Page 55 of Seeking Peace
"You tell us your club's next move; I just might end your pain and suffering," I lie, seeing if he's willing to give us something.
Color is slowly draining from the disgusting piece of shit's face as he loses blood. "Screw—" he breathes heavily "—you. You're all dead men." Laughter replaces his groaning.
I wipe the blood and flesh from my blade and put it back in the sheath, then take a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and offer the dying man a smoke. "One more before you die?" He says nothing as I place the filtered end between his chapped lips.
He spits it out. "Kill me and get it over with."
I ignore his request, place a cigarette between my lips, and pat my chest. "Anyone got a light?" I look around at my brothers. Gabriel's lip twitches, and a sinister gleam lights in his eyes. He leaves the formation, returns with a handheld propane torch, and passes it to me. I ignite the torch and light the tip of my cigarette. With the torch still lit, I put the blue flame to the pussy's open wound. His screams reverberate off the barn walls. I turn off the torch and toss it to one of my brothers. We aren't here to interrogate the bastard. This torture session is for me—for the wrong done to Ember and her sister. Killing one of the Satan's Hounds responsible is retribution.
I draw my gun, pry the son of a bitch's mouth open, and shove the barrel down his throat, watching him choke on the metal. I pull the trigger, ending his worthless life. I back away, holster my weapon and look at Jake. "We done here?"
Jake nods. "Go be with your woman. We got it from here."
Once I return to the clubhouse, I enter through the kitchen, bypassing the women and children, not wanting them to see the blood-spatter on my shirt. I descend to the basement, removing my cut and tossing my shirt straight into the washing machine. I walk back out and climb directly up to Ember's bedroom. She and Scarlett are lying in bed awake when I enter the room and toe off my boots. With a hug for Ember, Scarlett climbs off the bed and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I lose the rest of my clothes, climb into bed, and pull Ember's back against my chest, absorbing her heat. My body relaxes as our breaths sync, and I close my eyes. After several minutes the chaos residing inside me dissipates. Holding Ember is all I need. She's the air I need to breathe.
"Don't let go."
I cling to her a little tighter. "Never."
The tension in the clubhouse is so thick you can cut it with a knife, and the vibe reeks of retribution. Blake has yet to give me many details about what the club has planned, but I know enough about our way of life to know there is a threat of war.
Blake has been watching over me like a hawk. When he's not hovering around me, he's in Church or off with the guys. No matter how often I assure him I'm fine, he hasn't wanted to leave my side. Every time I walk into a room, eyes linger on my battered face.
I can tell he is harboring guilt for what happened to me, and I'm holding my own blame for allowing my sister to be put in a dangerous situation. What Scarlett went through won't go away with a good night's rest or be forgotten. My sister's trauma will stay with her forever, and that's on me. To ensure her safety, I need to send her away.
I recall my father's harsh words. Maybe he's right. As much as I love my sister, I'm no good for her.
"Mind if I join ya?"
Jake's request brings me out of my reverie, and I toss him a weak smile. "Sure." I pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders. I've sat outside for the past hour, alone with my thoughts, breathing the fresh air. Everyone could sense my mood and has been considerate enough to leave me alone. "As long as you don't ask me how I'm feeling," I muse, making Jake chuckle. There's a slight chill in the air as the sun begins to set behind the mountains, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange.
"Naw, I figure how you're feeling is a given." Jake hands me one of the two beers he is holding.
"Thanks." The two of us remain silent for a moment. I keep my eyes trained on the sunset while taking slow sips of my drink. I know why Jake is here. He's worried about me. "I'm okay," I say softly.
Jake takes a long pull from his beer. "No, you're not."
Leave it to Jake to call me out. He's never been a bullshitter or one to beat around the bush. Jake calls them like he sees them. I sigh. "No, I'm not."
I can feel Jake's intense stare drilling a hole in the side of my head. Turning, I face him. "It could have been my sister," I tell him softly, trying to hold back the tears.
"It wasn't," he counters.
"Ember." Jake sets his beer down on the table in front of us. "You can't beat yourself up. Life is full of what-ifs. If you waste time on that kind of bullshit, then you're wastin' life."
I shut my eyes tight. "That's easier said than done, Jake."
"I know it is, darlin'. Let me ask you somethin'."