked together. Closing her eyes, Iris waited while Ophelia and Lara chattered at her. They were always delighted when Iris did a reading because they also met new spirit guides. It was kind of like they were all having a little party up there. Finally, Ophelia came forward with a male spirit guide.
“This is Jacob. He was Beatrice’s husband in this lifetime.” Ophelia made introductions, and Iris’s lips curved. Beatrice had spoken fondly of her husband, who had passed from a sudden heart attack a few years back. They’d been high school sweethearts and had enjoyed many years together.
“Jacob is here,” Iris said.
“You don’t say!” Beatrice exclaimed, slapping her palms on her thighs. “Oh, tell him I love him and miss him.”