Page 92 of Ruthless Royals
Thesunsetoverthe mountains, and I gazed out at the bruised horizon, finally letting it all soak in. Erianna’s hand covered mine and she let out a long sigh of relief, as finally we got a moment of peace.
I side-eyed her, and a small smile crept on her lips. I noticed she wasn’t wearing her armor, replaced instead by a long, flowing blue dress that accentuated her height and slender, toned body. It was then, as I gazed at her face, that I realized until now I hadn’t truly seen her relaxed. “You look beautiful.”
She looked down at the dress. “I mean, it is your coronation. I wanted to try something different.” Her fingers fumbled with the strap of the dress, and she fidgeted.
“Well, you look incredible. Your hair is gorgeous too.” I stared at the long, black braids woven into a bun, finished with a shimmer of blue glitter to match her outfit. “So, no more underworld,” I added, and she nodded slowly.
My heart ballooned as she squeezed my fingers, her smiling growing. “I never told you this,” she said slowly. “I didn’t want to put any more pressure on you then, but now it’s over, I’ll admit, I’d always feared death.”
My eyes widened. She’d never let that on. She seemed to laugh in the face of death the few times it had almost reached her. However, we were all scared of the unknown or leaving this world and the people we loved, even those who acted like they weren’t. “I get it. Who would look forward to an eternity in the underworld?”
She continued. “I’ve lived more lifetimes than I should have . I wanted to die, to just grow old and meet my end with dignity, but I didn’t allow myself to dream of such a future when I knew it wasn’t possible.”
My stomach dipped as I thought back to my final meeting with the gods, and how they’d presented me with two vials of elixir, one for me and the other for Sebastian. “You want to be mortal?”
She pivoted to face me. “I’m happy to die as a vampire, if it means I can go to the afterlife. Being mortal is overrated,” she laughed, but I sensed the first lie she’d ever told me. “I don’t know, but with my family and so many others gone….” she trailed off. “It brings me peace knowing I’ll be able to see them again.”
My gaze narrowed on what she was staring at. A yellow wildflower somehow grew amongst all the frost, surviving in this climate. It poked out from the dirt at the edge of the forest as we looked down over the wall on the grounds. “I thought I wanted that too,” I confessed. “But it was here I found myself, really. I spent so many years feeling worthless and at the mercy of those around me. I had no real life of my own and kind of felt like I was waiting for my life to begin. I never told anyone this, but when Sebastian first brought me to Sanmorte, I was excited. I mean, I was also fucking terrified.” We both let out a chuckle. “Who wouldn’t be, right?” I said. “ But I found my power, and it wasn’t in mastering magic like Azia or fulfilling a prophecy.” I twisted my wedding ring around my finger, looking down nervously. “I will never be a badass fighter like my mom or a warrior like you.”
She arched a brow. “You destroyed Salenia.”
“I know, and I’m glad, but I realized that wasn’t me. I love using magic, but honestly, I found my real purpose in just being with you all, my family. When I sacrificed myself to kill Salenia, it felt right, which I know is crazy. Trust me, I’ve spent nights awake thinking about it since. I’m just not a fighter and I’ve enjoyed being queen, more than I thought I would. I like the politics and using my voice to make a difference. Maybe that makes me weak to some, but this is the queen I want to be.”
Her fingers ran through my hair, then slowly, she touched my cheek. “Power isn’t just wielding a sword and being able to fight. Bravery comes in so many forms, so does being a fighter. You have a kind heart, and your compassion and love are what this kingdom needs, more than a warrior queen. Sometimes, the armor one wears best are words and diplomacy. Sanmorte needs that.”
“I have Sebastian at my side too, and you, Zach and Anna.”
She nodded, grinning. “Together, we’re the dream team,” she joked, but I was dead serious.
“We really are.”
“I’m honored to have you and Sebastian as my queen and king. Speaking of which, it’s time.” She held out her arm for me to take. I turned to look at the castle, sucking in a deep breath as I braced myself for the first day of the rest of my life.
I secretly enjoyed being a vampire, and I think Sebastian felt the same. Now we had each other. I felt it in our soulmate bond. He’d craved mortality for so long, so he could one day reunite with his family, and now he could, regardless of his vampirism. When I offered him the elixir to take with me, so maybe we could rule as mortals, he didn’t want it yet. The rest of the kingdom trusted us more as their rulers, while we had the same curse on us as they did. Fortunately, as rules, we were given the same perks my father was—able to drink blood or eat food. I did both, especially around Anna, who I was certain missed food. She loved cooking. When Sebastian and I were alone, however, we enjoyed three course meals. I’d never seen him stuff himself so much as the ability to eat was gifted to us.
I was so proud of him. He flourished when working with the nobles on new laws and policies, looking forward to foreign travel and plans to modernize the city. I had hoped killing Salenia would life the curse entirely, but the vampires remained intact.
Like Sebastian said, the curse made him want to follow his darker nature, which only made it all that more satisfying when he didn’t. He worked hard to become the best version of himself we all had.
We approached the doors, which opened when the guards spotted us.
My heart pounded as we entered, and Sebastian met me at the bottom of the steps. His smile drew me in, and I stared at those kissable, perfect lips. I still couldn’t believe he was mine for an eternity. Tears welled in my eyes, and I laughed. “I’m a mess today.”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, his hands grazing my neck. “You’re not the only one.” He glanced up the stairs at Zach and Anna. “Zach was fussing with his hair for a half hour. He seems to think everyone will be looking at him.”
He rolled his eyes, and Anna, Erianna and I chuckled.
I peered inside, spotting the King of Asland, and three members of the Baldorian royal family, who we’d formed new treaties with. Sebastian took my arm, and I smiled, grateful to the gods for giving me a second chance at life.
I hadn’t told Sebastian the truth, that when I died, the gods were going to send me back. I’d fulfilled their task, completed the prophecy, and they wanted me back on the throne. I’d have returned mortal, considering the veil was lifting when the underworld was destroyed, but he’d given me blood and venom when I was dead. So, naturally, I came back as a vampire. I didn’t mind. In fact, it felt a lot like fate, and I didn’t want that burden on his shoulders. Not when I didn’t regret his choice one bit.
Ruling the vampires meant being one, and I enjoyed the heightened senses that came with immortality.
The light of the setting sun streamed through the shadowy entrance to the throne room. My heart heavy with the responsibilities of what I was about to become, I walked ahead, Sebastian walking with me to the doors. Vampires kneeled, many I recognized from the battle, as the doors opened.
When I entered the throne room, I was awed by its opulence. Elizabeth and Adrian, who’d become unlikely friends, had outdone themselves as they helped with preparations for the coronation.
The flickering light of a hundred candles danced in the shadows of the pillars and arches. Heavy drapes covered the windowless walls, and a chandelier of crystals hung above my head. There was an eerie aura in the air as soft music from an ancient flute played somewhere outside. The throne stood before me, a gilded throne with ruby-encrusted arms and carvings of ancient symbols.