Page 20 of Turned By The Pawn

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Page 20 of Turned By The Pawn

“She’s my girl and I want her back,” I say leaving no room for argument.


I gasp awake when a bucket of water is thrown on me. I try to move back but flinch in pain. My hands are handcuffed above my head and my feet are shackled to the floor. Fear uncurls inside me. I dart my gaze around the room and freeze at the sight of a pale Alek sitting in a seat in the corner, looking at me with nothing but hatred, but I find comfort in seeing him arm in a sling from being shot. The sound of a bucket hitting the concrete floor on my other side draws my attention. Ivan stands there with a bright smile on his face. He has a rubber apron on and bright blue rubber gloves. My fear turns to panic when Ivan’s gaze runs down my body. I follow his movement and fight back a whimper when I see I’m in my red lace bra and matching thong. I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep my tears at bay. He stripped me and that can only mean one thing.

“I hope you don’t mind, darling, but I thought my son might like to watch.” It’s posed as a question but I know Ivan, he never asks for permissionorforgiveness, he does as he likes, consequences be damned. “Now, we can do this the hard way or the harder way, you choose?” I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to calm myself, when I open my eyes again Ivan has moved closer and only a foot separates us.

“What is it you want to know, uncle?” A dark glimmer enters his eyes and I know with every fiber of my being I am not getting out of this fucking room–whereverthisroom may be–unscathed. He reaches out and runs a glove covered finger down the gap between my breasts. It takes everything inside me not to jerk away from his touch when he boldly cups my left tit in his hand.

“I want to know everything,” he whispers the words like a lover would. “I want to know what you know about the Americans and where they are. Then you are going to tell me who shot my son.” His grip on my breast becomes painful as he squeezes it hard, this time I can’t fight the flinch. “After that, I’m going to destroy you in the best way possible.” He leans toward me, I jerk back against my restraints to keep our distance but he uses his other hand to grip my hair and yank my head back, drawing a sharp cry from me. He darts his tongue out and licks a path from the base of my neck to the shell of my ear. I shudder in disgust. He clamps his teeth down on my lobe causing me to scream out in pain, I fear he may bite it off until he draws back at the last minute. I see blood on his bottom lip, my blood. The sick fuck darts his tongue out to lick the blood from his lip and moans.

“Can you save that shit for after I’m gone?” Alek says, sounding bored. I look at him and feel nothing but contempt. I wish it was him that died and not Dante. Alek is a carbon copy of his father and mine. Vlad has always wished that Alek was his son because of how cruel he is. Alek didn’t need to be trained or taught how to be a tyrant, he was born like that. Ivan rolls his eyes dramatically, almost like he finds humor in this whole situation.

“Fine, let’s get to it.” He takes a step back and smiles so bright, which has me fearing for my life worse than I was before. “Bring it in!” he calls out. At the sound of a door opening I turn and peer over my shoulder and watch the heavy metal door push open. I watch a skinny bronzed skin man who keeps his head down push in a cart with a white sheet covering its contents. He pushes the cart near the wall, then steps back against the wall keeping his head down. Something about the man seems so familiar but I can’t pinpoint where I would know him from. His body is littered with bruises and cuts, he is filthy and in serious need of a haircut. When Vlad moves toward the cart the man begins to tremble in fear which causes Vlad to laugh.

Vlad pulls the white sheet off the cart and holds it out to the man to grab, when he does he lifts his head for the first time and I gasp drawing his gaze to mine. My eyes are wide with surprise and dread. I thought he was dead! Vlad had told me they killed him when the Murdoch’s took out the last two remaining families!

“Rook…” I breathe. His eyes widen a fraction before he drops his chin to his chest and steps back against the wall. Ivan looks from Rook to me with a cruel glint in his eyes. He reaches out and claps Rook on the shoulder causing him to flinch in both fear and pain. The photo I gave Gage was one taken a couple weeks after Rook arrived. I found it in Vlad’s office and knew that picture would come in handy one day. And it did. Guilt has been eating at me daily because I thought he was dead and knowing the only reason Gage was helping me was because he thought I had his brother. From the look of the youngest Murdoch, death would have been better than whatever he has suffered through.

“He doesn’t go by that name anymore, he goes byDvornyaga (mutt)” My chest constricts when Rook lifts his head to look at Ivan, this poor boy has been beaten into submission so much so that at the mention of hisname,he is standing at attention. His handsome face is caked with filth and covered by a beard. He looks like he was a muscular guy at one time and now he is nothing but skin and bone. I can see the guy’s fucking ribcage! “Kneel!” Ivan commands. Rook drops to the concrete floor in front of his master and waits like a fucking dog. Ivan looks at me and wiggles his brows.

