Page 45 of Chorus of Ashes
“Well, come on in then. Let me see to it before you’re on your way.” Gracie said as Rian carried Terra inside the small cottage which smelled of lemon.
“I don’t know that I need to be carried anymore,” Terra protested, feeling just a touch silly in Rian’s arms. She elbowed him until he let her feet slide to the floor, and then kept his arms around her as though he couldn’t bear to let her go.
“You seem to have the most blood on you,” Gracie said. She came to stand in front of Terra and held her hands out. “May I?”
“Of course,” Terra said, instantly recognizing a healer. Her hands were cool to the touch, and Gracie closed her eyes as she focused inward for a moment.
“It smells divine in here,” Bianca commented.
“Lemon curd. My mother’s had a hankering for it,” Gracie acknowledged. A cool wash of energy spilled through her, giving Terra a boost of strength, and she straightened, pleased with Gracie’s work.
“That feels nice. Thank you, friend,” Terra said with a small smile.
“Just clearing out the last dregs of dark magick. You would have cleared it out on your own soon enough, but no need to have it lingering. Is there anything to fear?” Gracie said, looking up at Rian as she moved to Bianca and ran her hands over where the blood matted at her scalp.
“Not here, no. I don’t believe so at least. I think the Domnua will continue their battle in another realm.” Rian’s voice came from the floor where he’d crouched to give Rosie a cuddle after Gracie had given Terra the all clear. He looked positively kid-like, Terra realized, as he played with the dog, and she made a mental note to surprise Rian with a companion. It was clear his heart was crying out for love.
“You’ll notify us if we need to protect ourselves?” Gracie asked. “We’re not without our own power, here in Grace’s Cove. We’ll do what we can to help. And to protect our people, of course.”
“I’ll send word, you know that Gracie,” Bianca said, smiling when Gracie pulled her in for a quick hug. “I think we need to get back though. I don’t even know where Goddess Domnu is right now, but I’m pretty sure she’s furious we got away. We need to go to Callum.”
“Ah, how’s the lad doing then? Lily keeping him on his toes?”
“Are you kidding me? The man dotes on her. I’d say I was jealous, but I lucked out in that department, didn’t I, lover?” Bianca winked at Seamus.
“Sure and it’s me who has lucked out, isn’t it then?” Seamus wrapped his arms around Bianca from behind and propped his chin on her head. Together, they rocked back and forth, and warmth filled Terra just looking at the love they had for each other.
“Let’s skip the offer of tea then and we’ll head down to the cove?” Gracie asked, pulling on a sweater that hung by a hook at the door.
“Oh but the lemon…” Bianca trailed off, her eyes hopeful.
“It’s a shame, but it’s still boiling. Gives you reason to come back for a proper visit.” Gracie laughed when Bianca poked her lower lip out. Terra took one last glance around the pretty cottage, where a long table held a myriad jars and bowls, and shelves were stacked with a variety of natural ingredients. Kindred spirits, her and Gracie were, Terra realized and smiled.
“You heal with the Earth, too,” Terra said, pointing at the shelves.
“I do at that. And with just a touch of power.”
“The Earth Fae appreciate that. Blessed be,” Terra bowed her head and walked outside to where the sea breeze sent a light shiver down her back. It wasn’t unwelcome, the cold, for it kept her senses alert and reminded her how close she’d come to not feeling anything at all anymore. No, she’d welcome the cold and any other gifts the Earth would see fit to give her.
The couples walked, hand in hand, following Gracie across the meadow to where a picnic table sat by the edge of a cliff. Callahan followed at a slower pace behind them. At the top of the cliffs, Terra pulled up short and let out a small sigh of happiness. She’d only ever seen this cove from the beach, as that is where the Fae portal was hidden. From this viewpoint though? It was extraordinary. The cliffs hugged the calm blue water far below them, and birds played in the wind, dipping and diving toward the water on their hunt for fish. It was a space for dreamers and lovers alike, and Terra was instantly enchanted.
“This is where I’ll say my goodbyes.”
“What? Why?” Terra turned to where Callahan stood, arms crossed over his chest, newsboy cap pulled low on his forehead. “You’ll come with us, of course. The Fire Fae are welcome.”
“I understand and appreciate that, Lady Terra. But that realm isn’t for me. I’ll be staying right here.”
“Are you certain? We can make your passage comfortable or … right any wrongs, I’m sure of it,” Terra said, carefully. She didn’t know Callahan’s past, but she could vouch for his actions toward her now. He’d be regaled as a hero by her people.
“Sure and I’m appreciating that. But, nevertheless, I’ll be staying here.”
“The house is yours to stay in. You have all the information you need to see that your needs are met?” Rian released Terra’s hand and walked to Callahan.
“Of course. Thank you,” Callahan tugged at the brim of his cap. “I’ll be sure to handle any issues that arise at the company.”
“Ah, they’ll just replace me with the next bloodthirsty lot, I’m sure of it.”
“Maybe, maybe not. You could change a few things there before you go. If you’re wanting to, that is,” Callahan offered. A considering look passed across Rian’s face.