Page 71 of Forgive Me My Sins
“Never. Touch. Me,” Thiago says.
Caius doesn’t remove his hand for what feels like a full minute, then chuckles and steps backward, arms at his sides.
“Just trying to help you, buddy.”
Thiago’s gaze moves to Santos, and his expression is different as he looks at the brothers. He hates them both, I think. But it’s different, and I can’t put my finger on how. I get the feeling that he’s swallowing a bitter pill when he turns to go. But he leaves, and his soldiers follow after him.
Caius turns to Santos.
“What did you say to him?” Santos asks.
Caius tucks his hand into his pocket and cocks his head, looking relaxed. “Asked him if he thought a shootout was a good idea, considering.”
Santos studies his brother while I take them both in, trying to understand through their body language and facial expressions. But Santos turns to me, deciding to drop it, I guess.
“Did he hurt you?” he asks me, closing his hands over my arms. Caius is standing behind Santos. He watches us just like I watched them. Maybe he’s trying to figure out the dynamic between us, too.
I shake my head. Santos’s grip alternately tightens and softens, like he’s still clenching and unclenching his fists.
“She tripped. He caught her. That’s all,” Ana offers, setting a hand on Santos’s arm.
Santos lets out a deep, animalistic growl and drags his gaze from me to where she’s touching him. Without a word, he manages to communicate to her to get the fuck off him, and she quickly retreats.
“I’ll stay,” Caius says, coming up to Santos. “You take a fucking breath. Get it together, brother. We’ve come too far to blow it now.”
Santos looks over at him. “Fuck them.”
Caius shakes his head, glances at me, then looks back at his brother. “Take her. Get out of here. Do whatever the fuck you need to do to get your head on straight again. We have another one of these to get through tomorrow night and another one the night after that. You can’t lose your shit.”
Santos’s jaw tightens.
“He’s an asshole, I get it,” Caius says. “Go. Take care of your wife. I’ll take care of things down here.”
“Fine,” Santos says with a sigh.
“Let’s go,” Caius says to Ana, taking her by the arm and marching her out without another word.