Page 39 of Chorus of Ashes
“I like you, Rian,” Goddess Domnu said, hooking her arm though his as though they were merely having a casual morning stroll to enjoy the weather. Which, Rian noted, was lovely this morning. He suspected it was Domnu’s doing. She didn’t seem like the type of woman who would tolerate rain messing up her outfit. He tilted his head slightly away from the snakes that coiled around her head. “I’ve very much enjoyed your campaign to retaliate against the Earth Fae. It’s been fun for me to watch, and I suspect we are kindred spirits.”
A bitter taste filled Rian’s mouth, and he ground his teeth together. What had his life come to that the Goddess of all things dark and decrepit thought they were very much alike? His shoulders slumped. She wasn’t wrong, either. He had done some pretty awful things to the Earth in order to seek revenge. Feeling guilt over his actions hadn’t stopped him from doing the same again. Instead he’d just buried his remorse. What did that make him? A bad person. Just like the Earth Fae had determined him to be. It was a good reminder for Rian, as he’d momentarily lost his head with Terra, as well as the others. This was just a brief moment in time, where Rian could pretend like he was the person he used to be. Fun, unencumbered, hopeful for the future.
Goddess Domnu drew to a stop at the edge of the cliff, and together they looked down at Cathedral Rocks, the pillars splitting the ocean and towering toward the sky.
“We could be like those rocks, you and I. Strong, statuesque, remarkable,” Goddess Domnu mused, and Rian realized just how deep he was in if the Goddess was considering him as a potential mate. Oily disgust slid through Rian’s gut as he thought about the sweetness of Terra opening herself for him and what Domnu now suggested to him. The two were night and day, cold to warmth, bitter to sweet. Even the thought of… Rian slid his glance to the snakes that slithered around Domnu’s head … nope, there was no way he’d ever be able to touch this monster.
“Look,” Domnu continued. Throwing her hand up, she projected an image into the air, like watching a movie at an old-time drive-up movie theater. Rian blinked as the image of himself appeared, walking hand-in-hand with Goddess Domnu, across a barren land of dust and dirt. “This is our future, Rian, should you so choose it. We shall reign supreme, destroying the Earth as we go, enjoying our decadence as we see fit.”
The image of a wasteland flipped to a concrete skyrise filled with sleek skyscrapers and not a green space to be seen. There, Rian watched himself luxuriate in a glittering penthouse apartment, complete with all the luxuries known to man, a bevy of servants at his beck and call.
“You’ll be rich, powerful, with every whim catered to. Look how happy you are…” Domnu purred in his ear. He did look happy, Rian thought, as future Rian in the video threw back his head and laughed. There was a lightness in his face that he didn’t now carry, and Rian briefly wondered if that was what would happen once vengeance was his.
“You see, Rian. Once you have it all … you’ll never live a day in darkness again. The real power comes from winning. The Earth Fae, they turned their backs on you. They ruined your life, your future, and left your mother to suffer. You have every right to your feelings, and your path for vengeance is a true one. Let me help you finish your goal. Revenge tastes so much sweeter when shared.”
Domnu squeezed her hand at his bicep, and Rian closed his eyes, two sides warring inside him.
“I don’t know anymore. What if revenge isn’t the answer?” Rian rasped, knowing he could very well anger the Goddess with daring to question her. His life hung in a precarious balance, in more ways than one, and once more, he realized he stood at the edge of Cathedral Cliffs while life-changing decisions were made.
“Revenge is always the answer, Rian. You have to right the scales, don’t you? Balance the injustices served against you. You’ll never know peace if you don’t have resolution to the travesty that’s been served to you.”
She wasn’t likely wrong. Rian hadn’t had a night of restful sleep since he’d been exiled. Except for …last night that was. It was the first time he’d drifted off peacefully since the night of his trial.
The image in front of him shifted, drawing his attention, and his heart twisted.
His mother lay, thin and frail, in the wan morning light, on her deathbed. Alone, she cried for him, repeating his name over and over, railing against the injustices brought upon him by the Earth Fae.
“Your poor mother.” Domnu’s voice was soft — caring even. “Alone on her deathbed. The Earth Fae did this to her. To you. She knew no love in the end, no happiness. Why should you let them get away with it?” Domnu’s voice lifted at the last moment, and when Rian turned to look down at her, she carried a smug look on the sharp angles of her face.
But this …thiswas where she’d miscalculated.
His mother hadn’t been alone when she’d died.
And she had known care, love, and nurturing.
Because Terra had been there.
It was then that Rian realized just how much of a pawn he was in Domnu’s game. She was willing to rewrite history in order to get exactly what she wanted. She didn’t care about Rian and his path to justice any more than she cared about the army of Domnua who blindly served her. Their lives mattered little to her, as did Rian’s.
As would Terra’s.
The thought of delivering Terra’s beautiful soul into Domnu’s wicked arms was enough to make his breath catch in his throat. While he understood he’d never be good enough for Terra — could neverreallyhave her as his partner — at the very least, maybe he could offer one small speck of redemption to her.
A gift, really. The only one he felt he was capable of giving.
“You’re absolutely right, my Goddess. Thank you for showing me this, and our future together, in such a clear manner. Allow me to go collect the amulet, and the Earth Fae who protect it. I’ll deliver them to you on a silver platter.”
“I knew you’d see it my way,” Domnu said, a delighted grin spreading on her face. “We’re meant to be … you and me. Like always recognizes like. It’s been ages since I’ve had the taste of an Earth Fae on my lips, but now I find I can barely contain myself.” Domnu trailed a finger across Rian’s chest and simpered up at him. It was clear she wished for a kiss, but Rian couldn’t stomach such a gesture. Instead, he dared to brush his thumb lightly across her lips, the snakes shivering around her head as he did so.
“I won’t be long,” Rian promised.
“See that you won’t. I’m rarely patient, and you’ve already tested my limits.”
“The best things come to those who wait.” Rian blew her a kiss over his shoulder and jogged across the meadow, a sick feeling churning in his gut.
He hated what he had to do next, but his path forward was clear.