Page 48 of Wild Irish Moon
“I understand,” Kane said, his voice soft with love for her. This darling, stubborn, beautiful woman.
“I love these boots…” Iris cleared her throat before continuing. “Because…they support me. They make me smile. They’re comfortable to wear. And…”
“They make you feel pretty,” Kane finished, reciting her words.
“You remember.” Iris blinked up at him, frozen for a moment. Kane waited her out, knowing she’d have to take the first step. “And…and. Well, I don’t need them anymore, you see? Because I have you to make me feel that way.”
There it was.
Kane swooped in, removing the boots from her hands and placing them gently by his computer before scooping Iris up, much to her surprise and giggled protests. Before she could complain too much, he dropped her unceremoniously on his bed and pounced, pinning her arms above her head so he could claim her mouth with his.
It was the kiss of all kisses.
Both a beginning and an ending.
And when he loved her that night, Kane finally understood what his heart had been trying to tell him all along.
There can be no ending without a new beginning. Such was the cyclical nature of life. If he didn’t let go, he’d never step forward. And so, that night, with Iris in his arms and his heart wide open, Kane gave himself over to the joy of beginning.
“I can’t believe I’m finally going to open next week,” Iris said. Beaming, she turned in a circle, still feeling giddy about what a one-eighty her life had taken. Yet, in some respects, she’d come full circle, hadn’t she? She had her shop, albeit a prettier and upgraded one, in a far more interesting location, and she was still in a relationship. Albeit also with an upgraded model, Iris mused as Kane came into the store brandishing a hammer and nails.
“Sorry, I just had to grab my tools.” Kane flexed for her, and Iris giggled. It turned out that she was a giggler, something that still astonished her. Perhaps she just needed to be with the right person.
“Construction Kane is really sexy,” Iris agreed, making appropriate oohing and aahing sounds as he flexed again with a hammer in hand.
The shop was finished. The midnight blue looked perfect on the painted wall, highlighting the warm red brick of the other walls and bringing out the honey tones of the wood floors. The mismatched rugs, eclectic thrift décor, and charming vintage lamps created the shop's cool yet relaxed ambience. Every morning, she walked the room, still delighted with what she’d created here.
It was crazy how, when Warren had betrayed her, she’d been convinced that her life was over. Now, she realized his betrayal had only been the beginning. That was why, today, they were finally going to hang Aislinn’s beautiful painting, the first piece of art she’d purchased when she’d arrived in Grace’s Cove. Iris had promised herself she would hang the painting in a prized spot on the wall when she was ready to open her doors to the public.
The Beginning.
It had been so much more for her than that, but Iris still was awed at how that painting, and the title, had managed to become such a prominent theme in her life. Turning, she smiled and…
“Kane! What are you doing?” Iris demanded.
Kane smiled patiently at her from where he kneeled on the floor, holding a ring box in his hand. Iris’s heart skipped a beat, and her hands fluttered weakly at her chest as she looked down at him in shock. It was too soon. Was it too soon? She kept her spirit guides on mute, only wanting to listen to her own guidance as she stepped forward.
“I’m hanging a painting. What does it look like?” Kane rolled his eyes, and Iris snorted. Of course he would make her laugh in the middle of a proposal. That was just who he was. Goofy, funny, incredibly sexy, and unendingly patient with her.
“Oh well, by all means, don’t let me stop you then.” Iris blinked as tears filled her eyes.
“Iris…I don’t want you to think I’m proposing right here and now because I have to be a part of the shop. This is your baby and your business. I promise I’ll cheer you on as much as you need, but I’ll never try to rule it for you. But, at the same time, knowing what this painting means to you, well…it just felt right. I love you so very much, Iris Moon Dillon. My stubborn, fascinating, prickly, beautiful woman. I have a very important question for you…”
“Okay.” Iris swallowed.
“Will you be my new beginning? And my last?” Kane asked, his eyes warm with love.
“Yes, oh, of course I will, Kane. We’re meant to be, you and I, aren’t we?” Iris gasped when he flipped the box open, revealing a purple amethyst surrounded heavily by diamonds. “Oh, Kane…purple like my boots.”
“I took a chance there…if you don’t like—” Iris cut off his words with her lips, all but crawling into his lap as they tumbled to the floor, knowing he would catch her. Because that was what Kane did. He caught her, lifted her, and showed her just what life could be like with a true partner. It was a beautiful thing, loving Kane, and she didn’t care about anything else.
“I thought we were hanging a painting, not having an orgy,” Beatrice griped from the door, and Iris broke away from Kane’s kiss, laughter on her lips. Bubbles ran across the floor and swatted at Kane with her paw, and Kane raised an eyebrow at Iris.
“I warned you about cats, didn’t I?”
“She’s just protective of me, isn’t she?” Iris cooed, scratching Bubbles under the chin before rolling awkwardly off Kane and helping him to stand. She beamed as he slid the ring on her finger, ignoring Beatrice’s gasp of surprise, and wrapped her arms around Kane’s shoulder, savoring another kiss with him.