Page 18 of Ruined By the Rook
“No!” She cuts me off, I glare down at the top of her head.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say!” I protest.
“Yeah, I do.” I narrow my eyes at her.
“Oh, what was I going to say then, smartass?” She shifts and stares up at me with a look that has me forcing a smile and cupping my dick. Clare has a fucking temper and the girl isn’t above dick punching me, she’s done it before!
“Let mefuck you better.” She mimics how I sound and I scoff.
“I don’t sound like that!” She quirks a brow mockingly.
“No, you just sound like a whining baby who lost their favorite toy.” I mock gasp and place a hand over my heart.
“Are you threatening to takemypussy from me?” She throws her arms up in the air and jumps up from the couch, ready to storm out of the room. I’m quicker than her. I wrap my arm around her waist and haul her back down, laying her on the couch beneath me. Bob yelps and leaps off the couch. I fight the smile that wants to break free knowing I just pissed the rat off. Clare tries to shove me off, so I grab both her wrists in one hand and pin them above her head as I nestle myself between her delicious thighs. She can try to act pissed off all she wants but with no panties on and me being butt naked, I can feel how wet she is against my cock.
“Don’t you dare put thatthinginside me,” she warns.
“Now, that is a low blow calling RJ athing.” Her face scrunches in disgust.
“Did you just name your cock,RJ,as in Rook Junior?” I smile wide and puff my chest up as I answer.
“Sure did, sunshine.” Her mouth unhinges. I grind against her bare pussy and fight the smirk that wants to break free when she bites down on her bottom lip to keep from moaning.
“Could RJ put some fucking clothes on!” At the sound of my brother’s voice, I still on top of Clare and blindly reach behind me for the throw blanket and pull it over us. I shoot her an apologetic look as she buries her face in my chest and I turn to see all four of my brothers standing the entry way with different looks of disgust on their faces. “I could have gone my lifetime without knowing you named your dick that,” Knight says as he fake shudders.
“What the hell are you all doing here?” I snap, pissed off that they just walked intomyhouse unannounced. I don’t give a fuck if they see my brown ass but I do give a fuck that they see Clare in just my shirt. Gage and King both turn to look at Bishop who pins me with an annoyed stare.
“Opal called, said you haven’t been answering her calls—” I cut in not wanting to get a fucking lecture from my brother.
“As you can see, I’ve been a bit preoccupied. Now, if that’s all, can you lot fuck off?” I bite out.
“Not nice when someone walks in on you and your girl, is it?” Knight interjects, I pin my twin with a look that I hope conveys he is pushing too fucking far right now.
“Please, it got you harder knowing I was watching you fuck Koby.” Bishop, King and Gage groan but don’t comment. Knight’s eyes blaze with rage—good, get angry brother because I am ready to fucking go.
“The crows want Ivan back!” Gage cuts in before Knight and I can get into it further. At the mention of Ivan my blood runs cold and I turn to stone above Clare. My breaths turned ragged and my mind reels with images of my time with him. Before I can recede too far into the past and get lost in my own mind, the feeling of her tiny hands cupping my face and pulling my gaze back to hers pulls me out of my spiral.
“Come back to me.” Her whispered words wash over me and remind me that I’mhere, I’m not back in Russia being… Ivan’spet. “Don’t let him pull you back into the darkness. Stay with me and let me be yoursunshine.” Taking a deep breath I nod and keep my gaze on her as I speak to my brothers.
“Wait outside. I need to dress and then we’ll talk.”
* * *
Sitting herein Bishop’s office I start to feel claustrophobic. I dig my nails into the palm of my hand to keep me focused. Bishop refused to allow Clare in on the meeting which set me off but Clare being the saint she is, said she would hang with the girls and wait for me. So, I now sit here in the office with Gage, Bish, Knight and King. When the door opens, I peer over my shoulder shocked as shit to see my sister storming into the office like she is about to tear shit up. Car has a furious look on her face and is staring directly at Bish. We may be the muscle and brawn in this family but the truth is, Carlina Murelo is the one that has the true Italian temper and is trigger happy.
“Gucci!” Vin rushes in after his wife with his daughter clutched to his chest and an annoyed look in his eyes. Car ignores him as she pushes between mine and Knight’s seats to place both her hands on Bishop’s desk. She folds slightly so they are eye level. Vincent groans behind his wife but is smart enough to remain quiet or risk her turning her ire on him.
“What can I do for you, sister?” Bishop asks as he reclines back in his chair with his hands clasped in front of him.
“What can I do for you, sister?” Car mocks, trying to sound like Bishop. Gage and King snicker in the corner. “Well for one, when you decide to host a familypow-wowwith my baby brother, don’t you think I should know about it?” Bishop’s left eye twitches as he tries to remain calm and not bite our sister’s head off. Unlike Tony, none of us ever lay hands on our women or sister—unless it’s in the bedroom, then we all get fucking handsy.
“Carlina, you are a mother and have a child–”
Car cuts Bish off. “She has a father who is quite fucking capable of looking after her. You forget who I am married to, brother. They don’t call him the bloodhound for nothing and I assure you, Vincent never misses the kill shot–well, unless it’s me, then my baby can’t aim for shit.” Vincent growls at how smug his wife sounds when she says that.
“I missed on purpose,” he grumbles behind her. She turns and smirks up at her baby daddy and winks.