Page 57 of Darkest Heart
Why do I like you?
I hated mortals. All of them. She was no different to the rest, even if she was more intriguing. It was the orgasm, I decided, and shook my head. Sex makes me think stupid things sometimes. How often had people in the club declared all sorts of stupid things during the heights of passion?
I couldn’t like her. She was my plaything. That was it. I should have taken her virginity. Normally, I wouldn’t hesitate.
A loud clash sounded downstairs.
Fuck. The tournament. It had begun.
I rushed out the door, then locked it, pocketing the key. I couldn’t trust open doors with a castle brimming with vampires.
“Fuck!” I dropped the keys as I ran into Gwen. “I didn’t hear you coming.”
She scoffed a laugh. “No, but I heard you.” Venom swam in those blues, and something dangerous changed in her expression.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be down with the others?”
“No.” She placed her hand on her hip. “I was really hoping I could depend on you. But, if you’re going to be protecting mortals…”
“I’m not.”
She peered at the door, her fangs elongated. “You won’t mind if I take a bite, then?”
“Stop,” I warned, placing myself in front of the lock. “Why do you care? We all fuck the help.”
“Oh, Niall, I’ve never heard you be that tender before.”
“Now who’s the stalker?” My brows furrowed as I watched her shimmy closer. “What did you mean when you saiddepend on me?”
She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter now. Mortal lover.”
I’d never seen her so jealous. If she didn’t turn me off already with her bullshit manipulation, this was the nail in the coffin. “I’m not.”
“Then stop locking that mortal, ugly bitch away.”
“Careful,” I seethed, balling my fists.
“So you do like her.”
“It’s not like that. She’s my…plaything.”
“Lies,” she hissed. “Get rid of the mortal, or I will.”
“What if I turn her?”
Her eyes bulged twice the size, a screech growing in her throat as she screamed through her teeth. Fangs exposed, she lunged at my throat.
Astor squirmed, his legs kicking as Algor’s talons tightened around his throat. The eerie glow from the mansion pooled out onto them as they fought in the doorway.
Hamza marched up the white-stone steps, forcing the two apart.
I couldn’t hear a damn thing over these winds.
Sighing, I stepped forward a little, hoping to capture a little of their argument, but thunder growled through the sky. Thick droplets fell from black clouds, thrusting the world into darkness.