Page 58 of Dirty Justice
“I thought of that already.” She cupped his jaw, forcing him to look at her. “At least tell me this person you’re working with isn’t a threat to you.”
“He’s definitely not a threat. He’s affiliated with a lot of government operations. Actually…he offered me a job.”
She straightened away from him. “Leave Blackout?”
He shifted his shoulders but couldn’t shake the muscle tightness. “I’m giving it some thought.”
“I don’t think you could leave your team, AJ. I know what they mean to you. They’re yourfamily.”
Emotion welled up. “The fact that you see that shows me just how perfect you are for me, Indika.”
“Ohhh.” She leaned over him, her dark hair falling around them. “I love you, my stubborn warrior. I see you the same way you see me.”
He kissed her with all the tenderness. “So…no more beige purgatory?” He tugged the beige blanket over them.
She giggled. “I’m ready to live again.”
* * * * *
Apollo silently slipped out of the bedroom. He pulled the door shut behind him but didn’t let it click. He didn’t want to wake Indika.
She’d sleep another few hours. Long enough for him to go out.
As he passed through the living room, he noted how all the balloons he’d bundled and tied to a chair leg hung like wilted flowers. When he got back, he’d blow up some new ones for Indika.
At the door, he slid his boots on and bent to tie the laces while his mind already carried him down the street to the rally point.
Oz’s text woke him from a very light sleep. Meeting his informant in one of the alleys adjacent to the park where he and Indika had spent a few peaceful hours left Apollo with a bit of a bad taste in his mouth.
Chemical, almost. He hoped that reaction didn’t mean his radar sensed something was about to go down, but he was always prepared for a fight.
The weight of his weapon along his spine offered all the backup he needed. He slung on his leather jacket and set off for the meeting.
When he left the apartment, shadows and darkness still filled the streets. The sun would come up in a couple hours. That meant the street was also empty, but he still kept his head down as he walked to avoid notice.
Years of shielding himself from cameras and the chance of being spotted had become a habit he would never kick. He scanned the block for signs of trouble. Detecting none, he continued in the direction of the park.
What Oz found must be critical if he couldn’t safely convey it over the phone. It could be anything from one of the men on their radar winning over the terrorist group and becoming leader, to time-sensitive intel on an attack.
Each step that carried him away from Indika kindled another ember of worry burning in his gut. He didn’t like leaving her even for a minute. But eventually he’d return to Blackout. What then? He’d have no choice but to leave her alone for long stretches of time. Damn, that really bit at him. He needed to talk to Oz about keeping eyes on her whenever he was deployed. The Blackout ladies could support her in other ways while he was gone.
The thump of his footsteps sounded too loud in the silence. He imagined people peeking out their windows and spotting a lone man on the street dressed in all black, and out of habit he angled his path toward the deeper shadows.
A few taller buildings offered the best cover and concealed him from detection. The black shapes of trees popped out of the darkness. Lengthening his strides, he headed toward the back corner of the park, past where the hot dog vendor set up his cart.
Where two undercovers could exchange information.
Several buildings nestled along the rear perimeter of the park. The gap between the second and third buildings was the spot.
Apollo slowed his steps and inched his hand toward his weapon. He trusted Oz with his life, but that didn’t mean somebody else hadn’t gotten to Oz and was now waiting to jump him.
When he stepped into the inky shadow cast by the buildings, his eyes adjusted. He made out a few trash cans and a man with his back to the wall.
Oz stepped toward him. They exchanged a nod of greeting.
“This must be important if you’re making the delivery yourself,” Apollo said.
Oz nodded again. The man stood as tall as Apollo but his muscle wasn’t as bulky as Apollo’s. They’d both started as SEALs and ended in this dark, dangerous underworld.