Page 62 of Dirty Justice
Robert’s expression grew more serious. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh, you know,” she repeated his words. “Healing is boring work.”
“I bet you’re eager to get back. Brown mentioned something about light duty.”
Excitement blasted her. “I guess I need to call into the office more often, because this is the first I’m hearing of light duty.” She could agree to staying out of the field for a few weeks until her doctor gave her clearance if she still got a chance to make a difference.
Suddenly, she realized she was getting excited about something that AJ had been fighting for this entire time. And she’d been telling him to be patient.
They were more alike than she would have admitted a week ago.
She and Robert discussed the birthday party she’d missed while out. He told a story about how one assistant claimed all the leftover cake to take home with her, which ticked off a few other ladies.
His story lightened her mood. Even though she hadn’t forgotten that AJ was still out there playing a dangerous game, it felt good to laugh.
Just then, the front door swung open and AJ’s stare fell on her, seated on the sofa, holding up her phone to show Robert her face.
And with the worst possible timing, Robert said, “About that dinner we never had…”
AJ closed the door. He didn’t slam it.
Which made Indika’s adrenaline rush even faster.
He hiked up an eyebrow at her, and she quickly turned her attention to her coworker. “I’m not sure about dinner. I have a lot going on. In fact, I need to run. Talk to you at the office.” She placed emphasis on the last words to show both Robert—and AJ—she wasn’t interested in more.
When she dropped her phone to the coffee table again, she got to her feet.
AJ’s stare didn’t waver from her.
She waited for the anger to come. For that little tendon in the crease of his jaw to start twitching from clamping his molars so hard.
He slowly peeled off the leather jacket he wore and hung it on a wall peg next to her coat. When he turned to her, she held her breath.
She hadn’t done anything wrong, though. Only accepted a call. And laughed at a few office jokes.
AJ cleared his throat. “So, I heard this joke. A daughter asks her mother about the secret to happiness. Her mother says you need a man who’s great in bed, a man who can cook and a man who can hold a great conversation…and these men can never meet.”
She sucked in a sharp breath. “AJ, that was nothing. I didn’t even encourage Robert. You heard me.”
“But he made you laugh.” His eyes burned into hers across the space. Her heart started to hammer.
“A waitress can make me laugh too. A monkey at the zoo always makes me laugh. Do you consider them competition?”
“I’m good in bed. Is he your conversationalist?”
She shook her head. “It’s not like that. Why are you getting so upset about this? I’m the one who should be upset. At least you know where I am and who I’m talking to. Who knows what danger you’ve put yourself in all morning!”
A beat of silence throbbed between them. Then AJ walked into the guest bedroom.
She followed him. He hadn’t been sleeping here. What was he doing?
He threw himself down on the bed and slung his forearm over his eyes.
Her stomach flipped. “AJ, we have to talk this through.”
“I’m not upset about Mr. Yacht Club.”
“Then what? Tell me what’s going on.”