Page 33 of Vicious Liar
He slams my head back into the wall, but it’s not nearly as disorienting as the hit to my mouth. He stands and walks over to Ava. “This was your idea.”
“I just wanted to scare her. That’s it.”
He looks at me, arrogance drowning his ugly fucking face. “She’s scared.”
Snickering, I say, “Totally.”
There is some part of me thatisscared. Not because of them. Neither dumbass nordumberass scare me. The only thing that does is my hands being tied. I’m defenseless.
“Don’t worry,” Lenny says, walking towards me and unzipping his jeans, “she’ll be scared when she’s choking on my dick.”
“Highly doubtful. The scared or choking part. I’ve seen it.” That hit a nerve because he’s in front of me again, his fist connecting with my stomach. As I heave over, his foot connects with my nose.
“Motherfucker,” I grunt out, clenching my teeth together to hold in the agony of pain. He won’t get that pleasure. Neither of them will. They won’t break me. You can’t break something that’s already been shattered.
“Lenny, stop. This isn’t the plan,” Ava whines, like she’s the one getting hit in the freaking face.
“So, what is the plan?” I try to sit up but can’t, which leaves me half perched up, half leaning on the ground, the rope bound around my wrists the only thing keeping me up as I wheeze in a breath.
“Goddamn it, Morgan. Just shut up,” Ava screams at me. “I only wanted to scare you. That’s it. You make everyone so fucking miserable, I was going to return the favor.”
“You already do. Every fucking day when I see your face.” I feel something trickling down my chin, blood is my guess, so I spit to the side. Yep. Blood.
“Told you. The bitch is crazy,” Lenny declares as he sets up his phone on a tripod, and it’s clear from the screen that he’s recording. He notices me eyeing him and says, “I know how fond of sex tapes you are. Figured we needed one too.”
“That’s enough. She’s scared. We’re done.” Ava attempts to grab the phone, but he blocks her.
“It’s not a threat.”
“What?” she whispers, her eyes darting to me then back to him. “No. You can’t.”
“Did you really think I’d go through all of this and not take the chance to stick my dick in her?”
My stomach lurches at the thought, my arms tugging at the binds around my wrist. I have to get free. Because I know he’s not making empty threats. I keep pulling at the binds as they continue to argue, Ava waving her arms around all crazy.
“No. You agreed we’d scare her, freak her out until she stops being such an evil bitch.”
That makes me laugh. I really should stop but seriously? “I’m the evil bitch?” I know I have to look crazy as my head falls back, blood running down my face. But these two are completely delusional. “You dumb fucks kidnapped me and have me tied up. But I’m the evil one. Okey dokey.”
“See,” Lenny points to me. “You can’t scare the devil.” His demented mug turns to me, making my skin crawl. “But I can fuck her.”
“You mean rape her. She’s not going to just get over it. We’ll both end up in jail. I’m not built for prison.” Ava paces around a few steps.
“That’s what you’re worried about? At least your priorities are in line.” I’m the one he’s talking about violating, and she’s worried about prison time. “But can we at least take a moment to admit I was right.” When she looks to me, I tell her, “He’ll always pick me over you. Even when I’m bloody, dirty, and unwilling.” It’s the truth. And I hope it makes her feel lower than the scum under her feet. But my real hope is she turns her anger on him and gives me time to get loose.
“Damn. That’s harsh.” Lenny laughs, removing his shirt and dropping it to the ground as he looks to Ava. “Tell me you don’t want to get one good hit in before I kill the cunt.”
“Kill her?” Ava gasps.
“Yeah. Easier to avoid prison time.” Lenny moves in front of me. “Dead bitches don’t talk.”
My head leans back against the wall as I glare at him. “I’m pretty certain murder is illegal too. Prison time for sure.”
“No body. No crime.” He stands and glances over his shoulder to Ava as she shoves her phone in her pocket and crosses her arms over her chest, avoiding my eye as Lenny informs her, “Last chance, so make your choice.”
“I can’t,” she says lowly. Her head dropped to look at the floor. “Lenny, please. Let’s just talk for a few minutes. It’s not too late. I’m sure she wouldn’t tell anyone if we let her go now and all forget this ever happened.” She gives me a don’t-be-a-bitch-and-just-go-along-with-it look before I stare up to Lenny.
“Scouts honor.” Of course I’m fucking lying, and he knows it. Because as soon as I get the opportunity, I’m gonna kill this motherfucker.