Page 25 of Hateful Liar
“Coach King asked me to join you all, and I’m here to support you Cade. I know you don’t want to be here. But I know in the future you will be grateful that you put in the time to secure a better future for yourself.”
God, I hope he’s right and all this bullshit is worth it. At the moment, there’s nothing that feels worth it within grasp.
When Coach spots us on the course, he waves us over to where he stands with a man I don’t recognize.
Coach slaps me on the shoulder. “Glad you could make it this round.” He laughs then motions to an unfamiliar man. “This is Arthur from New Acadia University.”
What the hell? I take his extended hand and give it a firm shake before looking to my brother who appears as shocked as I feel. He quickly recovers and introduces himself.
A fucking scout? This has nothing to do with Friday’s game because a college rep wouldn’t be here for that conversation. Right?
“So, Cade, Coach King tells me you’re considering NAU in the fall.”
Fucking A. We’re only at the first hole, and he’s already trying to recruit me. I glance to Dustin. He knew. That’s why he wanted me here so badly. Maybe. “I haven’t considered any schools yet, but I need a minute to speak with my brother. Alone.”
Dustin agrees and gives the other two men an apologetic wave as he says, “Excuse us for one second.” He follows me to the edge of the green and out of earshot. “You knew about this, didn’t you?”
“Coach mentioned a scout might stop by soon, but he wasn’t certain. Look. No harm, no foul. Play a little golf. Talk some football. Maybe even entertain attending NAU. It’s not the end of the world, Cade. Some people would kill for an opportunity like this.”
“Like you? Is that why you’re pushing so hard? You didn’t get to live out some fantasy football dream, so you want me to? Because I can’t imagine why else you’d be pushing so hard for this. I have a plan. Even if it doesn’t include college and throwing a damn pigskin around, that doesn’t make it a bad plan. Just makes it not your plan for me.”
“My onlyplanis for you to be happy and successful,” Dustin says sincerely, and it does make me feel a little guilty. But just because others would be thankful for this meetup doesn’t mean I want it.
“Well, the first half won’t happen anytime soon.” And the latter doesn’t feel within reach either.
“Hey, guys.” Motherfucker. Morgan is here. And that’s not the worst of it. When I look to her, she’s with the last person I want to see. My father.
Morgan pats his forearm as she says, “Look who I found. Now we’re all here to enjoy a great day of bonding.” She prances past me while my dad stops and gives me a hesitant look before following behind her to where Coach and Arthur stand so they can introduce themselves. I look to Dustin and see the alarm on his face.
I keep my watch on my dad as I ask Dustin, “Are you sure the world’s not gonna end? Because it sure as fuck feels that way.”
The sheer horror on his face is loads more rewarding than his face being between my thighs. Although, the latter is wonderful.
I quickly figured out why he was avoiding his place, and it didn’t take long to arrange for our guest of honor to join us. And it’s my pleasure to ruin this little meeting or just this day in general for Cade after hearing all about the scout coming to kiss his ass. You’d think the dude was sucking my dad’s dick for as excited as he was to have the dupe tag along today.
Glancing around the course, I spot Cade standing off to the side of the tee box while my dad prepares to tee off. Dustin speaks with Arthur over by the golf cars, and Randall stands nearby, shooting his youngest son nervous glances every so often. This is so much more entertaining than the miserable day I had to wait for Cade to show up and grace us with his presence. By the end of the day, he’ll wish he’d bailed on today completely.
Moving next to Cade, I keep my focus on Dustin. As he bends down to place his ball on the tee, Randall gives him a few pointers. “Aw. Isn’t that the sweetest? He’s finally dad-ing.”
“Don’t you ever get tired of being a dreadful bitch?”
“Not really.” I get tired of other things. But being a bitch isn’t one of them. “Did you not sleep well after I left your bed Friday night?” I say it loud enough and I accomplish my goal as all eyes look towards us.
Cade remains silent until the other men turn back to their game. “I slept great. After the demon left my bed, that is.”
“Hm. Seemed like you wanted me to stay, but okay.” I step closer to him. “Though I wouldn’t mind another good fucking if you have anything left inside you. But don’t forget this time… it’s just sex.”
We get a few more peeks our way before Cade steps up to take a swing. His dreadful attempt is over soon enough. And it thrills me when Randall makes his way over to Cade who moves in the opposite direction and walks to the edge of the cart path and stays there to pout.
Paul appears out of nowhere and approaches me but keeps a watchful scan on Dad who is fixated with his scouting buddy. “I didn’t know you were joining us today.”
This dweeb is really annoying me today. “Yep. Just wanted to bring Randall so we could ride along for fun. I didn’t realize you’d be here either. I guess being Dad’s caddy is better than nothing, right?”
“I’m here because your dad needs this meeting to go well. This is really important to him,” Paul informs me, like it’s news that anything football related is top priority to my father.