Page 18 of Hateful Liar
“And she’s graciously volunteered to bring you to the clinic for a checkup. They’re expecting you and know to take a look at your arm.”
“I’m fine,” I respond, my focus still on the demon beside me.
“Let’s be sure.” Coach stands and starts to walk out the door. “I’ll be in touch. Call me if you need anything.”
The three of us sit in silence for a minute before Thatcher folds his hands over his desk and looks to me. “Take the rest of the day to relax after you’re finished up with the doctor. The absence won’t count against you.” The man who usually lectures me with a condescending tone is giving me a warm smile and acting like he actually gives a shit about my well-being.
“You should just save us all the trouble and expel me.” My comment draws a laugh from Morgan. “You know you’d miss us, Cade.”
Leaning towards her, I look her straight in the eye and say, “No, I wouldn’t. I never have before. Walking away is the easy part. Coming back is the bitch of it all. So, keep that in mind.”
Shoving out of the chair, I hear Thatcher spew some bull about making sure to get my arm looked at while Morgan follows on my heel as I make my way out of the school and to my truck.
I stop and turn to face her. “You actually think I’d go along with this after that fucking stunt you pulled this morning?”
“I don’t know what exactly you’re talking about, but I promised my dad I’d help you to the clinic. You know, star QB has to be in prime condition for his strings to be pulled tomorrow night.” Her patronizing smirk sends my nerves into overdrive.
As I quickly step in front of her, causing her back to press against my truck, but she remains relaxed even with me having her pinned in place. “The only bitch pulling my strings is you. You knew exactly what you were doing in there. Leave Neil out of your mindfuck. He doesn’t deserve any of this, you heartless wench.”
Her smile only grows as she looks up to me, her eyes blinking a bit from the bright sunlight I’m guessing. Or maybe the poison inside her is finally at max capacity and seeping out of her. “Do you think it bothers him that you find him so weak and pathetic?”
I move closer to her, removing the little space between us. Her chest presses into mine, her hands grip my shoulders, her venomous grin remains constant. She knows I won’t hurt her. But I know she will obliterate me—physically, emotionally, mentally, any and every way I allow. “A bitch who preys on others is the real pathetic one. Find a new fucking target, or I’ll make sure you experience feeling exactly as worthless as you really are.”
Her amusement wavers for a split second before her hands slide under my jacket and move around my back as she leans forward. “You’ve already done that years ago. And you won’t ever have the chance to do it again.” Her lips press against my cheek before she shifts back, her malicious eyes waiting for my reaction.
“If I did it once, I’m sure I can find a way to destroy your empty soul again. Until then, go tell Daddy you failed to deliver on the only use he had for you today, because I’m not going anywhere with you.” Stepping back from her, I pull my door open, and start to slide into the calmness of my truck.
“You’re running away again. Not surprising since you come by it naturally.”
I stop long enough to catch the smug look on her face before I slam my truck door shut and do actually that—run away. It’s better than being here with her.
Morgan remains standing in place, her arms folded over her chest as she watches me drive away. I expect her to wave a hand and send some witchy spell that’ll blast my truck from the pavement. Or maybe I’m only hoping she would. At least then I’d know she has some voodoo powers that cause her to be a terror. It would really make a ton of sense if there were some explanation for how truly evil she is.
One thing that grumbles in my head is her saying I made her feel worthless years ago. She wasn’t then. She used to be everything to me. I’d been the reckless piece of shit who’d had his reality shattered… then I destroyed what was left on my own.
But now, neither of us are worth a damn.
That’s right. Run, you scared little bastard.He might dish it out, but he sure as fuck can’t take it.
Heading back into school, I go straight to the athletics area and find Dad in his office. Paul paces around, his arms flailing in the air. Dad actually looks like the calm one as opposed to his assistant coach and sorry excuse for a gym teacher.
I stand in the doorway and watch the two of them until Paul stops ranting and homes in on me. “What now, Morgan?”
“Where’s Cade?” Dad glances behind me.
“He bailed. Guess the game isn’t as important to him as it is to the two of you.” Not shocking, though relatable. I’m down with Cade’s standpoint more than the two grown men in here who are worried more about a high school football game than anything else. Though I think Paul’s motivation is scoring some big promotion or, maybe just as importantly to him, some praise from Dad. He’s been a mere peon who’s been kissing Dad’s ass long before they coached together at Saint Juliet.
Paul stares at Dad. “I told you I should have gone with him and not trusted her to get anything practical accomplished.”
I tilt my head to the side and take a few seconds to do an evaluation of the prickly perv. “I get things accomplished just fine. Can’t say the same from the little I know about your performances.”
His face pales a bit as my satisfaction rises. Yeah. I’ve heard he’s a shitty lay who has to go down on his conquests to get the job done. But even more, I know his failed undertaking was with someone who should be off-limits considering she’s underage and a student. When he remains silent with a bit of panic on his face, I enjoy it even more by adding, “What? No rebuttal? Pussycat got your tongue?”
Dad isn’t entertained by the conversation, and Paul definitely seems ready to halt the discussion, which he does as he heads to the door. Stopping briefly, he shoots me a pleading look that saysPlease stop talking. I will… since there’s nothing for me to gain at the moment.