Page 64 of Dirty Justice
He smiled at her. After their wild sex—and then a round two of the same—they’d been at peace with each other.
His thoughts about leaving Blackout and joining up with The Guard weren’taspeaceful, but he felt he was moving in the right direction toward a decision.
He knotted the balloon and tied the string on. When he let the red balloon go, it bobbed up to the ceiling alongside half a dozen others he’d blown up.
“Helium tank’s getting low,” he said.
“Guess that means my next course of action is to buy a few colorful pillows.” Indika swung to look at the beige sofa, beige throw blanket and slightly lighter beige pillows propped in her favorite corner. “Or splash some paint on the walls.”
He chuckled. “Or move.”
Her gaze hit his and he watched possibilities flit through her beautiful, expressive eyes. He let the balloon go, and it sputtered across the room with the escape of air.
Reaching for her, he settled his gaze on her lips. God, her mouth drove him crazy. Now that he was with her again, he didn’t know how he’d ever lasted three years without claiming that sweet, tormenting pout.
Just as she went on tiptoe to press her mouth to his, the door buzzer sounded.
They pulled apart, and she hurried to find her phone and check the app for who was visiting.
When she sucked in a breath and a flush crept up her throat, he moved to look over her shoulder.
“Fucking great.”
She pressed a hand to his chest. “I have no clue why he’s here.”
“Don’t you? Guys like Mr. Yacht Club only need a smile as encouragement.”
“If you remember, I told him I’d see him at the office.”
“Well, buzz him up. Let’s see what he wants.”
She groaned. “This is going to be bad—I feel it.”
He shrugged. “My dick was inside you not an hour ago. He’s got nothing on me.” He leaned in and brushed his lips over her delectable earlobe. “Not even conversation.”
She twisted with a little shiver and buzzed Robert in.
Apollo didn’t like the thought of that boring beige douche visiting Indika, but this was her chance to let him know where he stood with her.
And Apollo would be standing at the ready to shut the door behind him when he left.
When the knock came at the door, she hurried to answer it. Robert entered with a smile, a stack of files and the reek of cologne that said he was tryingwaytoo hard.
At first his eyes were all for Indika. Then he noticed Apollo standing there.
“Hey. We meet again.”
He gave him a single nod.
“Uh… Okay. Indika, you’ve got more color in your face.”
Apollo bit back a growl.
She jumped in, talking fast. “Thank you so much for bringing me these files. They’ll catch me up on what’s new in these cases before I jump into work next week. But I’m surprised to see you, Robert. Brown texted and said he’d be delivering them himself.”
“He was walking out the door and I convinced him to let me drop them off instead.” He compressed his lips and looked to Apollo, who said nothing on the topic. He had nothing to add.
Indika watched the exchange, nibbling her lip. “Is there anything I need to know about what’s in the files? Before you head back to the office?” she asked.