Page 16 of Seeking Peace
Ellie and I stand on the porch and wave at Jake and Grace as they take off on his bike. Once they're out of view, I look down and hold out my hand. "Come on, kiddo. Candy Land and pizza are calling my name."
Gabriel and Grey left more than an hour ago, leaving me the only one left at the shop. The sun has already set, and I'm a few more strokes of the needle away from finishing up Prez's new ink he's getting to honor his woman and their children; a black and gray left chest piece of a lion with his lioness and two cubs. After several hours, I lean back, place my ink gun on the table, and clean the freshly finished tattoo. "Have a look," I instruct, while preparing the materials to cover it up. Jake gets off the table he's been stretched out on and strides over to the full-length mirror hanging on the wall.
He nods in approval. "Fuck, yeah. You killed it, brother." He walks back over, and I place the covering over his new ink. "Heard Ink Kings approached the shop, and they want to do a feature on the Kings Ink crew."
Ink Kings is a popular online magazine that shines a spotlight on tattoo artists and models from around the world and all walks of life. Gabriel got a call from one of their representatives this morning to offer us a spread in their next issue. "Yeah," I confirm. I finish cleaning my workstation, remove my disposable gloves, and toss them in the trash. "They want to interview each of us and showcase our artwork."
"Y'all deserve it." Jake extends his hand. "Thanks, son. I'm proud to wear your art on my skin permanently."
"Thanks, Prez." I clasp his hand, feeling grateful for his praise.
Jake throws his shirt on and shrugs his cut over his shoulders. "I've got to hit the head; then I'm outta here and heading to the bakery to follow Grace home." He heads for the restroom.
I gather the trash, step out the back door, and sling the bag into the dumpster. As I walk back inside and set the alarm, my phone rings. Why would Ember be calling me? I swipe the screen and bring the phone to my ear. "What's up?"
"Blake." Ember's voice is nothing more than a whisper but is filled with panic. "Someone just broke into the bakery." Her breathing shudders.
"Where are you now?" I charge toward the front of the shop and notice Jake just about to walk out of the door. Jake's attention falls on me, and my behavior has him on high alert.
"Grace and I have ourselves barricaded in the walk-in freezer. Blake, they cut power to the building," Ember states, and I instantly connect this information to the break-in at Kings Customs. There's no way it's a coincidence.
I lock eyes with Jake. "Someone is breaking into the bakery. Our women are hiding out in the freezer in total darkness." Jake says nothing as he pivots on his heel and bursts out the front door, damn near taking it off its hinges. "Ember, baby." I punch my fingertips against the control panel, setting the alarm, and follow Jake out the door. He takes off running down the sidewalk, leaving his ride since the bakery is only a block away. "Stay on the line." I switch the phone from one hand to the other and unholster my weapon, keeping it at my side. "We're on our way." I run to catch up with Jake.
"Hurry," Ember whispers, her teeth chattering from the cold room they've taken refuge in.
"I'm comin' for you, baby." I keep the phone to my ear, her breathing keeping me grounded as my heavy boots pound against the concrete on my way to her. Jake turns the corner, disappearing for a fraction of a second before I follow suit.
Jake already has his gun drawn, raised, and ready as we slow near the alleyway between the bakery and the adjacent building. He cautiously approaches the storefront, taking a glance inside. "No movement in the front of the store."
I peer around the corner, looking down the dark alleyway. Near the end, I see the bright red glow of taillights on what looks to be a dark vehicle parked around the back side of the bakery. "Prez." I keep my voice low, directing his attention to where I'm looking, and he takes note.
"You move in from the back while I enter through the front. I don't want these fuckers to have anywhere to run," Jake hisses, barely containing his rage. Separating from him, I silently move down the narrow alleyway, keeping my back against the brick. Within seconds of rounding the corner of the building, I lock eyes with a masked man in the driver-side mirror of a black car, and quickly shove my phone into my pocket, still keeping Ember on the line. At the same time, I hear gunfire echoing from inside the bakery. The fucker behind the wheel throws the vehicle in reverse. I fire a shot while plastering myself against the building to avoid getting struck. The driver's window shatters when I fire a second shot. The back tires screech, spinning against the asphalt as the man in the car drives forward. I pull the trigger again, the bullet shattering the back window. "Shit," I hiss, watching the fucker get away. With no time to waste, I shift my attention and rush inside, entering through the back door the thieves busted through.
"If you value breathin', I suggest you throw your fucking weapon on the floor, step away from my man, and get on your motherfucking knees."
The warning voice I hear isn't Jake's. I slow my steps while making my way through the kitchen. My eyes fall on the walk-in freezer door to my right, and my heart hammers against my ribcage, knowing Ember and Grace are hiding inside it.
"Do it!" the unknown man shouts, clearly desperate and unhinged.
I move cautiously, and as quietly as possible in the direction the voice is coming from, which is near Grace's office.
"I guess we're both ready to die, 'cause I'm not droppin' my gun, you son of a bitch." The violent intent of Jake's tone leaves no misunderstanding that he is a man willing to die and take another life with him.
I ease toward the office. Standing in the doorway is the back side of a shadowy figure. "You'll be dead before your finger pulls that trigger," the guy says.
I silently step toward the man in a standoff with my brother and raise my weapon, pressing the barrel against the back of his head. "I doubt it," I growl. There's a beat of silence when no one says a word, and all I hear is this asshole's heavy breathing while he contemplates life. "Now drop your weapon before I put a bullet in your head."
As soon as I hear his weapon clatter on the floor, I pistol-whip the back of the motherfucker's head with enough force to knock his ass out. His knees buckle, and his body slumps to the floor.
"Get the women," Jake orders, and without hesitation, I rush back to the kitchen and pull open the freezer door. There, huddled in the back corner, with the glow of her cellphone shining on her beautiful face, is Ember with Grace at her side.
"Blake." Her eyes connect with mine, and she rushes me, throwing herself into my chest. I wrap my arms around her cold body.
I pull back, palming her face. "You two okay?" My thumb brushes against her chilled skin.