Page 24 of Dirty Justice
He scrubbed his hand over his face. Long ago, he learned that things happened for a reason and right now, this was where he was meant to be—gunning it through the night to reach the woman he loved.
More images played through his mind. Indika wrapped in bandages, her leg in traction. Unconscious…on life support.
No. He wouldnotlet that thought even enter his mind. He wasn’t manifesting that shit. The big red EMERGENCY sign came into view, and he hit the parking lot at high speed. He whipped the car into an ambulance parking spot and jumped out.
His only driving force was to reach Indika. Even if she didn’t know it, she needed him.
The front doors opened to him, and he rushed straight to the front desk.
He didn’t immediately register anyone speaking and gripped the edge of the tall desk shielding the receptionist from the people in the ER.
“I’m looking for a friend.” His mouth turned to cotton on the word. Fuck friends. Indika was his heart and soul.
“Lazarus.” The tone was more insistent and came from directly behind him.
He shot a glance over his shoulder and did a double take at her partner. Then he realized the name he’d called him.
“Ha-ha,” he said without a trace of humor. They stepped away from the receptionist desk. “That’s funny. Not. What the fuck happened?”
He was good at reading people, but Indika’s partner wasn’t giving him anything. Besides a few lines around his mouth, he appeared calm and cool.
“You can call me Brown.”
“Okay, Brown.What the fuck happened?”
“She was stabbed.”
Apollo’s heart twisted hard. It punched the air from him, and for a moment, he couldn’t find his voice. “How bad is it?” he grated out.
“She’s in emergency surgery.”
He bowed his head and gave it a swift shake of denial. “When did she go in?”
“Right before you called the first time. I had her phone. She insisted I take it in case…”
He jerked his head up and locked eyes with Brown. “In case I called.”
He shrugged. “She didn’t say it in so many words. But she’s stubborn.”
That character assessment bumped Apollo’s spirits. “She is.” The trait would get her through this. She’d heal. He’d take care of her.
“I’m staying until she’s released,” he told Brown.
“I’d appreciate that.” The man nodded, and suddenly, Apollo saw how exhausted he was in the slump of his shoulders.
He damn near snarled at the implication that the man had any say in Indika’s care. Then he gulped it back. Brown had done him a solid, and he repaid his debts.
“There’s a surgical waiting room.” Brown twitched his head for Apollo to follow him. The hospital was silent but for the thump of their boots on tile.
Apollo walked straight to the coffeemaker in the corner.
“That pot’s probably been sitting there for hours.” Brown took a seat against one wall.
“I’ve drunk worse.”
“Military rations.”