Page 24 of Turned By The Pawn
“I got the bitch back, she won’t be causing any more problems.” All the blood drains from my face, my entire body feels like it’s being weighed down by a ton of bricks. I search his gaze trying to detect if he is lying. I see it so clearly, he’s telling the truth. Rage consumes me, I prepare myself for the onslaught of bullets that I know will come the moment I make a move but gunshots ring out from either side of the hall. I tackle Mav to the ground, I don’t know who is fucking taking out the Bratva and right now I don’t fucking care, all I want is to kill the son of bitch that took the life of the only woman that has made me feel something other than second best. He tries to push me off but it’s futile, he’s lost too much blood. I straddle him, gripping his face between my hands and stabbing my thumbs into his eyes. I push as hard as I can while smashing his head continuously into the wooden floor.
I groan in pain and clutch my side. I wince from it, but I don’t have the luxury of laying here and wallowing in self-pity that my cousin just fucking shot me.
“Alek!” I hear Ivan shout. I attempt to sit up but cry out in pain. I spy movement from my side and lift my gun, Krill smacks it out of the way as he yanks me to my feet, ignoring my cries of pain. He doesn’t utter a word as he drags me to the door, unlocks it and yanks it open. He hides us behind the door while men pile in the room, fear grips me in its clutches.
We’re going to die.
The thought is on repeat inside my head as Krill drags me out of the hiding spot. Ivan points to us and begins to curse me out in Russian, while eight guns are trained on us. I eye each of them in confusion when they begin to trade looks amongst themselves, each of them looks worried. It baffles me why they would be scared of us when they could take the both of us out.
“Shoot and I pull the pin.” I look up at Krill, confused as hell until I see the grenade in his hand. My eyes widen in surprise.
“Ty budesh’ medlenno umirat’ za eto,” (You’ll die slowly for this)Vlad promises as he climbs to his feet holding histinyflesh wound like it’s a gaping hole in his chest. Krill slowly backs us out of the room, never once daring to look behind us. I decide to be the eyes in the back of his head and peer over my shoulder. The hall has men with their guns aimed and at the ready. We take one step into the hall. I can tell they all have itchy trigger fingers and are ready to shoot.
“Propusti yeye!” (Let her through)I look between the four guys at the front to see Sasha standing there. He’s one of the younger captains and I’ll admit he was one of the hardest to turn. Sasha is loyal to a fault. He has no family and came up through the ranks quickly. Sasha isn’t like the rest of the men here, he doesn’t enjoy hurting and raping woman. The night I met with him to try and turn him, I had just came from a cage fight Vlad had set up because I was late on invoices. All it took was one look at how bruised I was and telling him Vlad set the fight as punishment for him to agree. I give him a curt nod and yank on Krill’s shirt getting him to move faster. Thanks to the adrenaline pumping through my body, I can’t feel the pain in my side but what I do feel, is the blood soaking my shirt.
Sasha motions for his men to let us through and they do. The guys from Vlad’s office follow us out with their guns still raised but not willing to shoot Krill and risk blowing themselves up. Sasha and his men close the gap as soon as we are through, the right guys don’t stand a chance. They are Vlad’s puppets so Sasha orders his men to put them down. Krill drags me away and tries to lead us to the nearest exit but I pull free of his hold.
“I’m not leaving!” I say. He grits his teeth in agitation.
“You’re shot and we are sitting fucking ducks, we need to go now!” I shake my head.
“You go. I’m going to burn this place to the fucking ground and kill those sons of bitches before I leave.” I turn on my heel and head for my office where I have a stash of guns. Krill curses behind me, but follows after me nonetheless. If I don’t end this now, there will be nowhere I will ever be able to hide where Vlad can’t find me. I know my father, he may have tried to keep tabs on Koby and taken his time finding her but with me, I would be his sole focus and he would dedicate all his resources to finding me.
Once we reach my closet-size office, I rush to the filing cabinet and grab the first aid kit off the top. I make quick work of taping some gauze to my wound and fight back the tears that threaten to spill. This will have to do until I can get to a doctor,ifI make it out of here alive. Krill tells me to get the guns while he creates a distraction. I finish dressing my wound and grab the guns from each of the places I hid them. They are only handguns but I have ammo as well. My office isn’t big enough to have hidden rifles. I’m crouched behind my desk when the sound of a scream rings up. I peer over the top of my desk as I hear another and then Krill is charging.
“Move now, we have to do this fast before we’re burnt alive!” I’m on my feet and handing him guns and loading my own as I ask him what he did. “Set a fire in the back to draw everyone to the front of the club, we need to get out of here and wait for them to come out the front.”
“What if they don’t?” I ask, feeling on edge about this plan of his. He smashes the magazine of his Glock into place before cocking the trigger back and meeting my stare.
“I blocked the back exits, ran into Sasha. He is going to guide them out the front and we’ll be there waiting for him!” I’m about to protest when more screams sound out and the smell of smoke infiltrates my nose. “Let’s move!”
* * *
Krill and I try to get as many girls as we can out of the building on our way out, some of them are so high they can barely walk. We haven’t had to shoot a single person either. The captain’s must have put out the word about changing sides, how they knew what was happening here tonight is unbeknown to me. If I had to guess, I would say Sasha put out the call letting them know. Krill is carrying a young girl that can’t be any older than nine or ten, the track marks on her arms make me sick to my stomach. We break through into the club and it is utter chaos. Patrons are screeching and fighting to get out before the place burns down.
“We need to double back.” I can hear the slight tremble of fear in his voice.
“No, you said we can take them out if we wait out front. I won’t fucking lose this chance!” He turns to peer down at me, his face is a mask of irritation.
“We can’t get out this way Anya–” Krill clamps his mouth closed and uses his body to push me against the wall with the young girl trapped between us. When the sound of gunshots erupt inside the club, I’m powerless to move him, not that I’ve tried because I’m loathed to admit it but I’m scared. Earlier I latched onto my anger and adrenaline to get me through. Now that is slowly draining from me, I’m beginning to feel the pain in my side. “Stay quiet, stay low and don’t make a sound,” Krill whispers close to my ear. I nod. “I can’t move without risking them spotting me, can you see over my shoulder who it is?”
I do as he asks and peer around him the best that I can. I can’t see who the group of people are running behind the stage thanks to the lighting their faces are cast in a shadow. But when I see the last guy drop to his knees and slide across the floor while firing off shots of his own, my breath hitches.
He’s here but, why?
I focus on the other group who are firing off round after not caring that some of their stray bullets are hitting innocent people, my chest constricts when I watch a man throw himself on top of a woman–who I assume is his girlfriend or wife. Two bullets hit him in the back, tears brim my eyes. He used his own body as a human shield to protect the one he loves.
Gage is pinned behind the stage, there is no exit back there. I saw at least eight of them dash behind the stage, they are outnumbered and clearly outgunned. I have to do something. I pull back and stare up at Krill, whatever he sees in my gaze has him tensing before letting out a long exhale. He and I both know how this night is going to play out, it’s kill or be killed and I personally am okay with the latter.
“It’s your American, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, he’s here but not alone,” I whisper back.
“I can hear the shots, I don’t need to see to know they are outmanned. We can’t help him, Anya.”