Page 7 of Ruined By the Rook
“A fucking mistake.” My eyes widen and I gasp. I search his gaze trying to find a flicker of something that shows me he doesn’t mean what he said, but I… can’t find any. I grip his shirt and don’t miss the way he flinches. He can try and hide his reaction but I felt it.
“We may have been a lot of things but a mistake was never one of them.” An evil glint enters his gaze, then leans in closer until his lips ghost over mine.
“You are and always will be my biggest regret in life.” The fact he can deliver such cruel words without remorse stuns me. He releases me with a slight shove, looks down at me and scoffs in disgust. “How my dick got hard at the sight of you I’ll never know. You’re fucking filth.”
I have two choices, cry or latch onto my anger. I choose the latter.
“And you’re a piece of shit that hides instead of dealing with their emotions like you always have!” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I instantly regret them. I have no idea what he went through. I just assumed it was really bad because of the change in him. Rook is like a viper, he strikes out so fast I don’t have time to prepare. His hand wraps around my throat and then we’re both falling onto the couch with him on top of me. I freeze beneath him, unable to move. Not just from the weight of his body but from the fact of having him this close to me again is bringing feelings to the surface I thought I had buried and gotten over.
He may be clouded in darkness nowadays, but I can still see a small glimmer of the brown-haired boy with the goofiest smile and brown eyes that shone with nothing but love and wonder. That memory is wiped away when he gets right in my face, our noses touch, not in a soft gentle way. He pushes hard enough against my nose to have tears clouding my vision. I bite down on my lip to keep from crying out in pain.
“You think just because we fucked around for months that you know anything about me?” The malice in his voice can be felt but I refuse to back down. I won’t let him treat me like dirt because he is hung up on the idea of punishing me.
“I knew everything there was to know about you, and you knew me better than anyone,” I whisper. His eyes spark with the promise of pain, I know whatever he is going to say is going to hurt me worse than anything his father ever did, so I do the only thing I can think of.
I kiss him.
The moment my lips touch his, he turns to stone above me and I know without a doubt I fucked up. My point is proven when his eyes glaze over like he has just retreated so far inside his own mind that he isn’t even really here. I pull back in the hopes that putting some space between him and me that he will snap out of it. Nope, he’s still not coming back. I attempt to shift out from beneath him but my sudden movement seems to spark life back into him, but not in the way I hoped.
His face contorts in a mix of fear and fury then his hand is around my neck, his grip is so tight my airways are immediately blocked. My eyes are wide with terror, I claw at his arms and face trying to get him to let go but Rook isn’t seeing me, it’s like my kiss pushed him into a nightmare.
“I’ll fucking kill you! You’ll never touch me again you fucking Russian cunt,” he screams and spittle hits me in the face, my head grows dizzy from lack of oxygen, my vision begins to grow unfocused and I know I have mere seconds before I pass out.
“Rook, no!” Is all I hear before everything goes black.
He’ll never fucking touch me again.
I’ll kill him, that will solve it all. I just need to hold on for a few more seconds and then my nightmare will be over, Ivan will be gone for good!
“Rook, no!” I hear a voice shout but whoever it is sounds so far away. I know that voice though. Why is my brother here? No, no, no! He can’t be here, I can’t let that fucker get my brother, not Knight! Arms wrap around me but I fight them off, Ivan has to die. “You’re killing her!” Is the last thing I hear before I’m sent careening through the air and land on my ass with a resounding oomph. The foggy haze I was under starts to clear and my vision begins to sharpen once again, horror fills me at the sight I see.
“What the fuck have I done?” I rasp out to no one. Knight kneels beside the couch checking Clare’s pulse as I look down at my hands with absolute disgust. I fucking hurt her! I’m angry as hell at Clare but I would never want to cause her harm, not like this.
“She’s alive,” Knight says as he peers over his shoulder at me. I see the look of alarm in his eyes and it grates on my nerves. I don’t know what the fuck just came over me! Knight scoops Clare into his arms and stands. I jump to my feet ready to stop him from fleeing with her but clamp my mouth closed when Luka walks in. His eyes widen when they land on his sister. He rushes forward and checks her over for any sign of obvious injury. He won’t find any, when she wakes every ounce of pain she feels will be in her throat. If he looks hard enough he’ll see the bruising starting to take shape on her neck. Self-loathing fills me and I drop my gaze to the floor unable to look at her any longer knowing I’m the reason she lays in my brother’s arms unconscious.
“What the fuck happened to her?” Luka shouts. I fight the flinch that wants to break free.
“It was an accident, he didn’t––” Luka doesn’t give Knight a chance to finish. I don’t blame him when he comes for me, grips the front of my shirt and shoves me back until I smack against the wall.
“The fuck did you do to my sister, Rook?” he shouts in my face. I’ve seen Luka pissed off and angry before but never like this. Do I blame him though? Not one fucking bit. I would be doing exactly what he is if that was Car. What I don’t expect though is to hear guns cocking. I dart my gaze toward the entryway and I’m immediately taken back by the sight.
“Step away from him now!” Anya and Koby both stand there with guns drawn and pointed at Luka. I’m shocked that both of these two would be here ready to defend me. I wasn’t exactlyfriendlywith Koby and did accuse her of playing us. Anya, I have no idea why she is here when I don’t even know her. She should hate me, I saw everything that was done to her and did nothing to stop it. I couldn’t. I was too fucking weak and petrified of my own shadow.
“Babe, where are the boys?” Knight doesn’t reprimand his girl or tell her to drop the gun, he’s more worried that she left their sons unattended. Koby grabs a monitor looking thing from her back pocket without taking her eyes off Luka and waves it in Knight’s general direction.
“Nap time, playboy.” Knight nods. “She better have been in danger for her to be in your arms.” I don’t miss the underlying threat in Koby’s voice. She may be engaged to my twin and the mother to his kids but she is still clearly possessive as fuck over my brother. Knight gently lays Clare on the couch before making his way over to his girl, I hate the look in his eyes. He stares at her like she makes all his demons disappear.
“She, uh, passed out and I was just helping, I swear.” Koby darts her gaze to Knight, gives him a once over before reluctantly accepting his answer.
“Step away from him now, Luka,” Anya growls. He doesn’t listen. He keeps his gaze laser focused on me. I don’t miss the warning I see in his eyes.
“You will stay the hell away from my sister.” Now that has all my emotions taking a back seat and allowing my anger to seize control of the situation. His grip on my shirt tightens as I push my forehead against his and maintain eye contact. I allow him to see the rage that simmers just beneath the surface.
“She’s the one who keeps coming back for more, Luka.” He presses his head against mine harder drawing a gleeful smirk from me at the possibility of finally being able to go a round with the Don’s pet. Bishop has never allowed Luka to fight in the underground, only that pussy-ass bitch Mav.
“Touch her against her will again and not even your brother will be able to save you from me,” he snarls. The prospect of fighting him fuels a beast inside me that thrives off the misery of others. If he thinks the thought of pissing Bishop off will stop me, he’s wrong. I want to fuck with everything those bastards have built, I want to watch my fucking family burn and wallow in the misery that I do every fucking day!