“What the hell have you done to him?” I shout, I’m too focused on Ivan to notice that Alek has moved until my head jerks back from the force of his hit. I cry out when he lands another blow to my stomach. I gag and slump in my chains as I gasp for air. Alek doesn’t care, he yanks on my hair pulling my head back only to back hand me. Tears threaten to spill but I manage to keep them at bay. I lose the fight when he reels his arm back and punches me right in the nose, breaking it. I scream out as blood begins to rush down my chin. My head is yanked back again, this time he doesn’t hit me, just spits right in my face.

“Ty sdokhnesh’, gryaznaya shlyukha, ty trakhnul nashu sem’yu v posledniy raz, suka!” (You're going to die you filthy whore, you fucked our family over for the last time you bitch!)Alek sneers. He’s so close, I can feel his breath fanning across my face so I do the only thing I can, I rear my head back and headbutt him right in the fucking nose, returning the favor of breaking his nose. He stumbles back and cups his nose with his hand. I relish in his agony. “You fucking bitch!” he roars in anger then tears his sling off. I brace myself for what is about to happen. No matter how prepared you are, you can never fully prepare yourself to block out the pain. Alek lands blow after to my face, ribs, stomach. I can feel the cuffs cutting into my wrists from being jerked in every direction from the hits. My throat is hoarse from screaming out in pain. When black spots begin to dance in my vision, I welcome the blackness with open arms.

* * *

The feeling of rocking rouses me, immediately I wish I was still unconscious because the pain is excruciating. I feel myself being jostled and will my eyes to open but they refuse. I flinch in pain when I feel tears begin to leak from my eyes before I open them. My ears register the sounds of grunts coming from above me. I blink my eyes open and whimper. I turn away from Ivan and see my arms are anchored either side of me by leather cuffs to a wooden table. I flinch again when he slams his cock inside me. Tears flow freely down my cheeks. He reaches down and yanks the cups of my bra down drawing another whimper from me, then squeezes my nipples so hard I cry out.

“That’s it, scream for me like the fucking whore you are!” The breathy tone of his voice has bile rushing up my throat. I turn away from the wall and chuck up the breakfast I ate. The table is too wide so my vomit sits there, right next to my face as if mocking me. Movement catches my eye and I see Rook kneeling in the corner, his gaze fixated on mine. I try to detach myself from what is happening to my body and focus on Rook and the anguish in his gaze, but the moment Ivan pulls out of me, I’m brought back to the present. Ivan moves toward the cart Rook brought in earlier with his hard cock swinging. I fight to not spew again at the sight of his skinny pathetic cock. I fight against my restraints but it’s useless. Ivan grabs a wrench and spins back to face me.

I stare at him in horror, he stands there completely naked and unashamed that Rook is eye level with his cock. He must see something in my eyes because he smiles as he reaches down and pats Rook’s head. He flinches from Ivan’s touch but doesn’t pull away. Ivan keeps his gaze on me the whole time, a sick feeling churns inside me as his smile grows.

“Suck.” He says that one word and Rook tenses but swivels around so he is kneeling with his back to me. I watch Rook’s head bob up and down on Ivan’s cock. Bile rises again but this time I fight it back. Anger, disgust and hatred like I have never felt before comes to life inside me. I can’t stand to watch Gage’s brother be humiliated and used like this by my own kin, so I do something I never thought I ever would.

“How pathetic.” The smile on Ivan’s face vanishes. He grips Rook’s hair and yanks him back causing him to fall backward. “You use that fucking mafia piece of shit to get you off.” I scoff in an effort to drive my point home. Ivan’s grip on the wrench tightens to the point his knuckles turn white. “I always knew you couldn’t get off on Russian pussy, I just had no idea it took a half-beatencockto get you hard.”


I’m still writhing in pain from Ivan fucking me with the wrench, my pussy is burning and fucking sore but that hasn’t stopped him from shoving his cock inside it or in my mouth. The worst was when he ordered Rook to come help him flip me over and hold my ass cheeks open while he fucked it. I screamed so loud and long that I passed out from either the pain or lack of oxygen. I can’t stop shaking, pain is radiating throughout my body. I’ve cried so much that now I have no tears left. Rook hasn’t been able to look at me since he helped Ivan. Truth is, I don’t blame Rook for any of this.

