Page 36 of Seeking Peace
At the wordchoose, I cut Blake off by yelling, "My boyfriend lost a card game, and when he couldn't pay, he offered me up instead!"
Blake's body tenses. "The fuck?" he growls.
"We grew up together. Our parents were friends, and we ran in the same social circle. My parents approved of him because of his family's social status." I roll my eyes at how cliché this all sounds. "They didn't know I was only with him because he hooked me up with booze and got me into the best parties and clubs. I mean; everyone knew about his gambling problem. His parents had to bail him out more than once when he got in way over his head with the wrong people. But, he had the right last name and came from money, so my parents looked the other way."
I close my eyes and think back to that night at the bar. My body shudders when I remember how the guy smiled at me when Devan chose his car over me. "Anyway, Devan decided he wanted to go to Vegas on a whim. I, being stupid, said I would go with. A few days into our trip, we stopped at some seedy-looking dive. All was good at first. Sure, some sketchy-looking dudes were there, but they didn't bother us, and we didn't bother them. That all changed when Devan decided to invite himself into their card game. My boyfriend didn't have the money to pay those men, which made the situation turn ugly. One of the men mentioned they'd noticed what kind of car we arrived in and agreed to take that instead. Devan threw a fit over his precious car, so the guy said for Devan to choose between his car or his girlfriend."
I pause and look at Blake, who hasn't spoken during my retelling. He looks like he's about to blow a fuse, but I continue. "The asshole chose his car." I shake my head. "To this day, I still can't believe anyone would choose a stupid car over a human being." Now I'm getting worked up all over again. "I knew Devan didn't love me, just like I didn't love him, but I would have never done something like that. Surely, he had to have known those guys' intentions with me. The jerk was more worried about what his daddy would do if he lost his car." I pause when I feel the fury rolling off Blake in waves and decide to move on to the part of my story that ends with me rescued by Jake. Just thinking about it makes me smile. "You should have seen those assholes' faces when Jake showed up out of nowhere with his gun drawn."
Blake visibly relaxes at the mention of Jake and a small smile tugs at his lips.
"He told those guys he was walking out of that bar with me, and he'd kill anyone who tried to stop him." I let out a small laugh.
"What made you go with Prez? What made you feel you could trust him?" Blake asks.
"His eyes," I tell him. "At first glance, Jake was this huge, burly biker with a presence that screamed danger. But one look in his eyes and I knew I could trust him. I felt safe. Safer than I had ever felt in my life. Something about Jake made me feel like everything would be okay." I bite my bottom lip. "Sounds stupid, doesn't it? There I was about to be taken against my will by sleazy bikers, but without hesitation, I left with another, not knowing who he was or his true intentions."
Blake wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to his chest. "It doesn't sound stupid at all, baby. You listened to your gut. And in your case, it worked out."
"Yeah," I whisper, laying my head on his chest. After a moment of silence, I continue. "After hauling ass away from the bar, Jake rode around for about thirty minutes, taking back roads until he stopped at a gas station. He asked me where home was and a little about myself. He offered to give me some cash and put me on a plane home, or I could ride back to Montana with him. It wasn't a hard choice to make."
I prop my chin on the back of my hand and look at Blake. "When we got to Polson, he took me straight to Lisa's. Doc must have already told her what had happened, because she was expecting me. For a month, I battled with myself over what to do. I knew I didn't want to go home, but I also felt guilt over leaving my sister and parents. It didn't go well when I finally got the guts to call my mom and dad. It turned out Devan had gotten to them before me and fed them a completely different story than what had happened. According to his rendition, I dumped him and left of my own free will with those bikers. He basically painted me as a slut and him as the victim."
"You fuckin' serious?" Blake's nostrils flare.
"Oh yeah. The last words I spoke with my father were him calling me a disgraceful slut."
"Babe, that's fucked up. I have in mind to haul my ass to Georgia."
"It's not even worth it, honey."
"The fuck it's not."
"Blake, you think I care what they or anyone else thinks of me?" I shake my head. "I'm not saying I'm immune to the hurtfulness of it all, but I have learned that someone else's negative opinion of me is not my problem." I grin. "I do see the irony in my situation. My father called me a slut when, in fact, I was the furthest thing from it. Then I went on to become a club girl." Blake grinds his molars, but I continue before he can get onto me again. "I'm not ashamed of my role in this club, Blake, and I'm not putting myself down. I love my life. I love everything about the club. You, Jake, the guys, and the girls all get me. Being here has given me a chance to find myself. There was never any pressure to be or do anything other than what made me happy. There are no expectations to live up to. Now, look at me. It's taken a few years, but I finally found my passion, which doesn't require two college degrees."
Blake drags his hand through my hair and grips my neck. "I'm so fuckin' proud of you, baby."
His praise brings a massive smile to my face. "I'm proud of myself too."
Blake grins. "It's about damn time everyone else found out."
"What do you mean everyone else?"
Blake lifts a brow.
"Wait!" I sit up. "Did you know?"
He chuckles. "Baby, I've known for a while."
"How long?"
He shrugs. "A year or so. I found out when the second book in the Montana Lights series was released."
"Oh my god! Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because you held that part of your life close to your heart for whatever reason. I knew you'd share when you were ready."
"Thank you." I lean forward and touch my lips to his. Gripping my ass, Blake maneuvers me to straddle his hips. I moan into his mouth when my center touches his hard cock beneath the sheets. "We're going to miss breakfast," I say around his lips.