Page 40 of Ruthless Royals
“Then, my mom...”
He tilted his head, his gaze examining me as my voice charged with hope. “Don't think about it,” he warned, and my building smile fell into a frown. “It is unlikely many escape. Vener did because he knew the underworld well, having centuries to form alliances with other souls and demons there. With that long to explore the crevices of the entire realm, he had a better chance than most. Even then, I imagine Vener had help.”
I swallowed hard against a lump forming in my throat. Even if he didn't say it, I took that as there was still a chance. I tried to picture the hellish realm, but I was sure whatever my imagination created, it was, in fact, a hundred times worse. “But Anastasia was definitely pushed out by Salenia?”
He ran his hand along the spine of a thick, leather-bound book at his side. “Yes. You told me Astor confirmed this and normally I wouldn’t take the word of a traitor, but it aligns with the rumors from other sorcerers, and things I’ve read. It also aligns with Salenia’s personality. She’s vengeful and separating them, in her eyes, is far crueler than keeping them together in the underworld. They are soulmates, after all.” He sipped his tea, then placed the tea back onto his plate, the smell of chamomile and lavender permeating the air. “She’s always wanted Vener to herself. I’m sure she hoped punishing them in the underworld would keep them apart, but soulmates have a way of finding their way back to one another. So, I imagine letting Anastasia go, to live a mortal life was the only way she could see to keep them apart in the end.”
His eyes twinkled as I leaned forward, curiosity getting the best of me as he continued. “I know eventually Vener will find her, although he likely doesn’t remember who he is. That soul mate connection is like a magnet, attracting the two souls across oceans. The chances of them ending up together for a second time probably has Salenia feeling murderous—more than normal.”
I pursed my lips, my fingers gripping around the teacup. It reminded me of Sebastian, the cruelness of separating loved one's forever. He could never see his family again if he died as a vampire, and for a moment, Velda reminded me of Salenia. She ripped Sebastian from his family, and I swore I would make the bitch pay for it one day. “That’s horrible, for her to keep them apart so cruelly. I'd hate if someone did that to me and Sebastian.”
His gaze narrowed under the dim light. “Torture isn’t always knives and blood. The best kind is psychological, and the best at it uses our hearts against us.”
He shuddered, and a sadness emanated from him, moving through my barrier as let the emotions slip through. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to him before all of this. “Azia…” I hesitated. “I know I thought Vener was Astor, but is there anyone else you can think of?”
“A few,” he admitted, his eyes twinkling. “I have a list.”
“Can I know who is on it?”
He shook his head, then leaned back in his chair. “I wouldn’t want to plant ideas if I’m wrong. I have no concrete evidence yet.”
His expression told me not to push it further, but curiosity got the best of me. I knew Azia would tell me if he thought it would help, and I wanted to trust his judgement.
“How many suspects are there?”
He tensed, then leaned forward. “Four.”
My chest tightened. “How can Vener just remember nothing? I just mean surely he'd have to have gaps in his memories.”
“Yes, if he didn't have his memories tampered with before escaping. She's been known for planting memories into someone's mind. If Vener returned as a mortal, but then became a vampire again, I would bet she would have been there straight away.”
My brows furrowed. “How do we find out who it is, for sure?”
“We research their histories.” He glanced at a pile of books. “We can learn a lot about the future by looking into the past. These,” he pointed at the stacks giving off a strong, parchment smell, “are taken from old archives. Unfortunately, none of them show the pairs appearance. They are concealed in the very few paintings or tapestries I’ve seen.” Echoes of wood pounded in my ears as Azia drummed his fingers against the desk.
I blew out a long breath and looked at the stack of books. “Then we read.”
He pushed his glasses up his nose. “We read.”
Surrounded by paper, books left open at their middles and three empty teacups, I sighed. The clock ticked into two AM, and I sighed as exhaustion settled heavy on my shoulders. “Azia,” I said, and he straightened his posture. The logs in the fire had burned into embers, flames disappearing altogether, but red light still gleamed between the glowing coals. “Do you think if we can find out who Vener and Anastasia are, we can use them against Salenia?”
“I do.” He closed the book he was holding. “She’s here to exact revenge, and we can only assume Anastasia will get the worst of it. I don’t imagine Vener is in as much danger. She may resent him and want to punish him. But it’s apparent she’s been in love with him for centuries. He is probably the safest from her wrath.”
I looked down at the book, realizing how similar Salenia was to mortals. Although, the gods never pretended to be above it all. We all want what we can’t have. “How is it Anastasia’s fault?” I questioned. “I mean, all she did was fall in love with her soulmate. If anything, it’s Vener’s fault for betraying her, but Salenia takes out on the woman.”
“It’s the soulmate connection she despises so much. She was against it from the beginning, according to ancient texts. The gods created that connection, believing that some people were stronger together. Their fates were so entangled having that bond ensured they’d find their way to each other in this life.”
“Like me and Sebastian?”
He nodded. “You were prophesied to kill Salenia, and like I said before, you and Sebastian are stronger together. The prophecy affects him as much as it does you.”
My heart sank as I inched my gaze toward the wall clock. Azia shifted his stance, sending me a stern look. “Are you late for something?”
My shoulders tensed as I picked at my cuticles. “Erianna will be waiting for me,” I whispered. “We’re going to Malum Dominor to ask for their help.”
His lip twitched. “I would advise against it.”
“I’m not sure how else we can get to the castle without their help.” My stomach churned when I thought about doing this behind Sebastian's back, but I sensed his anxiety in every waking moment. Even if we had made up now, I knew he believed I would get killed doing this, and there was no way he was going to let that happen. “Sebastian will try to stop me from going to Salenia, but I have to protect him. If I destroy the underworld, I save his soul, and I give my mom and dad peace.”