Page 75 of Darkest Heart
He arched a brow. “You leftmeto die. In the end, I tried to protect you.”
I laughed. “Oh, I didn’t notice you trying to stop Hamza from killing me.”
“He’s a demon, Liv.”
“Don’t call me that,” I snapped. “That’s reserved for friends only.” He rolled his eyes, and I turned to Erianna. “What do we do with him?”
“He won’t tell us anything.”
“I know nothing,” he shouted, observing the dagger in Erianna’s hand. “They told me I had to kidnap her.” He pointed at me. “I had no choice.” He addressed me again, his lip quivering. “You know what the aniccipere are like. I had no choice. I’m not the monster you make me out to be. All those years together and you think I’m truly evil? If I were then you would have never loved me.”
Erianna stepped in front of me, arms crossed. I couldn’t see her expression, but the fear in Astor’s eyes told me everything. “Listen here, asshole.” She stepped away from me, closing the distance between her and Astor. His breath hitched as she placed her hands on the chair’s arms, her nose inches from his. “There are many types of manipulation, and believe me, I’ve seen them all. I’ve combatted them all. Your games won’t work here. I have no qualms killing you. The only reason you’re alive is because I thought you knew something, but if you don’t, then I’ll just send you to the underworld now.”
He craned his neck, peering over her shoulder. “She won’t let you.”
I tensed, but Erianna grabbed his chin, pulling his focus back to her. “She will.”
“Liv,” he called, blocked from view by Erianna. “Don’t let her do this. After everything I’ve done for you. I didn’t have to tell you about the prophecy.”
Her hand was around his throat before he could splutter another word out. “Guilt tripping. Unoriginal, so I should have expected it.”
“I don’t deserve to die. I was trying to help you in that house.”
“No,” I screamed. “You starved me, tied me up naked. You kidnapped me.”
“Someone else ordered it. Do you even remember that night? Because we both know you don’t have the best memory.”
Erianna tutted, a laugh of disbelief tumbling from her lips as she paced in front of him, then turned to me. “I don’t know how you refrained from punching him this entire time. He’s an idiot.”
He scowled. “Then she must be even more foolish for loving me.”
She shook her head, shushing him. The calm in her features stilling even me. “No, no, no.” She twirled the dagger between her fingers. “You took advantage of her when she was vulnerable. Her love for you was pure, but you ensured it remained through fucking with her emotions and self-worth. I know all about you, Astor. Don’t put your shit personality on anyone else but yourself.” She pointed the blade at his chest and I glimpsed her back. Wingless, scarred, and yet she fought as if she was the most powerful woman in the world. I was lucky to have her as my friend. “You do not get to decide the worth of someone else’s life for yours.” She dug the tip of the blade into his skin, coaxing a whimper from his mouth. “Olivia told me everything, how you let the entire guild get killed so you could become immortal. I don’t care if they hurt you. You could have left. We all have a choice. In the end, you decided your life was more important than your friends.” She then pointed at me. “Or you’re the girl you supposedly loved. Who, by the way, is worth a thousand of you.” Tears welled in my eyes as she said everything far better than I ever could have. “You can deal with the consequences of your actions by a judge far worse than me.”
His face twisted, unlike I’d ever seen before, warped by hatred. “Salenia won’t punish me.”
I scoffed. “You’re delusional.”
“I’m not.”
“What makes you so sure?”
He peered around Erianna, looking right into my eyes. “Because she’s not down there.”
No, she wasn’t. “Erianna,” I intoned. “He’s right. She’s here. I bet Astor could tell us who it is.”
“If I tell you, she’ll kill me.”
Erianna dragged the blade down his chest to his navel. “If you don’t, I’ll cut parts of you off that won’t grow back.”
“Wait,” he spluttered. “Let me talk to Liv alone. I can’t tell you.”
Erianna growled, but I placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I can deal with him. Let us talk.” I stepped around her, then crouched until I was at eye level with the prick. “He better hurry, because Sebastian and Zach will be here soon.”
“You should be more concerned about your father.”
I froze. “Where is he?”
Erianna turned back before reaching the door. “I’m sorry. He went off alone to find you.”