“Here it is.” The gleeful sound of Ivan’s voice has me tensing. He spins away from the cart and waves a thin strip of bamboo and a hammer. I try to keep the confusion from my face, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. I know I have been with him longer than an hour but I haven’t had the nerve to ask where my father is or where Alek went. No amount of training or fighting in the cage could have prepared me for this. Ivan stalks toward me, still naked and fucking hard! The sick cunt downed some Viagra to keep himready for me,he said.

Ivan whistled as he made his way over to me, he gripped my hand and held it flat, I tried to yank it free but couldn’t thanks to his hold and the restraints. He called out to Rook, who ambled over slowly with a look of shame and guilt shinning in his dark eyes. I plead with my eyes hoping that he will help me–help us both by using some of those tools on the cart to take Ivan out. Rook takes Ivan’s place and holds my hand flat. Ivan places the thin piece of Bamboo beneath my fingernail, my eyes widen in horror when he uses the hammer to smash the bamboo forward. I scream out so loud the sound rings in my own ears, and tears I thought I no longer could cry fall from my eyes. Agony. That is the only word to describe the feeling of having something smashed under your nail, I can feel the bamboo right up to my cuticle.

“Now, answer my question and I won’t do that to your other fingers.” I grit my teeth and breathe through my nose trying to control my urge to lash out and call him every name under the sun. “Where is your boyfriend and his brother’s?” I give him the answer Gage and I had discussed.

“He’s with the Crows, he’s a mole for them.” I gasp out trying not to focus on the pain, pretty hard when my whole fucking body is in pain. Ivan clicks his tongue and shakes his head as he yanks the bamboo out from under my nail. I cry out. He lines it up with my next finger and I begin to thrash against my restraints. “I told you what you wanted to know!” I scream out, and he grips my chin in a bruising grip.

“You’re a fucking liar.” His eyes burn with a look so dark I can’t think of a word to describe it. “You gave him up too easy and after watching the videos from your father’s house…” He tsks before continuing, “You wouldn’t give him up that easy. I saw the way you looked at him, darling, you love him.” My eyes widen and I try to shake my head to deny his claim but he just tightens his grip causing me to wince. “I saw the look in your eyes, Anya, your mind may not know it but your heart does. You fell in love with our enemy but not to worry because he feels the same and he will come for you.”

The only sounds, for the next hour or however long it is, that can be heard is my screams. I even resorted to begging. He has nailed a piece of bamboo under each of my fingers and toes, I would take getting beaten over and over again rather than have him do that again. I can’t even twitch my fingers or toes without searing pain erupting everywhere. I sniffle and close my eyes not wanting to see what he does next. No matter the answer I gave to his questions, he didn’t believe me. I even told the truth by the end. I knew then, it didn’t matter what answer I gave, Ivan wouldn’t believe me. He just wanted to believe I was lying so he could continue to hurt me for his own sick pleasure. My body is spent and my mind is exhausted. I wish I could black out from the pain again just to rest for a while.

“The sight of you bloody, bruised and broken has my cock gleaming with pre-cum.” I close my eyes and ignore him, what’s the point in fighting when he is going to rape me again and there’s nothing I do can stop him. I hoped Rook would man up and help me. Fuck, Ivan was the one who shot him so I thought he may at least want some type of revenge, but no, he’s been beaten into the perfect little pet. I feel Ivan step between my shackled legs, I tense instinctively and regret it when pain reverberates throughout my body. “Hmm, your pussy is beautiful covered in blood. Mind if I have a taste?” I shudder at the thought but remain silent. He grips the insides of my thighs in a punishing grip that I know will leave bruises. When I feel the first swipe of his tongue a soft cry tumbles from my lips.

I’ve been beaten and thrown into fights I had no business fighting in when I’ve pissed Vlad off, or just because he wanted to see me beaten and hurt—but never has he ever allowed something like this to happen. At the sound of the metal door opening, a small whimper escapes me. Ivan jumps to his feet and turns slightly pale. I tilt my head back to see who is able to inspire such a look like that on my uncle. Confusion wars inside me when I see Krill and Vlad standing in the doorway. Vlad looks furious, Krill tries to mask his anger but fails when his gaze connects with mine.

“Kakogo khrena ty delayesh’?” (What the fuck are you doing?)Vlad demands. Ivan huffs in annoyance but doesn’t move from between my legs.

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