Page 45 of Seeking Peace
"Yeah, but I don't care. Let them."
Scarlett pulls back. "You also know there's a good chance they'll cause trouble."
I grin. "I don't care about that, either. The club has my back and yours too."
"Speaking of." She looks around the yard like she's waiting for a bunch of bikers to pop out from behind the bushes. "Where are all these people you talk my ear off about?"
I look down at my watch. "Blake will be back soon, and you'll meet everyone else shortly. I already called Jake and told him you were here, and he said Grace is itching to meet you but he told her to give us some time to ourselves."
"Grace; is she Jake's wife?"
"Yes, and Jake is the club's President."
Scarlett looks thoughtful and asks, "Who was the one caught naked with a stethoscope around his neck?"
"That would be Quinn." A deep voice answers as Grey steps into view, making my sister jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya," he tells her. "I just came to let you know Blake will be late. Bellamy roped him into stopping by the mall. He tried calling, but you didn't answer."
"Oh." I look around for my phone but come up empty. "I must have left it on my desk."
"No worries. I told him all was good here." Grey jerks his head. "Holler if you two need anything."
"Thanks, Grey."
Once Grey disappears around the corner, Scarlett asks, "Who is he with? Is he married?"
"Nope. Not married. But he is sweet about Emma, the town librarian and friend of the club."
"Why aren't they together? Does she not like him back?"
"She definitely likes him back. She's just…hesitant, I think. What about you?" I steer the conversation.
"What about me?"
I roll my eyes. "Don't play dumb. What's going on with you and Keith? Does he know you're here?"
Scarlett sighs. "No. We fought before I left school. He didn't want me to go back to Mom and Dad. He begged me to stay. He even asked me to move in with him, saying he'd take care of me and pay for whatever school I wanted to go to."
"And you said no?" I raise my brow.
Scarlett nods. "I couldn't take the chance of Mom and Dad finding out and doing everything in their power to make his life hell. They wouldn't accept him, Em. You know it." Scarlett looks off in the distance and grows quiet. "I'm pretty sure I screwed things up with him. I'm miserable, Em."
"Scar." I reach out and grab her hand.
Scarlett wipes away a tear from her cheek. "I admire your strength and am jealous that you had the guts to break free years ago."
"You're strong too, Scarlett."
"I'm weak."
"You're not weak. Look at you. Look at where you're sitting."
A ghost of a smile crosses her face. "I'm happy I'm here, Em."
"I'm happy you're here too. I love you, Scarlett."
* * *
The next day, I'm in the kitchen with Lisa and Raine, trying to help with food prep, when Lisa shoos me out of the way. "Go on. Out of the kitchen. Let's go."