Page 8 of Hateful Liar
“I hope so,” I mutter, looking back to Morgan slithering her way over to us.
“Are you sure you don’t want ataste?” She makes a point to exaggerate the last word, and I have a feeling it’s not only the drink she’s offering.
“Yeah. I’m good.” Fuck.Ineed to leave. Because my eyes drop to her mouth, watching as her tongue touches the rim of the cup before she takes a sip.
“Hey, Neil!” Topher calls out, stumbling until he’s all but on top of Neil who is having enough trouble holding himself up. “Back me up, bruh. Lenny doesn’t believe me.”
Neil’s glassy eyes get wide as he goes into a detailed explanation of how a headless cockroach can live up to a week, and the two dumb jocks hang on every word.
My fist instinctively tightens at the thought of them screwing with him. If this is a game, they’ll all pay. And the blonde vixen moving in front of me will be first on the list.
She doesn’t seem concerned with my hostile demeanor. But I doubt anything would kill her buzzed wickedness other than holy water. And I might just need some, because she molds her frontside against me, her hands moving to my lower back as she holds on tightly. “Dance with me.”
“Pass.” There’re more than a few people swaying to the music blaring through the dimly lit cemetery. How any of them actually think this is a good time, I can’t understand. And whoever started this tradition is the biggest idiot of all.
Then again, the academy and guards turning a blind eye to the festivities is the real problem, though it’s not surprising. The majority of the pricks occupying this space tonight could get away with murder. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them have already.
Taking a quick glance, I spot Neil still animatedly educating the jocks.
Morgan’s smooth voice pulls my attention back to her. “Why’d you come if you didn’t want to have a good time?”
“I’m having a good time.”
“Liar, liar. You’re such a crier.” She singsongs the phrase I have both heard and repeated many times as a child. But not since then.
Leaning back slightly, I look down to her. “We’re not kids anymore, Morgan.”
The sexy grin on her face fades away and is replaced by something I can’t read as she whispers, “I know.” Regret. Or maybe sorrow. But that doesn’t seem like the former or current version of Morgan that I know. And neither is the one who whispers, “Please.”
Her hand drops from my back, her fingers lace with mine. She slowly backs up, guiding me with her as she sets down the cup in her hand. And I follow. Like the chump I am. The chump I’ve always been when it comes to her.
I note that the music has slowed as she moves back against me, her body effortlessly molding with mine as she rests her arms on my shoulders, tucking her face against my chest. She begins swaying, but I stand still, unmoving, my feet and brain unable to sync up and participate.
Her head lifts from my chest, and her mesmerizing gaze holds me captive. “What’s wrong?” Her soft tone is so sweet, I know it’s an act. It has to be.
“I’m not gonna play this game with you, Morgan. I just want to finish school and get the fuck out of here.”
“Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not playing a game.” She pauses for a second, her gaze shifting away for a few seconds as she whispers, “Maybe I miss you.”
Wow. She really can lay it on thick.
Slowly leaning down, I move my lips almost to hers before I stop. “Now who’s the liar?”
I feel her body tense beneath my hands, her bewitching gaze still on me when her eyes close, and she presses her mouth to mine. Her soft lips brush over mine, her tongue gliding across my mouth before my body responds, and unlike dancing, my brain and mouth sync up, failing me miserably. Because I kiss her back, savoring in the sweet taste on her tongue as her fingers dig into my shoulders. And what starts out as a slow, patient exploration is picking up in pace. Her need mixes with mine as she presses forward, and I’m more than aware my dick also is on board. But finally, my brain catches up to the threat as I break away, pulling her hands from my body. I keep a grip on her wrists while taking a few much-needed breaths as I see confusion on her face, and maybe a little hurt which reassures me it’s a game.
“We shouldn’t do this.”
“Give me one good reason.” She stands in front of me, waiting on an answer I’ll never give her. Because I can’t.
Glancing around, my current problem fades quickly away as I spot the place Neil and the jocks were in is now empty. And they’re nowhere in sight. Releasing Morgan, I walk towards where they were, looking around. And come up empty. “Neil.”
Nothing. Just drunken idiots partying and having a good time. But none of them are the one I’m looking for. And the stone vaults make it more difficult to spot him as I walk around.
“What is it?” Morgan says behind me, right on my heels.
Halting, I turn and get in her face. “Where are they?”
For a second, she almost looks scared before it morphs into anger. “I don’t know. I was too busy with your tongue down my throat to see where they went.”