Page 11 of Little Temptation
I hide out at the bar, determined to avoid any more confrontations or warnings about who I can and can’t go after. Hell, it’s practically in the best man’s guidebook to hook up with a bridesmaid. But as I think that, I’m not sure if Lil would fall into my category of a hook-up. Hell, every part of me wants to taste her on my tongue, but she’s not an anonymous girl. She’s Lil.
“Hey? What’s up.” I see the smile on Lil's mouth and close my eyes for a moment to stave off the impulse in my dick to grab her and kiss her like I’ve wanted to do since she walked in. My head might know I shouldn’t be reacting to her like that, but my body is taking a while to catch up.
“Nothing.” I down the whiskey, hoping for some semblance of control, put the glass back on the bar and order another.
“I thought we were having fun? Come on.” But I stay put. She pulls at my arm, twisting me around on the bar stool.
“We were. I’m good here, thanks.”
“What did Eric have to say?” Her pout is sexy, and I fucking wish it wasn’t.
“Just thanking me for the wedding,” I lie.
“Yeah, I call bullshit. I saw the looks you were giving each other. He was not a happy camper, and on the day of his wedding, he should be pretty damn happy.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Let me guess. He didn’t like us dancing.” She pushes her way closer to me, leaning against the bar.
“No. Give it a rest, Lil. I mean it.” I stare at her, pleading that she drops this, but she’s stubborn, at least she used to be. She always wanted to be included in whatever Eric and I did, and she was fun. Is fun. And maybe a little drunk.
“I’m going to take a stab at how the conversation went. Let me know if I get warm.” She moves against the bar, pushing herself between my thighs. “Dear brother sees you, his best friend but man-whore, dancing with me and slapped a warning on you.” She tilts her head to the side and raises her eyebrows.
She’s definitely had too much to drink. She’s come out of her shell and isn’t on the defensive like she was the other night, and somewhere along the line, she’s lost all elements of innocence.
I don’t answer her and hope she’ll just stop. I need her to stop.
“And now, you’re questioning your loyalty to my brother.”
“Oh, come on, Liam. Am I close?” She runs her hands up my chest and leans into me. “You’re questioning your loyalty versus how good it would feel – how hot,” her voice grows husky as she whispers in my ear, “how hot it would be for me to be desperate to have you inside of me.”
My cock pulses in my trousers, and with her this close, she must feel how hard I am right now. I take a second to picture it, to imagine her face as I fuck her and make her come apart under me, and it fucking kills me not to act on that vision.
My hand clenches at my side, and I take a breath, hoping for control. I grab her arms and push her back. “For fuck’s sake, Little. Don’t–”
“Don’t what?” she purrs.
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Why?” Her pout is back, but all I can see is the vixen she’s grown into. The vixen, I want to bend over this bar and screw into submission.
“This is your only warning. You won’t get another one. You don’t know who you’re playing with, and you have no idea of the consequences.” My words are sincere. She doesn’t know the real me, but they seem to finally get through because all the fun and spark in her eyes die, and she shoves away from me.
“Playing. See. That’s all I’ll be, right? A challenge? A distraction. Something you want because you can’t have.” Of course, she only hears that word in all the others. She looks cross. Well, I’m cross too, at her fucking stunt. She knows what she’s doing, and being a tease won’t end well for her.
I shake my head and try and ignore her.
“Fine. Well, screw you. I’m over it.”
She marches off, and I fight the urge to run after her.
She’s got it all wrong, but explaining that to her when we’re both half-wasted is going to end in disaster. I’ve been warned, anyway. The two of us together would be a disaster that even I’d struggle to find a way back from.
So, I let her go and cool off.
Hell, we both need to cool off.