Page 31 of Hateful Liar
When we walk into school, Neil says he’s heading to the gym, but I’ve been avoiding it at all costs since Morgan’s last stunt was in there. Actually, I’ve avoided everywhere she’s been. So, I head to my brother’s classroom and find him behind his desk.
“Pick a seat.” Yeah, he knows I just want to hide out in here for a while, but I think it’s about time I tell him. “Just wanted to give you a heads-up in case someone calls about my truck.”
He centers on me and drops his pen on the desk. “What about it?”
“It’s missing.”
“Missing? Since when?”
“And you’re just now telling me?” He shakes his head. “Did you file a police report?”
“No.” I didn’t really think to because I know who took it. I just don’t have proof. And they’ll take one look at her and fall under her spell.
Dustin watches me silently for a few seconds before he slowly says, “Why didn’t you report it?”
“Because it’ll turn up.” I hope. “I think it’s some of the guys hazing me or something.” Lies. But I’d rather steer him in that direction than put Morgan on his radar. I don’t want him questioning her at all, she’s more lethal than any of the guys on the team. Besides, he’ll go to Coach and that will be an interesting conversation. “But I’m handling it. I just wanted to let you know in case they call you.” The truck is titled in his name even though I paid for it because I made the purchase before I was even legal to drive.
Dustin doesn’t seem convinced. “Just promise me you’ll come to me if you need help or if it’s something you can’t handle on your own?”
“Will do.” Though I don’t think I can handle Morgan on my own.
“Are you ready for the game tonight? We’re planning to drive up there.”
“We’re?” I repeat, and he realizes he’s slipped up.
“Yeah. Dad wants to watch the game. He’s really trying, Cade. I wish you’d at least give him half a chance to prove himself.”
I stand and grab my bag as Morgan’s face clouds my mind. “Every time I give someone a smidgen of a chance, they take everything.”
Once I’m in the hallway, I head to my first period class and wait outside the classroom. The only good news is the day is shorter than normal since we’re on an abbreviated class schedule to allow for a quick pep rally to see us off. The bad news is everything else about today. The game, the pep rally, spending a day being near Morgan.
Though she’s been staying away mostly this week, it almost makes me more nervous. As crazy as it sounds, I like when she’s tormenting me outright. Because then I know exactly, or at least have a good guess, about what she’s up to. When she lurks in the shadows, I know her mind is planning her next play. And there’s no defense I can build to offset her.
* * *
I jog to the center of the gym with my teammates, keeping focus on the painted banner hung across the side wall as Thatcher repeats much of his “motivational” speech from the last pep rally. Can’t that one just apply to the entire season? Apparently not, because the band strikes up and starts playing the fight song. And I break the deal I had with myself and search her out. Her attention is on me while her body goes through the motions of her routine so easily that it looks natural. Once the song ends, she holds her arm up, shakes her poms, and gives me a smirk that tells me to hold on tight because she’s up to something.
Coach takes over the microphone as I hear phones ding around me with messages, then a few more. Then I feel mine vibrate. When I look to the stands, I see a few people looking at their phones. My teammates are doing the same. Then I notice their eyes going from the phones to me way too quickly. And the only thought in my head isWhat did she do now?
Neil steps beside me. “Cade. We should go.”
Go? Go where? I glance out to the student body filling the bleachers as more eyes focus on me then shift towards her. She’s watching me when Ava steps up to her, showing her something on her phone, but Morgan’s eyes stay fixated on me.
“What is it?” I ask Neil. I know it’s on my phone too, but I’m too afraid of losing sight of the threat that is gearing up. The phone can’t obliterate me. She can.
“Let’s go in the locker room, and I’ll tell you.”
It’s bad. I can tell from Neil’s rushed hurried words and when he grips my bicep and tries to pull me away, I can’t resist finding out what it is. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone and find an unopened message from an unknown number. Swiping the message, it opens, and a video starts playing.
I was wrong. She doesn’t have to be nearby to obliterate me. Because what’s happening before my eyes, what I participated in will take care of it for her. I watch a recording of me fucking her from behind. And if there was any doubt as to whose desk she’s bent over, the message sent along with the video fills in the blanks.Star QB fucks Coach’s daughter in her dad’s office. Let’s geaux, Wildcats.
Coach still has the mic in hand and attempts to settle the crowd as Thatcher approaches him, covers the mic with his palm, and whispers something to Coach. When his disbelieving eyes land on me, I don’t have to guess what he’s been told.
When I look back at Morgan, I almost expect to see her upset, maybe a little rattled. The entire student body is watching us have sex, not to mention her dad is aware. But she’s standing there, hands behind her back, her head tilted a little to the side where she’s looking at me through hooded eyes. And there’s no mistaking the smile she’s biting back. She isn’t upset because she did this. What the actual fuck?
Coach shoves past me. “Locker room. Now.” He yells the same at Morgan as I follow behind him. No point in delaying the inevitable. And sadly, my next thought is at least I don’t have to deal with this shit anymore.