Page 20 of Dirty Justice
She pointed to the side holster and her weapon. Any other man would think it was hot as hell that she would be going out on the streets packing heat, but not him. He knew how many threats were out there.
“Nothing I say is going to stop you, is it?” His words came out in a roughened voice.
“No. I’m doing my job. Just like someone else I know.” She hooked the holster on and fastened it in place.
The black steel nestled against her small waist. Christ, hereallydidn’t like this.
“I’ll go with you.” He made a move for his boots.
She shook her head. “You know you can’t. This is an ICE matter.” She paused and threw him a long look.
He waited for her to ask the question that was clear on her face, but she didn’t speak.
“I’ll keep the bed warm for you,” he said.
She issued a low sigh. “You’re not staying.”
“I’ll be here when you get back. I’ll fix you hot tea.”
She lifted a hand and pinched the bridge of her nose as if searching for patience. “No, AJ.”
“I don’t like the idea of you coming home to a dark apartment. I’ll be here with the lights on,” he argued his case.
“I came home to a dark apartment for three years.” She held up her phone and tapped the screen a few times. Then she slipped the phone into her rear pocket next to the curve of the ass he’d just groped a couple hours before.
“There—I just ordered you an Uber. Now you have no excuse to stay.” Her phone dinged, and she dug it out again. “That’s my partner.”
He shoved his feet into his boots. “I’ll walk out with you.”
“As long as you’re getting in the Uber once you’re out there, that’s fine.” Her tone was all business, without a trace of the woman he knew. When had she become all hard-nosed ICE agent? Had he made her this way?
They left her apartment. She quickly took the stairs, and he followed at a fast clip. When they walked through the front door, his gaze landed on a car parked out front.
That jackoff who asked her to go to the movies was behind the wheel.
“Here’s where we part.” She threw the words over her shoulder as if she hadn’t just spent hours coming apart in his arms.
Before she reached for the car door, Apollo caught her by the wrist and swung her back. A gasp burst from her, but it turned into a throaty moan when he slammed his mouth over hers.
He knew the driver was watching and made sure to make a good show of kissing Indika. When she twisted from the caress, she shoved him away from her.
“You justhad todo that.” Her tone was flat.
He tossed a wave at the dickhead behind the wheel. Just then, the Uber pulled up. “I’ll call you later, cupcake.”
“I’d rather you didn’t.” She jumped into the passenger seat and Apollo climbed into the Uber.
He watched the car in front of him pull away, feeling better…but far from perfect.
* * * * *
Indika threw up a hand. “Not a word.”
Brown gave her the side-eye as he merged onto the street. “Wow. That was fast.”
“That was four words. We’re not talking about this.”
“Cool. I’ll talk. You can listen.”