Page 5 of Little Temptation
“I’ve done some growing up since the last time we spoke. I think it was at your graduation.”
“God, really. That was years ago.” He steps forward and leans against the railing I’m resting on. “And now Woodsy’s getting married.”
“Yep. Good for Eric.” I can hear the annoyance and frustration in my voice, and I hate that all it’s taken is one conversation, and already, I’m bitter and cross.
So what – we’ve not spoken in forever. I’m over Liam Ford.
“Do you like Miriam?” he asks.
“Do you?”
“I asked first.”
“On three… one, two, three.”
“Not really.”
“Nope.” We both answer together.
“Really?” he questions.
“Look, I love that she makes him happy. And Eric is completely in love with her. That’s all that matters.”
“Man, I hoped it was just me.”
“Why don’t you like her? You probably know her more than I do. It’s only been a dozen family occasions I’ve seen her at.” I turn around and lean back against the rail, so Liam and I are standing next to each other.
“She’s just not who I pictured him with. She’s so prim and proper.”
“Cutting into your bro time together?” I laugh.
“Kind of. I don’t know. You’re a bridesmaid, though, so…”
“So, so nothing. Obligatory position as Eric’s sister. I have a free day tomorrow, which I plan to spend in this gorgeous place soaking up the sun. I want to spend some time with Grammy, too.” I look up at Liam, and he’s nodding.
The spurt of banter dies, and the stiffness between us returns. I shift on my feet before stepping forward. “I’m going to call it a night. Thank you again for this. It’s the first break I’ve had in years.”
“Pleasure.” That word on his lips knocks me back to adolescence and to a time when I’d have given anything to be having a moonlit talk with Liam.
“Night.” I turn and walk away. Liam could be dangerous to my health and sanity, and I don’t want to have the wedding overcast with my old hang-ups. Liam Ford is an old friend. Nothing more.
Chapter Four
Warm air and a soft breeze stir my sleep, and I stretch out on the soft sheets. I take a deep breath and smile, already knowing that the view will be spectacular when I open my eyes.
And it is.
Bright blue sky meets with the pools outside my open doors, inviting me to venture out and explore.
I pull back the covers and enjoy the fresh air. In any normal life, I’d never sleep with the doors open like this, but when I got back last night, I just couldn’t shut out the perfect night. It was warm, but how many other times in my life will I get this opportunity?
I get up, use the facilities, and plait my hair. Taking the travel-friendly sunscreen from my bag, I slather it on my face, shoulders and chest, and nearly empty the bottle covering the rest of my body. Next is hydration, caffeine and food; and my first stop is the dining room.
The room looks similar to last night, but a huge buffet table is decorated with all sorts of goodies.
“Hey, darling, join us!” Mum calls from her table in the corner.
“Good morning,” I greet. “I’m going to grab coffee.”