Page 82 of Ruthless Royals
“It’s too late. The blood tie is done.”
I glared at the black stain that covered her palm. “We will fix it,” I promised. “I’ll hunt down every sorcerer. There must be a way.”
Zach nodded. “There’s always some hidden ancient spell or some dark object with you sorcerers,” he said, and I would have cracked a smile if everything wasn’t so depressing.
“Azia is distracting the aniccipere,’” I told Olivia, knowing we had maybe a minute to get out. “We don't have long. Do you know where Erianna was taken?”
“I don’t,” she admitted. “I won't leave Azia behind either.”
Can you use your powers?”
She clamped her eyes shut. “Avyanna did a spell to stop me from using magic. I...” she raised her hands, her brows furrowing.
We climbed back up the stairs, then into the bright foyer. Niall, a vampire woman, and Avyanna stood at the bottom of the staircase. Niall strode to us, his expression different from anything I'd seen before. “What do you need?”
“She’s not here.”
“Where is she?”
“I’m not sure.” He looked up at the stairs. “You need to get out of here now. Salenia’s coming.”
Avyanna looked at Olivia, and I braced myself to rip out at her heart. “I want to help.”
I scoffed as loud booms continued outside, the ground beneath us shuddering. “No.”
She grimaced. “I helped your wife down there.”
“How?” I bellowed. “You restrained her magic, then did the blood tie.”
Her lips trembled. “I didn't just tie Olivia’s life to Salenia’s. I tied Salenia to hers too.”
A wave of anger rushed through me. Niall and Elizabeth's stares burned into Olivia, and I put myself between them. My jaw tensed. If Avyanna's was to be believed, then anyone who wanted Salenia gone just had to kill my wife.
I stepped forward, rage burning in my chest, fists balling at my sides. “If any of you come near her,” I snarled, “I swear I'll tear your fucking heads off.”
“We won't hurt her,” Niall said, and Elizabeth nodded. Olivia tilted her head at Niall, then Elizabeth, suspicion crowning her gaze.
Avyanna pursed her lips, peering around at my wife. “You were right. She wasn't going to bring Gwen back. Not while she can use me.”
I snapped. “So, you create Olivia as the weapon, so she has a target on her head?”
She sighed. “We must all make sacrifices. It's the only way to stop Salenia.”
Loud crashing sounded from the staircase, and I ushered us towards the door, and a gust of wind blew past me. Salenia strode forward, cloaked in white, with her long hair flowing behind her. Velda walked behind her, her stare finding me in the crowd. I glared at the woman who killed my family, now at Salenia’s side as I assumed she’d made some kind of deal with the goddess to get her daughter back.
Salenia extended her arms out, the sleeves of her robes billowing outwards. She reached Avyanna as we backed toward the door. Her gaze found Avyanna’s, who stood rooted to the spot.
“You bound our lives?” Salenia bellowed.
Avyanna raised her hands in the air. “Don’t act like you don’t deserve it,” she shouted back, then looked over her shoulder at us. “Go, now!” she screeched, shooting my wife one last look, as if she was telling her she knew what she had to do. But there was no way I was letting Olivia sacrifice herself.
I grabbed her arm and tugged her towards the door. Zach, Niall, Elizabeth followed, but Salenia screamed at the guards behind us. “Don’t let them leave.” Her eyes darted between Olivia, then Niall and Elizabeth, as if she needed them here as much as my wife.
Avyanna pressed her arms against Salenia’s chest, and Adrian skirted around them from the feeding room, his wide eyes taking in the scene. “Fuck no.”
He ran out after us, stopping when he reached Niall. “We’re getting out of here, right?” He looked back at Salenia.