Page 16 of Darkest Heart
She ground her teeth. “Mynameis Elizabeth. Not that any of youthingscare.”
I caressed the name on my tongue. “Elizabeth.” I whistled out a breath, suppressing a grin as challenge glinted in her eyes. “You should know better than to fight a vampire.”
She curled her arms around her back, shielding the girl from me as if I couldn’t already hear her racing heart. “You can take me, but not my sister.”
“This isn’t a negotiation,” I stated.
Her gaze climbed the gothic castle, towering into a thick fog. “I’ll die before I let you take her in there.”
I grabbed her chin, forcing her eyes back to mine. “That would be a shame, but either way, it can be arranged.”
She didn’t even tremble. “You’re a monster. I suppose with that stupid crown, you think yourself justified in killing us. You don’t even give us a chance.” She tilted her head, her nostrils flaring. “You’re all nothing but cowards.”
Gods, this girl had some nerves.
I liked it.
I turned to the Knight. “Damian, take this one to my old room. The sister can go with the others.”
“My name’s Darius,” he said, then corrected himself. “Never mind. I will take her now.”
“No!” Elizabeth screeched.
“Let her go,” I ordered. “Or you’ll both die here. Go with him, and you both might live.”
The girl shuddered behind Elizabeth’s back. She turned to her, placing her hands around her sisters. “I’ll find you, Carla. Okay. It’s going to be okay.”
“Such pretty lies,” I mocked.
She didn’t turn, ignoring me while she reassured her sister. I waited a few seconds, licking my lips as I took in her thick curves. I imagined her submitting to me, my grabbing her hips, sliding into her.
But she hated me. It only made me want her more.
“Niall?” Gwen’s voice echoed over to me. “Are you tormenting the mortals again?”
I turned on my heel, taking in the girl I’d spent years pining over. She was everything. Smart. Beautiful. Gloriously vindictive. My stalking her had paid off. After I’d fucked her in that restroom, she was mine. Even if she pretended otherwise. We both knew it. I could see the jealousy swimming in those blue orbs as she glided her gaze from me to Elizabeth. She might have talked about Astor, pleading his innocence, but she desired me. I could smell the arousal on her.
She closed the distance between us. I breathed in the smell of the vanilla clinging with her natural scent. I closed my eyes, as she stole me from thoughts of being with anyone else. “Only a little,” I said.
She clicked her tongue. “Well, don’t stop on my account.” She placed her hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “I can join in. It’s been hours since I’ve fed.”
Elizabeth grabbed Gwen’s wrist, attempting to twist it. “Get the fuck off me,” Elizabeth warned. For a mortal, she was strong. I wondered where she learned to fight.
Why she wasn’t afraid, unlike the others?
Gwen’s expression hardened, and she grabbed Elizabeth by the throat, digging her nails in. “Know your place, you fat piece of shit.”
My chest tightened as I watched Gwen slip into her darker side. I stepped between them before she could do anything. “This one’s for the Blood Brothers,” I said carefully, ensuring I kept my stare only on Gwen. “She’s perfect for a couple of the lords.”
Gwen glared a moment longer, her blonde waves wafting against the gentle breeze. “Fine,” she said with an exhale. “Kalon wants you to hurry. It’s why I came down here.”
I tucked a finger under her chin. “That’s not the only reason.”
Elizabeth groaned, disgust rolling through the sound, but I kissed Gwen before Elizabeth would induce her wrath. She nipped my bottom lip, sending a frenzy of passion through my torso.
She tried to pull away, but I tugged her closer, gripping into her waist. “I will find you after.”
She smirked. “You always do.” I let her go, and she walked from us, swaying her hips, knowing I was watching. The Blood Knight returned for Elizabeth, separating her and her sister. I didn’t stay to listen to the protests or screams.