Page 21 of Hateful Liar
Everyone loves Cade Crawford so fucking much. Mr. Protector. Mr. Stellar Quarterback. Mr. I Look Good Enough to Fuck. Cade fucking Crawford—my nightmare.
Ryder stands by for a second, no doubt to further my torment for me giving him shit about Harrison as he says, “Maybe you can get her to cheer up because she’s been bitchier than normal.”
“Doubt anyone can adjust that attitude. Least of all me.” Cade lifts a beer bottle to his mouth and takes a swallow.
“Oh, you adjust it all the time. For instance, you just sent it plummeting to the pits of hell.”
“Good. That’s where you belong.” Cade’s lips curl into a smile as he takes another drink of his beer.
“Oh, come on,” Ryder chimes in. “You two have lots of making up to do. There’s no substitution for history.” Ryder grabs a drink for himself, and instead of dropping it and moving on to Harrison outside, my brother keeps on going. “Didn’t y’all have some top-secret flashlight signal or something? I tried to learn it, but y’all were too good at keeping it a secret. Like a secret code between only the two of you lovebirds.”
“I don’t remember any of the signals we used to give each other.” I can tell he knows I’m full of shit. I remember the one he gave me on the field tonight, and he registered it right away. I grab the bottle from his hand. “Wasn’t anything worth remembering.”
His eyes drop to my mouth, watching as my lips touch the rim and I take a swallow of his beer.
Ryder is finding this a little too enjoyable. “Sure. That’s why the fuckin’ tension right here is as thick as your skull, Morgan.”
I glance to the back of the house towards the patio. “Don’t you have a date waiting for you by the pool?”
“Yep.” Ryder holds his beer up in the air in a toast that no one returns. “You two try not to murder each other.” Then he walks off, disappearing into the crowd.
“No promises.” The music seems to grow louder, and my nerves seem to be wearing thinner as Cade and I remain in our absurd stare down.
Cade grabs another beer, twists the cap off, and downs it before his lips stretch in a smile and he tilts his face slightly up to look at me. “I should be safe tonight since you never were any good at keeping promises.”
“Boo-fucking-hoo. Your whiny bitch routine isn’t surprising seeing as how you’ve got all those pent-up mommy issues.”
He shifts closer to me, his face near mine as he says, “Keep her out of your mouth. The only issue I have is I want to forget her as much as I want to forget you.”
“Ah, poor baby is still deeply wounded from the past. Will Mommy coming back to kiss and make it better help?”
He shifts away, his eyes trailing over my legs and the dress I’d purposely picked to get his attention. Not that I’d ever admit that to him. But it’s working because his gaze lingers a little longer than necessary on my thighs before he looks back to my eyes. “At least I’m not the one who pushes their misery onto others because I can’t handle being a worthless bitch.” He leans forward and whispers in my ear, “Your daddy told me how proud he was of me after the game. How my performance tonight made him prouder than he’s ever been.”
Motherfucker. I move back enough so my mouth is near his as I say, “At least your performance was able to satisfy someone.”
I watch as most of the arrogance fades from his face. A hooting yell sounds from behind us as a few jocks crowd around. Topher is the one who moves beside Cade, smacking his shoulder. “That game was fire. I can’t wait for next week.” Topher throws his arms in the air and yells, causing a few people to turn and join in on the silly celebration.
I just stand there and watch as the idiots all brag on their skills. “It was one win. Don’t get too excited just yet.” I walk past Cade before looking back over my shoulder to him. “Stamina’s never been Cade’s strong suit.”
Laughter breaks out along with an “oh” and “damn” and “ouch.” But it’s his harsh glower that allows me enough happiness to walk away for a while. He’s not going anywhere. It’s Neil’s house, so he wouldn’t leave his precious friend alone with all of us evil villains. Cade won’t leave him unprotected.
I need a stronger drink—that shitty beer Cade was drinking did not hit the spot—before we go at it again for round two. Which leaves me wondering how his stamina actually is now. It wasn’t bad back then. And something tells me he’d be able to more than satisfy the need I’m feeling at the moment. Because all I want is a good fuck and to get off. He’ll either give me what I need or prove my point that he can’t hang. Win-win if you ask me. He had his victory on the field earlier. It’s my turn to win my game now.
Stepping onto the patio, I quickly spot Ryder talking with Harrison. My brother gives me a don’t-you-dare-come-over-here look, but he doesn’t have to worry. I flip him the middle finger then walk off in the opposite direction to a bar lined with drinks and skim over the selection to find a full, unopened bottle.
“What can I get for you, Morgan?”
“Who are you?” I ask the dude playing bartender, though I don’t really give a fuck.
“Gabriel. I’m in a few of your classes. And I’m on the team.”
“Of course you are.” All these stupid motherfuckers are on the fucking roster for Dad’s magnificent team.
“I can make you a drink. Just don’t tell Coach.”
I grab a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. “Fuck off.”
There’s a hint of embarrassment on his face as I turn and walk away. I head to where Ava is sitting on a lounge chair and stop beside her. “Get up.” She doesn’t move, ignoring my presence altogether. Not a problem. I’ll have her attention soon enough.