Page 14 of Ruined By the Rook
“Why don’t you run? You don’t owe me anything, Rook. I don’t expect you to take pity on me because––”
“I would never do anything for you out of pity, Clare. I’d do it because of who you are to me.” Feeling emboldened I push him.
“Who am I to you?” His eyes darken, he eats the space up between us until we are nearly chest to chest. The tension between us ramps up, I can feel the heat of his body like a whispered caress brushing over my skin. It takes more strength than I want to admit not to press against him.
“My past.” He reaches out to cup the back of my neck. “My present.” He cups my cheek with his other hand. “My future,” he whispers as he places the softest kiss against my lips. It’s over too fast. He pulls back and gazes down at me. “I’m still so furious with you, Clare, and mark my words, we are going to talk this shit out one day but right now, I need you with me.”
“Why?” I ask thoroughly confused.
“Because neither of us knew it, but you just being around me is helping me in more ways than I care to admit.” I shake my head denying his claim.
“Rook, we can’t even spend a whole day together without fighting. How isthathelping you?” I can see the torment in his eyes, he wants to lie but he won’t.
“I don’t fucking know, Clare. All I know is you make me want to try and not be stuck in this fucking rut. So, you can either stay here with your asshole brother and live on struggle street or––”
“Or what?” I cut in. He steps back and holds his arms out wide with a panty-melting smirk on his luscious lips.
“You can be my new roommate and I promise you can afford this rent.” I narrow my eyes.
“What’s the price?” I ask hesitantly.
“It’s not riding my dick if that’s what you’re thinking?” I fake gasp, but the truth is, that is exactly what I washopingthe price would be.
“I-I wasn’t,” I weakly protest, which only causes him to smile.
“I’ll pretend that I believe you.” I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen to grab a bowl to fill with some water for Bob. Rook follows after me and watches silently as I set the bowl and Bob down. “If you come live with me, I’ll pay for everything for the dog.” I flick my gaze to him and I’ll admit I’m shocked to see that he is serious.
“IfI agree, I want to pay my way. I’m no mooch, Rook. I just want to pay my dad’s debt then study to become a vet nurse.”
“Girl, quit acting like you’re gonna pass this opportunity up and pack your shit,” he says, followed by the melodic sound of his laughter that has butterflies taking flight inside me.
One week later…
Sitting here across from Clare, watching as she eats her Pad Thai has a feeling of longing hitting me square in the chest. Bishop gave us all the keys to our houses the morning I went to Clare’s to give her Bob, then she and I both moved into my house that night and haven’t looked back since. She stays in the room opposite mine. Each morning we wake up and have breakfast together, then I drive her to work before returning to meet with Opal. Opal thinks Clare being here is helping me heal and recover. I don’t deny it because I know it’s true.
Seven days together and I find myself excited to wake up and see what the day will bring. Each night Clare and I cook dinner together. She refuses to waste money on takeout and truth is, I attempt to cook and burn it, then Clare takes pity on me and cooks us both dinner. All I seem to be able to manage to cook is bacon and fucking eggs. Other than that, I’m fucked. The sound of Clare’s phone ringing draws my attention back to the present. She checks the caller ID and her face drops.
“Who is it?” I ask. She takes a deep inhale of breath before meeting my stare.
“No one,” she lies, and it grates on my fucking nerves.
“Either you answer me truthfully or I get Vin or Knight to hack your phone records and call the number back myself,” I warn. Her eyes widen for a second before she winds up scowling at me.
“It’s the people chasing the money for Dad’s medical bills. Happy now?” she snaps as she stands and dumps her plate in the sink before storming out of the room with Bob hot on her heels. I glare at the fucking hairy rat. The little fucker has pissed everywhere while she is at work. It’s like the monster knows to fuck with me while she is gone. I left the front door open the other day hoping he would run outside, then I could lie and say someone stole him or some shit. The bastard sat at the front door with an evil look in its eyes before racing off to Clare’s room. I give her fifteen minutes of time alone before I’m racing up the stairs after her. I don’t bother to knock as I push her door open and glare at the fucking rat on her bed as he barks at me.
“Get out!” I dart my gaze to the adjoining bathroom to see her standing there in nothing but a white towel. Her hair is wet and I watch as droplets of water drip down her chest. I can feel my cock growing hard at the sight of her. This time I don’t panic when I feel my length growing hard, thoughts of burying my cock inside her is what snaps me from my stunned state. “Rook?”
I shake my head and drag my eyes back to hers. I hate to admit it but it takes more force than I want to admit. “Yeah?”
She rolls her eyes clearly exasperated by my presence. “Why are you in my room?” Uh, that is a good question, one that I can’t answer because seeing her practically naked has wiped my train of thought.
“I… You and I we uh, we need to—”
“Talk?” she supplies, and like an idiot I nod. “Well can you give me like five minutes to change and then I’ll meet you downstairs?” Again, I nod. As I turn to leave, the fucking rat growls at me. I pin the bastard with a glare as I say,
“The rat stays here!” Her shocked gasp follows me out of the room. It may sound crazy but I puff my chest a little knowing that I just one upped the rat.