Page 4 of Grump
“I know what a vegetarian is. But why the hell would you do that?”
“A million reasons.”
“Nothing with a face.” I peer over my shoulder, eyeing the antlers on a plaque above the fireplace. Luke lets out a long sigh.
“I don’t have anything fancy here.”
“Being a vegetarian doesn’t make me fancy.” I throw my hands out. “I don’t have to eat. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m just saying that maybe it’s best if you come to the kitchen and look for yourself.”
“Fine.” I can’t hide my terse tone. I slap my hands against my thighs and follow Luke to the kitchen. He leads me toward the fridge. Inside, it’s slim pickings.
“Let’s see…beer, beer, beer, meat.” I grab a can of light beer and crack it open, then take a long, cool sip before wiping my upper lip with the back of my hand. “Okay, if I have one of these?” Luke nods and gestures for me to pass one over. I toss it, and he catches it with one hand.
“What else?” I open the deli drawer and find exactly what I’m looking for, cheddar cheese. “Tell me you have bread.”
“I’m not an animal.” This feeble attempt at a joke makes me laugh. In fact I find myself doubled over. The whole situation is so absurd, how I got here, with this man, in his house. Maude is never going to believe this. Even after I catch my breath, I see Luke’s face hasn’t budged an inch. He still wears a stony, grumpy expression.
“Grilled cheese for all!” I toss the packet of cheese onto the table. The hem of Luke’s t-shirt creeps up slightly when he reaches into the cabinet to retrieve the bread, showing off a tanned, toned back. I can’t pull my eyes away from him.
He reaches for the cheese, but I put my hand on top of his. He looks at me with a startled expression. “I’ll make them.”
“Yeah.” I pull away, trying to ignore the butterflies swimming in my stomach. “It’s my way of saying thanks for taking in a stray for dinner.”
“It’s hardly what I’d call dinner.”
“Well, I don’t care. It’s what’s on the menu.” I bring the can of beer to my lips and take another sip, relishing in the slight buzz already tickling my brain. “Now get me a pan.”
Luke’s bright blue eyes widen. I half expect him to object, but he does as I ask. Fifteen minutes later, we’re sitting in front of the fire with two grilled cheese sandwiches each.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Luke…Luke…what’s your last name?”
“Warren.” God, his cheekbones are so high, like a model’s.
“Thank you, Luke Warren. Bon Appetit.”
“Bottoms up.” He nods.
“Same thing, really.”
We take our first bites, cheddar cheese oozing from between the buttery bread slices. “Holy shit.” Luke’s chiseled jaw flexes as he chews.
“Honestly? This may be the best fucking grilled cheese I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Mm-hmm.” He says, taking another bite. It shouldn’t please me as much as it does. Pride wells deep inside of me. The feeling is short-lived.
“Shit!” I wiggle to one side, grabbing my phone from my back pocket. “I forgot to take a picture of it.”
“Why? It’s just a sandwich.”